Will kentucky fire mark stoops and hire jon sumrall

As stated a thousand times, UK can't fire stoops and pay him 44 mil. On top of that, I don't think Mitch even would anyway or even wants to. To him he sees "just one bad year". Sumrall is gonna get another job in a couple months most likely. If you're a Kentucky fan you want to root for him to go to a place on par or lesser than UK so we can still pull him from there when the time comes. Thank goodness Florida stuck with their guy and Florida state will do the same because if JS ends up at a place like that then Kentucky probably ain't getting him away.
Why does it have to be Summeral or bust let's talk to some other people before annoying him coach
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Why does it have to be Summeral or bust let's talk to some other people before annoying him coach
It doesn't have to be Sumerall. May as well be Micky Mouse as a matter of fact because it will be nobody other than stoops. As is usually the case, this whole conversation is a waste of time.
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I also said that in another thread Brown would thrive under Sumrall. Brown didn’t thrive under Stoops because well neither has the other 6 offensive coordinators!
If Sumrall runs the kind of program I think and hope he does …….Brown would quit or be told to leave .
I guess neither Belichick nor Urban Meyers is being considered for UK. 😄