Soda/Pop of Choice

Coke Classic used to be mine, but I haven't drank but a handful in the last year.
It's all poison but I admit I do drink one every now and then when I do it's Diet Coke with Splenda, the artificial sweetener. It tastes better than the diet Coke with aspartame which will fry your brain, and it's a little "less bad" then a sugar coke.
Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
McDonald's Coke is the best.
Also like the Cherry Coke from the new fancy fountain drink machines...

I don't care for Burger King but I love this machine. You can add anything to Coke Zero and it's wonderful.

My regular is diet Mountain Dew or diet Pepsi. I still love soda but can't handle the syrupy regular stuff.
Originally posted by John Barleycorn:
Another vote for the Mexican glass bottle cokes. Ice cold.
I see those in the store but can't bring myself to buy them. I'm afraid it would be some horrible social faux pas for me to buy them or the glittery Mary candles. I can see the coke in that section but I don't understand why they locate religious icon candles under the refried beans and beside the green chilis. I don't know exactly what they are used for but I hope they aren't putting the virgin Mary on scented bathroom fart candles.
I have tried to like Diet drinks; I don't see how people do it. Absolutely disgusting.

My favorite: Steward's Lime Cream Soda
I'm with you on diet drinks, Wayne. Do people really like the taste of those or just like soft drinks so much that they can't give them up no matter how awful they are? I'm talking about 'real' diet drinks, not the Zero and Splenda drinks. They have a different taste than the others.
It's Diet Coke for me, and it's a healthy split between "coke" and "pop". But I've cut back a little.

I drink Diet Coke because regular Coke/Mountain Dew/whatever is just too sweet. I'll drink some juice or Robitussin with my meal if I wanted a sweet beverage.
Fountain Ale-8. If not, then I'll take a 70-30 mix of Coke zero and regular Coke.
I use to hate diet drinks too but went on a strict diet for a year while only drinking water. After that year I couldn't distinguish the difference between the two so I went with diet. That was 12 years ago and still can't tell the difference.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
I'm with you on diet drinks, Wayne. Do people really like the taste of those or just like soft drinks so much that they can't give them up no matter how awful they are? I'm talking about 'real' diet drinks, not the Zero and Splenda drinks. They have a different taste than the others.
I used to hate diet drinks too. Now I might have 1 or 2 drinks a week of soad. And my favorite is by far:

We always called them cokes, regardless of what the brand was. That being said, an ice cold Coke on a hot day is pretty good. I also like Grape Nehi.