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Country music, eat and drink. Easiest place in the region for that shit.
Leonard Fournette wore red sweat pants to SEC Media Days


Definitely has the face of someone with an extra chromosome.
So yeah...decided I need a new career. Looking into the insurance game, any GYERO advice?

Slang it for a few months and see if you can cut it, then most likely move on to something else.

It's not a quick career arc, so be prepared to put in a good 5-10 years of selling/posting before you start to really reap the benefits. But once you turn the corner, it's pretty [smoke]

Great segway into lumber, iirc.
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Um, yea. X isn't a major producer of D1 players. Never has been. Teams are pretty much 80% catholic grade school white kids with the rest public school white/black kids. OMFG RECRUITING!!!

Victor Anderson was pretty dope, though.
Crop insurance FTW. Seriously, easiest game in town if you can get into it. Don't even have to know shit about farming in my experience
So we look pretty solid with Simmons and Fulton then coming on strong with Bridges. I assume we'd have Matthews, Wynrad, Ulis, Lee and Hood back. Still need some size in the class.
Computer People:

GYERO still does not show up on my browser at work. Everything else is the same on Catpaw and the Paddock, but the GYERO thread simply isn't there?


I can only access it by going into my notifications and clicking on it in there.

Any clue how/why that would/could happen, or how I can fix it? It's very stressful.
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You've got the threads sorted by creation time. Scroll all the way down and look for a button that says Thread Display Options. Click it and change it to Last Message Time.
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Just how bad is sports talk radio this time of year? The guys filling in for Jew/Fat went into deep analysis on the following hypothetical:

If God approached you with the following scenario, would you take it: You get one shot from the top of the key. You hit it, and you will make every shot you take for the rest of your life. You miss it, and you'll miss every shot you take for the rest of your life.

They spent 5 minutes breaking it down, and then came back from commercial and gave it 5 more minutes.
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So of Monk, Alkins, and Fultz, which one do you take?

I keep switching between the three of them with every new story I read or clip I see.
Just dropped my oldest off at overnight camp. Pretty jealous, actually. Sleep in a cabin, dope ass pools, lakes, slides, zip lines, friends, etc. the works, really.

Can't imagine how jealous I'll be when I drop the kids off at college for the first time.
Cool little outing yesterday up at Champions Pointe. KYFB vs INFB. We won, of course.

...2 man teams. Amazingly, Agency Manager & I took home 1st w/ a -5 67. Pretty damn good considering he's played 5 times in 5 years. I guess he'd be a '36' handicap, but he couldn't break 130 on his own ball. Impossible to say what you "shot' in a scramble, but we took two (2) of his shots the entire day....a wedge & a chip, that just happened to be 3-5' closer than my shot. Took another putt or two of his on shorter ones that he just made first. I pretty much balled.

Great course, though. Some of the truest greens I've played on in years. Definitely a better track than Covered Bridge.

-Open should get pretty damn interesting this afternoon.

-ZERO (0) birdies yesterday on 17? Obviously, the hole is legendary in its difficulty, but how rare is that when you have 156 of the best players in the world passing through? Incredible. There are always at least a few....can't imagine that's happened too many times?

-Dennis Smith is sick
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Thanks for the offer Rogue, I can drive it just's all the other 700 million gadgets I may need help with.

Who leases a boat? Guess Anth's sleep cycle is off.

It's been an interesting two days, but getting the hang of this thing. #whywedidthis
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One of our tooling vendors gave me tickets to the Reds/Indians game tomorrow night.

Gonna floss my Roger Dorn (best sports movie character ever, BTW) jersey t-shirt and act like I own the place.


Is Head First still a decent spot to pregame?
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Head First is closed. ABH jumping on/breaking the toilet and acting like an imbecile while trashing the place pretty much sent the place into a tailspin from which it could never quite recover.

Pregame at the Banks, bars/restaurants everywhere and right by the stadium entrance. Chad recommends Toby Keith's.
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