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You missed the point. He played the 4 in the Bahamas.
Oh, I'm aware he played PF in the Bahamas, just don't think it matters much. We'll see. I think a few people are big eyeing AP's potential to show out next year. That's all. It's these unrealistic expectations I have a problem with, not "the PF position will benefit AP greatly" part of the convo. Well, maybe the "greatly" part.

In fact, I also believe that PF is his best position, and if he's used primarily at that position and buys in this season, we should see a better version of AP. But what that means avg. pts and rebs. wise, I have no clue. I could see him averaging 10 and 5. Hell, I could see Willis getting those numbers too, and just as easily and on par with AP's probability of doing so.

"Garbage man" has been used to describe his game from the PF position and I don't disagree with this observation either. But the term Garbage man doesn't really inspire me with all these warm and fuzzy feelings it apparently does with others. I love to see the AP that showed up in the Bahamas show up most nights for us this coming year, but that wouldn't be a realistic expectation, imo. Maybe a AP that falls between the Bahamas and all other games he's played at UK is the most we can expect, and anything above that should be considered gravy. Highly unlikely gravy.
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I hope you're right, believe me, I do. It's just his body of work tells a different story, and I'm not willing to dismiss that and pin all my hopes on the mystery of AP finally getting solved next year. Can't do it.

His 'body of work' is at a position that doesn't utilize his strengths.

Sliding into a natural 4 closer to the basket will allow him to flourish. I wouldnt have used garbage man to describe his game, tho. He'll be able to create his fair share down low against respective bigs. He's just not a creator from the wing, as Cal hasn't done him any favors trying to make him a Mashburn-esque inside/out guy his first couple years.
NBA has gotten really good, and it keeps getting better.

Anywho, whatd'ya think about deflategate? Mike Golic thinks the punishment was understandable, but he can also see how people disagree with it. Compelling shit... (no m) - any new movies you want to watch but don't have time or want to go to the theater. Two newest on there are PP2 and Mad Max. I'm sure Entourage will be on there. As always - keep it in GYERO. Seriously!!!
Have a tenant that makes bank selling DVD movies, supposedly the latest, just released in theaters. He finally makes me take one after months of asking me to buy some.
I throw it in the DVD machine, and its some water head in the first row of the movie theater with a camcorder. Its all shaky, and shit, you can even hear the camera guy coughing and shit. Terrible, yet people come by the dozens buying these things from him.
Different world in the hood.
Harden is incredible. Hard to believe OKC had him, Durant and Westbrook.
^ Those types of guys would set up on the sidewalk in NYC until they got run off or arrested. It was amazing that tourists would flock to them.
His 'body of work' is at a position that doesn't utilize his strengths.

AP's biggest weakness, a lack of BB awareness and feel for the game, is the kind of weakness that diminishes his ability to showcase his strengths. No matter what position he plays.

Poy's season is directly tied to his ability to overcome this weakness. A weakness he's struggled with for years
Harden is incredible. Hard to believe OKC had him, Durant and Westbrook.

Yeah, still hard for me to believe how good he is. $50 on Houston +10 last night. [smoke]

-BIL is gonna help me make a wodie custom Egg table. Granite Cutting board, removable ash drawer, the works. He's one of those brilliant/handy dudes who can do anything w/ regards to building shit or whatever -- basically the complete opposite of me. Pretty pumped about it.

-Jerry claims he's been to church every weekend for 2 months. That's pretty interesting. Wife & I will probably start church shopping soon.

-Stephen Curry :alien:

-Galatoire's snackdown?
AP's biggest weakness, a lack of BB awareness and feel for the game, is the kind of weakness that diminishes his ability to showcase his strengths. No matter what position he plays.

Poy's season is directly tied to his ability to overcome this weakness. A weakness he's struggled with for years

I don't think he has a lack of feel at all. Guys with a lack of awareness don't make clutch plays down the stretch of NCAA Tourney games.

Poythress's problems:

- lack of perimeter skills- namely passing and ballhandling
- his shooting- good as a freshmen- has went south
- confidence and decisiveness

Frankly, I think your analysis is pretty off. I think, as everyone else has said, he's a college 4-man who's played out of position 90% of his career. When he has played the 4, he has thrived.
Nothing is less surprising than pedophilic skeletons falling out of the Duggar's closet. Those people have been weirdo losers from day one.
I don't think he has a lack of feel at all.


Really? He has less of a basketball feel than any elite player we've had around here, imo. In pretty much any situation that isn't a simple catch & rise, he looks absolutely lost pretty much all the time. Granted, all the things you listed above are what play into that...hard to have "Feel" when you lack basically every single basketball skill other than jumping.

He definitely made some great/clutch plays, but they were pretty reactionary/rugged type plays, little to do with 'feel'. Catch & Go up or attack the glass/rim like an animal.
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Did Alex fix that pussyfoot drag he's done his entire career? That's priority 1 before playing him at the 4.
If Steph Curry were to win a title, Under Armour would have Super Bowl, Masters and NBA Championship and MVP. They're taking over the world.
AP's biggest weakness, a lack of BB awareness and feel for the game, is the kind of weakness that diminishes his ability to showcase his strengths. No matter what position he plays.

Poy's season is directly tied to his ability to overcome this weakness. A weakness he's struggled with for years

Look at it like this. For comparison purposes only, say you are a Dr. If you are a ears, nose and throat Dr. and one day the head of staff comes in and says "Hey 2blue4u, we have 4 ears, nose and throat docs here today, we are sliding you over to the trauma unit today." How good do you think you would do ? AP is better at the four because what he is weak at he does not have to do. He gets to do the put backs and tips. It is a athletic, quick decision position. One thing that has always been there with him, he is a lock down defender, no debating that and we need that in the line up. You lost all debating power when you thru Derek Willis in there. Now what makes you feel so good about him ? He could not guard a statue, and look at his numbers on offense, and get back to me.
AP's biggest weakness, a lack of BB awareness and feel for the game, is the kind of weakness that diminishes his ability to showcase his strengths. No matter what position he plays.

Poy's season is directly tied to his ability to overcome this weakness. A weakness he's struggled with for years

WTF are you talking about? You're making this much more complicated than it really is. He was playing out of position. Simple shit, really. Anyone that plays a spot on the floor they're not typically accustomed is going to look unsure, awkward, inconsistent, etc....

Poor ball handling in the open court and a poor 3-ball % doesn't mean he lacks BB awareness or a feel for the game. He gets angles, makes decent reads, and knows when to pass. He's not Erik Daniels Harlem Globetrotting it out there but he isn't Joey Dorsey either.
Nic Moore traveling/playing with Kansas on their overseas trip this summer?

That's pretty weird, and I don't see how that helps them at all -- even if it gives them a great player/depth for the trip. Figure you'd want to give your other young guys/subs run with hopes they improve enough to contribute during the season.

Actually surprised that's even allowed by the NCAA. I don't have a problem with it at all, just seems like they would, as they have a problem with pretty much everything.

-Happy for Demarre Carroll, that looked like a disaster of an injury, but it's only a sprain...dude is about to get paid, that would have been just awful.
All for naught but I'm rooting for the Wildcat in this one- go Rockets.
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