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controversial statement: though everyone swears they hate conference calls, employees love using them as an excuse to get out of actual work. so, in a backhanded way, most people actually love them.
How's it going?

Well I got AIDS, but other than that I'm doing pretty good.

[laugh track]

Ha! Get pumped.

Holiday World>>Great Wolf>>Kings Island>>Atlantis>>Ky Kingdom

Hate on Tuscany if you want, but their Cajun Fettucine Alfredo is legit. I may have went a bit overboard, but everyone I was with was happy and 8 people were fed and full for $100. In my world, and yes it's a simple one, that is as good as it gets.

11/12? Gotta go 12/12 for a payout bud! Get better.
You should try their Buffalo Chicken Pappardelle next time. Top 5 Italian dish I've honestly ever had.

If you bet 12 different games, and win 11, you don't get a payout? Good to know.
Can't be a more Americanized dish in the world than cajun fettucine alfredo. Maybe the french fri.

<---Just bought a pair of American Flag swimming trunks, all in.
fettucine alfredo is basically just noodles covered in italian gravy. im no foodie, but that's the most simpleton dish on the menu, no?
Any place called Tuscany, serving something called Cajun fettucine alfredo is ironic enough. For a number of reasons. Mainly that cajun food doesn't really come from Tuscany.
Antipasto Wontons + Chicken Tortellini Alfredo @ Come Back Inn, then thank me later. It is an obnoxious $13.75 though ($11.75 if you stick with fettuccini), so that might be a dealbreaker, dunno.

You can sneak in some
in the wife's purse to give it that authentic Italiajun kick, and then #profit.
It has Andouille Sausage and Shrimp and the Cajun is perfect, not stupid spicy but flavorful.

Just giving you shit for missing one, thought GYERO'ers never missed!

Back to work, getting new customers is awesome, taking on old crappy salesman lazy problems is not. Must be tough to be in the middle of a project and "your guy" bails! Luckily service is my strength, hopefully the knowledge catches up!
You ever just monitor a thread by watching who's posting but not actually opening it? I do that on occasion but the most intriguing in a long time is the Rental Prop thread. I checked it early on but I just keep seeing it bum with Rob73, 80, pti(pti), 80. Lol.

I can only imagine what type of advice is being spewed in there.
the rental property thread has been fantastic. ive enjoyed reading the thoughts of posters like 80 and rob who have done very well, and know what they're doing. ive also enjoyed reading the ridiculous comments of posters like krazykats, who clearly dont know their heads from their azzes.

just buy with 0% down, and charge more on rent than your mortgage payment is. its like getting a free house!
my roi is 9%, thats way better than the stock market, and you dont have any volatility!
when you take money out of a 401k, it goes down. a house goes up forever. thats way better!

and so on.

Of he places mentioned, KI has the best water park. I know they serve beer on the amusement side, not sure about in the water park. A cold Bud Heavy when its 110 outside not counting the concrete factor is one of the best rewards a dad can get for laboring around 5-6 hours with kids spending money at a American deficit rate. Every time I finish one and order another $7.50 bottle "this is why I do this" flashes thru my head. Drop at least $100 for kids doing the NBA 3 pointer game and the one that has warped balls with a far less than regulation size rim that if you should hit the big payoff is a college of choice even more warped ball.
This season of the Bachelorette has been funny. Drunk guy on the first night took it to another level. Having the guys actually step into the ring and beat the crap out of each other was interesting group date. Never expected they'd do something like that. A guy from Columbia, Kentucky, has a fro straight out of Zoolander, and is an insurance salesman-no doubt a legend in his field.

Curious for Chad's takes.
OTR does crack me up...Probably head down there in a couple weekends, want to try something new. Been to Senate, Eagle, Anchor, and Zula. Will take recs for something else GO.

Bakersfield, Krueger, Salazar, Kaze (possibly the best atmosphere inside and out in the city)

OTR is awesome...can't believe Chad hangs out there so much, honestly. I realize that's the 'hot spot', but the entire place is pretty much everything he's against with regards to Food & Drink, except for that one shithole bar that's his favorite.

I love OTR for the same reason I love Mt. Adams and Bardstown Rd. Old buildings with a rich atmosphere and a lot of character. Laidback, non-cheesy crowd. No covers. No house music. Hoochies and dbags at a minimum. Sure, these cocktail bars are a bit pretentious, but I love the look and vibe of them.

We've been friends 12 years now and you still don't get me. smh

Boner goes Glam and almost catches AIDS

  • Mike and Boner go on a field trip to NYC. Their class visits several museums, art galleries and sees a broadway play.
  • Boner meets new friends at hotel sauna and is invited to the Pyramid Club.
  • Mike attends with Boner but they get separated soon after arrival.
  • Mike goes back to the hotel to call his Dad.
  • Boner meets Cher Noble, Anna Conda, Juana Bang, and Eileen Dover at the bar.
  • Boner is hypnotized by the attention he is getting and lets the "ladies" put makeup on him.
  • Boy George music blares throughout entire scene.
  • Boner sees his Principal getting a drink at the bar. They make eye contact and Boner runs to the bathroom to wipe off makeup and leave.
  • Principal meets Boner in the bathroom and pushes him up against the stall, slowly pushes Boner's head down. Boy George's Nice and Slow ringing in Boner's head.
  • Anna Conda walks in restroom, swings open door, accidentally knocks out Principal. [laugh track]
  • Boner hugs and kisses cheek of Anna Conda, runs away.
  • Back at school Principal has persistent cough, pale skin, large dark spots on his skin.
  • Mike tells Boner Principal has AIDS.
  • Fast forward to Boner standing by Principal's casket. Boner turns and walks away, looks toward the camera, wipes his forehead and says "Shew!" [laugh track]
  • Fade to black
From a veteran poster on Rafters:

I was going to start a new thread, but thought I would just add this in here. I had a chance to talk to one of the assistant coaches at Oregon yesterday for a long time (he is a good friend of my boss who hosted a small BBQ yesterday). He's a great guy and we just enjoyed talking college basketball amongst other things. He did not know I was a UK fan when I asked him (turns out his wife is born and raised in Lexington and a UK grad) how they were doing with Murray. I didn't know if he would say anything or not, but the first thing he said was, "If I had to guess right now, he's either going to Kentucky or staying in the 2016 class". He could have been playing it cool and not really talking about it, but he was pretty open about a lot of stuff, so no reason for me to think he was just throwing something out there. Just thought I would pass it along.
According to facebook, a lot of people do a lot of dumb things on Memorial Day. Sky Divers hitting power lines, some lady with crazy anorexia, kids getting caught in a tornado while in a jumpy bounce, mexican smoking weed/drinking and driving through a bike ride, people dead in the Ohio River, some guy drown in the Little Miami, car wrecks all over the place.

Guess people just getting out for the first time since winter and get a little too loose. Mercy.
Pretty sure that nanny (Julie in the show) appeared in Playboy. Friend's dad subscribed and he always left them in the magazine rack.
Boner would stab Skippy in his whiny little bitch ass throat. You don't f*ck with Richard Stabone.
From a veteran poster on Rafters:

I was going to start a new thread, but thought I would just add this in here. I had a chance to talk to one of the assistant coaches at Oregon yesterday for a long time (he is a good friend of my boss who hosted a small BBQ yesterday). He's a great guy and we just enjoyed talking college basketball amongst other things. He did not know I was a UK fan when I asked him (turns out his wife is born and raised in Lexington and a UK grad) how they were doing with Murray. I didn't know if he would say anything or not, but the first thing he said was, "If I had to guess right now, he's either going to Kentucky or staying in the 2016 class". He could have been playing it cool and not really talking about it, but he was pretty open about a lot of stuff, so no reason for me to think he was just throwing something out there. Just thought I would pass it along.
That guy works for the University of Oregon. And based on past posts I'd say in the athletic dept. Sounds legit.
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