Yeah, we don’t need someone like Reeves

Reeves shed that "shooter only" label against Arkansas last season. He pressed a bit against KSt but that's in the rearview now. He's upped his game this year. Can score in a variety of ways and is a good rebounder. Keep it up!
He seems to do his work quietly. Then you look at the stats for the game and his contribution seems much more significant.
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Reeves and Thiero pieces that make the team greater than the sum of the parts. If the other teams lose them while concentrating on Reed, Wagner and Dilly, they will pay dearly.
The reason many think he disappeared in big games was because he's not good enough to overcome being the focus of an elite teams defense. He was put only real shooting threat at times last year. Teams could key on him. Not to mention our spacing was bad.

There are so many threats and such good spacing on this team he can operate in open lanes and take great open shots all day. Game coming much easier to him now. Why he can give a quiet 18 pts.