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As of this morning, I am no longer able to post in the POLITICAL THREAD. I wasn't feuding with anyone. The REPORT and LIKE options are still available for me to use. Has anyone else experienced this situation?
Yep...I have the same and despite repeatedly asking about it or to have posting ability restored, the mods never reply or respond. I see people post things many times worse than what I posted. I think it just boils down to making a mod mad. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who, when, or why someone gets posting privileges removed. I have seen some say they were "banned" for a period of time but I haven't been able to post there in well over a year. The mods do not seem to apply and enforce the rules fairly and equally in most cases. They hit people they disagree with while looking the other way for people they agree with.
I had mine revoked a few weeks ago (then got banned for a week after I was a b!tch about it).

But I reached out to a specific mod (one I’ve had my issues with in the past) and he at least responded to me. So I appreciate that. Not a fan of getting a punishment without any notification as to why.
Just spit balling here, I wonder if posting repetitively over and over again in the same thread, with pretty much a variation of the same theme, while being rude and obnoxious to other posters would get you banned?

And by the way any reference or resemblance to any current or future poster, both real and imagined, is purely coincidental and is hereby disclaimed.
Since this thread was created, I get the same message when I try to post on the main college basketball board (link below)...

I have emailed the mods numerous times over the past half yr (per the instructions to get posting access), but they never respond. Anybody know the solution? Thanks.
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I was blocked from posting in the Political thread for about a week. It happened about the same time I decided to take a hiatus from the thread, so I can only assume it was a week long suspension.
As of this morning, I am no longer able to post in the POLITICAL THREAD. I wasn't feuding with anyone. The REPORT and LIKE options are still available for me to use. Has anyone else experienced this situation?
That political thread is good enough for one drop in and then drop right out before anybody gets all offended but whatever you might wanna post.
I've always assumed the message is a warning before a possible ban. Like a "chill out and take a breather from this topic" type of thing. Or a mod hates you. I'll keep my porch light on if that's the case.

Anyway, you're not missing much regarding that thread. Apparently they aren't fond of Joe Biden and really like Donald Trump. Biden is part of some sort of crime organization that rivals anything we've seen before and one of our elections was recently rigged and stolen. And they really like bananas and rope because they mention banana republics a lot and believe various people they don't seem to like should be hung for treason. I just gave you the last 500 pages of content from there, so you're welcome.
I've not been banned or anything before, but for the past week or two I sometimes get a message of something like: " Oops, we experienced a security issue and unable to log you in at this time. Please refresh your browser, blah, blah, etc."

Thing is, I never log out of here, so that tells me its some sort of glitch in the system.
PT is better for skimming. Overall, it's a cesspool of the LCD from both political sides trying to shout over each other.

Mods did you a favor this time.
Yep...I have the same and despite repeatedly asking about it or to have posting ability restored, the mods never reply or respond. I see people post things many times worse than what I posted. I think it just boils down to making a mod mad. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who, when, or why someone gets posting privileges removed. I have seen some say they were "banned" for a period of time but I haven't been able to post there in well over a year. The mods do not seem to apply and enforce the rules fairly and equally in most cases. They hit people they disagree with while looking the other way for people they agree with.
They responded to me, showed me the post and why. Didn't agree, but what do you do.
Honestly, I don't remember what steps I went thru. Surely there's a mod reading this that can help you.

Just spit balling here, I wonder if posting repetitively over and over again in the same thread, with pretty much a variation of the same theme, while being rude and obnoxious to other posters would get you banned?

And by the way any reference or resemblance to any current or future poster, both real and imagined, is purely coincidental and is hereby disclaimed.
I can think of a number of posters that could apply to, @Lamar Card isn't one of them. Unless whatever offending post he made was removed, I haven't seen anything but mostly posting links to news articles, but I guess there are some bothered by someone posting inconvenient truths or narratives that go against theirs. Anywho, the political thread should be open debate. If I find a poster annoying, I hit the ignore button. That's the way it should be, you know, free speech and all.
Probably means you said something that was a little too liberal for some people. That space is solely meant for right wing nutjobs to have a space to circle jerk over all the things that they love to hate.
Really dumb take...considering probably half the people who post on the political thread arent even right wingers. Do you even read the thread? You clearly don't.
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