How has Kansas avoided vacating games Alexander played in? Or McLemore, which the AAU coach admitted getting paid $10k, claimed he often paid BM families bills. Funneled $$. Airline tickets for BM's uncle, Ben couldn't remember if he paid for his or not. Ok, a dirt poor kid can't remember what would be some hefty costs, ticket, motel etc. The birthday party with guests who drove in rented cars from St Louis. Who paid? Rodney Blackstock, who also had BM's mom at s game in Austin. Surely she paid.Oh, probably just a trade, forgot about BM and KU approving Bkackstock getting comped some seats at AFH for 3 games. Ben's brother had some nice stuff he posted during that time and then removed. He also has a pic of him BM and another guy with some marijuana. Oh well, like the other Scot Poliard car he sells without changing title. Lol. Nothing happens to Self.