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Does AirFrance fly to San Francisco? Got a roundtrip ticket from Lyon to Brussells for $425 awhile back.

Hope this information is relevant and useful to your dilemma of finding a flight from Cincinnati to San Francisco, friend.
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This guy is -3.


I'd drop some coin to see him in the last two groups on Sunday. I know it'll never happen, but damn, that would be incredible.

Most likely scenario is he finishes around even or +1 today, and shoots 82 tomorrow.
Does AirFrance fly to San Francisco? Got a roundtrip ticket from Lyon to Brussells for $425 awhile back.

Hope this information is relevant and useful to your dilemma of finding a flight from Cincinnati to San Francisco, friend.


They're having a sale to all cities.
"Stevie Got Loose" was probably the loudest I've ever heard Commonwealth.

The cool thing about that moment was that the stadium went from deathly quiet (with the wind taken out of our sails from the O-Line penalty on the prior play) to absolute uproar in a fraction of a second.

The difference of going from pin-drop to mayhem made it even louder. I love watching it on replay for that very thing, as much as the play itself. Chills.

-zombie nation during the hartline/Cobb USC win was nuts.

-beer and white wine are the summer drinks.

-so baby poop is an interesting phenomenon. Kind of like the surprise air head flavor. No idea what may be in there when you peel back the diaper. "Where the f#ck did that come from? You've only drank milk for a week."

-sky still doing sky things. Transforming normal riders into world class climbers over night. TJ looking good for the podium though. Hell of tour so far.

-need a solid game/app for my phone so I'm not trying to read the same intraweb during the middle of the night feedings. What do you all have?
Max, your boy Fulsang had a good day. Of course Purito was the story but a nice finish on the hardest stage for Jakob. I'm sure the Kazakhstani bosses are ecstatic.
..what's the most "lucrative" law?

Medical Malpractice LOL

My good buddy is a patent attorney he seems to be doing quite well for himself, don't get all the lawyers being down on themselves, seems like it can be a good gig. :eyes:
For many lawyers, our livelihoods are derived from the misery and misfortune of others. You frequently see humanity at its worst/pettiest ... which tends to get old after a while. Patent attorney seems like a good gig, though.

If I had to do it over again, I'd probably go into computer programming or something. Damn near became a sportswriter, but I thought that wasn't "practical" enough.
- Don't touch the brown post Derby until that first cooler night in September.

If it's liquor during the summer months I'll go with Gin and Tonic with a splash of cranberry. Also enjoy a Dark n Stormy on occasion.

- Chad, had some Rhinegeist Zen IPA & Cougar Blonde last night. Good stuff.

- The week of the UK vs UL game in 07 was REALLY tense here in Louisville. KSR was starting to take off and they launched that infamous pic of the UL fan group aka Icy Hot Stunazz. Lach got suspended for reading that poem poking fun at Willie Williams' arrest on the air.

Tailgating for that game was unlike any pregame feeling I've had at Commonwealth.. You could feel the electricity and sense something big was about to happen. Remember the team taking the field to the song " We Takin' Over" . Every seat was full. Loudest I've ever heard CWS for the team taking the field.
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* I was drinking bourbon, a can of Fresca, lemon juice and ice made into a slushee last weekend. Will probably do it again this weekend.

* Had some sort of spicy Scallop Roll at a sushi joint up here in Columbus last night that was all fleeked out. A+

* Today's Lunch: Sausage Plate (House made italian sausage, peppers, mushrooms in olive oil) and a caprese salad from Cafe DaVinci.

* Might finally get around to adding koi and plants to my pond this weekend. Weather permitting.

* Worst couple of sports days of the year. Ugh. Football can't get here soon enough.

* I already hated Michigan. But driving 3 hours a week with Michigan Fan has taken it to a new level. Touch the Wolverines and their new Nike contract.

* I'm with Brady, I think that game vs the Vols on Halloween night could be epic.

* Finally getting around to watching The Wire. Good start.
- Best craft beer in Cincy may just be at Taft Ale House. Everyone of their beers I've had has been delicious.

- Early Fall 2007 was just magical. It was amazing having an actual really good football team. I wish I could bottle that feeling from the Louisville game until the 4Q of the Florida game.
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This guy is -3.


I'd drop some coin to see him in the last two groups on Sunday. I know it'll never happen, but damn, that would be incredible.

Most likely scenario is he finishes around even or +1 today, and shoots 82 tomorrow.

Before Rick Reilly went to ESPN and become awful there was a great story in "Who's Your Caddy?" about when Daly has to take a piss on the road and tells Reilly why they call him Long John Daly.
I tried Taft's Key Lime Carribbean ale at Washington Park a couple of weeks ago. Was a pretty good hot afternoon crafty.

The Zen is technically a SESSION IPA so make a note of it Rhinegeist's Cougar is pretty good. I like it better than the West 6th or Country Boy blondes and they make/distribute a lot of their stuff in Erlanger (for) now so #KentuckyProud I guess.

Taft has the best logo though:


Least favorite local now is probably Moerlein. Their stuff just isn't that good, and the fact they named beers after Mike and Mike is damn inexcusable, IMO.
All of the Rhinegeist beers are good, but Truth is my favorite.

I actually like a lot of the Christian Moerlein beers... Zeppelin, Northern Liberties, OTR & Christkindl are all fantastic.

Haven't had any Taft beers yet.

Rivertown Lil' Sippa Session IPAs are another great Cincy beer. Something about that Lockland/Reading water I suppose.
The most lucrative law is plaintiff's law. Personal injury. 90% of those who do it will never get rich, but the other 10%? They're set. If you practice civil defense, you essentially get paid by the hour, which means there's ceiling as to how well you can do. It's steadier, but you can only make so much. Not so with plaintiff's lawyers. They work on contingency fees, and 40% of infinity dollars is infinity dollars. People don't necessarily respect plaintiff's lawyers, but the good ones make so much they don't care.

"How do you sleep at night?"

"On top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies."

"Just asking."
Finance major. Made the call right there at my freshman orientation basically on a whim.

Grew up wanting to be a commercial real estate broker, for sure! Find your PASSION.
Steve Johnson was the loudest moment. No question. People were literally tackling each other in the stands. I ended up 15 rows down the aisle. Not sure how.

The scene outside the stadium after the game was pure mayhem.
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ESPN is belt tightening on orders from Disney. They probably weren't interested in paying Cowherd what Fox was willing to pay.
Finance major. Made the call right there at my freshman orientation basically on a whim.

Grew up wanting to be a commercial real estate broker, for sure! Find your PASSION.
I tricked myself into thinking that I could be content working in education and making a difference in the lives of America's youth and well that was a mistake.
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I almost did the GA route in football but went to law school instead. Should've stayed with football. My little green book of plays was extra wodie. A more disciplined Hal Mumme approach built on short quick passes. But someone stole that little green book. And I forgot the plays.
AGS (RIP) and I should have gotten our asses kicked at least a dozen times walking out of CWS after Stevie got loose. Somehow managed to walk past about 90% of the UL fans that came to Lexington and were full of vim and vigor, throwing up ironic L Yeahs and such. Not my classiest moment.
2012 NCAA Championship celebration in Lexington was pretty sweet. Might top the 98 celebration of actually being at the game. Both scenarios were fantastic.
People forget that Brohm completed a pass in the last play of that game that they caught on our like 8 yd line or something. It was a Hail Mary and we didn't bat it down. Ball was tipped and they caught it.

May or may not have slightly crapped my pants on that last play.
I said a lot of mean things after the Louisville game. It was fun. Would do it again. Easily one of the best nights of my life. Won $400 from Louisville fans. Talked a lot of smack that week.
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