Wright State player views on Rupp

1/4th of the lowers behind the visiting team's bench, to students, would be nice! That, combined with the rest of a home crowd should make things tough for opposing teams to even communicate during to's. I get that it likely comes down to money...but winning IS money.
That is where the band used to be located back in the 80's - and there were more band allowed back in the day, so they were louder. I can remember one instance where this absolutely infuriated Bobby Knight...
let me guess...some of you want the court surrounded by students that jump up and down the entire game chanting AAAAAAHHHHHH like they do at Duke? it doesn't intimidate the opponent or fire up the team even a little....just makes them look like dumbass. clueless college kids
Please tell me why almost every sports team in existence has a much higher win percentage at home than on the road. Your opinion doesn’t negate facts. Home court advantage is a real thing and it isn’t just because the team is more comfortable with the rims because they play on them more.