Why I think Mitch needs to go.


Mar 4, 2020
I am not trying to hate nor am i overtly angry about Mark Pope. I feel UK sold its soul hiring Cal ( We knew who he was, but we wanted to win). Maybe bringing back one of our own will restore some Karma. I really hope it works out.

It is about his horrible ability to write a decent contract.
Cal's lifetime contract had no incentives
For example Cal's contract at Arkansas base Salary is less than it was at UK however If he WINS he gets paid more and can make more than he did at UK. Novel concept you want someone who openly states he does not care about the SECT to win make it worth it to him, A 500k bonus might have had some Blue Mist supporters a little less lynchy.
IMO A lifetime contract without any incentive to actually win is a fire able offense.

5.5 mil a year for 5 years to Pope is way to excessive when 10 mil ttl for 3 years probably would have gotten the job done and seems more logical for someone yet to truly prove themselves.

The public negotiations, it seem like everything Mitch did was leaked to show his effort but really just made UK look desperate and caused a domino reaction as well as a crazy fan base to get overly involved.

To me it just seems like he is not very good at his job and just reeks of incompetence.
Great post I was out walking my dog and was having this exact thought when I started reading this post. $5.5 million is a ridiculous amount of money for unproven coach, again let him earn that.

Barnhart really is incompetent when it comes to contracts. Athletic Director needs to have the skill of a CEO with the high intellect of a CFO. I’m not really sure what Barnhart is. I don’t feel like he’s either.
Even StableFusion AI doesn't know who the hail Mark Pope is...evidently thinks he's Tom Petty:


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