“Pastor” is a con artist.

If it's any consolation (and I'm a self-professed Christian, hard as that might be to believe), Jesus Christ wasn't very big on organized religion either. He was pretty outspoken about it LOL. According to the New Testament, that's what got him into hot water. He wasn't rabble-rousing about the government, it was the olden day versions of Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, Westboro Baptist church etc.

I'm not trying to convert anyone here, I'm just trying to separate the messenger/message, and the vile, self-serving con artists (sometimes individuals, and sometimes enormous conglomerations) that twisted it for gain.
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This isn't an example at all. A pastor/priest/ as much a sinner as you or I. When we put others on unsustainable pedestals that is our problem.
Sure it is. When those "pastors" who are supposed to lead their church do stuff like this, it opens the door for doubt. Pastors are supposed to be the examples that others follow in their religion. They aren't on a pedestal at all. However, when they do stuff like this (and even more importantly don't own up to but rather try to dismiss their behavior), people rightfully question Christians and Christianity. That doesn't even bring into consideration people like Kim Davis who use religion as an excuse for hate and bigotry.
I'm not religious, but to say: "This is why many question Christians" is pretty low reasoning.

How many pastors are there in this country? Thousands and thousands?

If a doctor gets charged with Medicare fraud do you say "welp, no more medical care for me, they can't be trusted. Essential oils only!"
I'm not religious, but to say: "This is why many question Christians" is pretty low reasoning.

How many pastors are there in this country? Thousands and thousands?

If a doctor gets charged with Medicare fraud do you say "welp, no more medical care for me, they can't be trusted. Essential oils only!"
The difference is there are countless examples of "pastors" doing things that aren't god like. Very few doctors get charged with medicare fraud. Those that do normally lose their license and are no longer able to practice medicine.
The difference is there are countless examples of "pastors" doing things that aren't god like. Very few doctors get charged with medicare fraud. Those that do normally lose their license and are no longer able to practice medicine.

Ok, mission accomplished. This pastor is proof Christianity and religion are a scam. Well done! Go enjoy a Pepsi and rejoice for the rest of the day, your work is done!
Ok, mission accomplished. This pastor is proof Christianity and religion are a scam. Well done! Go enjoy a Pepsi and rejoice for the rest of the day, your work is done!
I didn't say it was proof or that Christianity/religion was a scam. I simply said pastors like him are a reason why people question Christianity and Christians. There are many more but incidents like this are part of why.
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I didn't say it was proof or that Christianity/religion was a scam. I simply said pastors like him are a reason why people question Christianity and Christians. There are many more but incidents like this are part of why.

Gotcha. Yup, not much to argue with there, pretty benign statement.
I'm not religious, but to say: "This is why many question Christians" is pretty low reasoning.

How many pastors are there in this country? Thousands and thousands?

If a doctor gets charged with Medicare fraud do you say "welp, no more medical care for me, they can't be trusted. Essential oils only!"

You thought one poster was going to bring reason!? Are you new here?
Also makes me question white people too, to be frank.
Have at it but his being white had nothing to do with his con job. He specifically said God told him to set up this crypto and to use his congregation to help. That is using Christianity/religion as an excuse. I question white people daily because of what they do not because they are white unless they use being white as and excuse to justify their behavior like this guy did with Christianity.