Which profession do you have the lowest opinion of?

  • Politician
  • Televangelists
  • People who operate Mega Churches
  • Priests/Preachers - particularly Catholic or Southern Baptist
  • Tech bros
  • Hollywood studio execs
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The pay has always been poor, but that doesn't mean it should stay that way. They have an important job and should be paid like it.
They have an important job.

Well, yes; I would agree that educating children is an extremely important job.

That has absolutely nothing to do with how it is/should be compensated.

By and large, occupations are paid by difficulty of the job, or the schooling it takes to learn how to DO that job.
Becoming a neurosurgeon: Years of education, and a requisite IQ, motivation etc. A very small percentage of the population can do that job.

Teacher - to put it bluntly; A degree in education is essentially the easiest undergrad degree you can attain. If your IQ is even LOW average (around 80 to 85), a teaching degree and job are easily within reach.

Is the job important? Yep

Does it take any extraordinary skill or intelligence to do it? Not by a long shot. A large percentage of parents, if life circumstances granted them the freedom to do so, would do a vastly superior job of educating their children than public schools do. All w/o the benefit of an education degree, or in many cases, no degree AT ALL.

So, I would say, a job that requires low average IQ/intelligence. A job that about 60 plus percent of the population can do, deserves low average pay.

It sounds like I'm ragging on teachers, but I'm not. I grew up in a family of teachers, and I admire people that do it well. But, I mean, they practically grow on trees.

Now, if you want to discuss getting rid of tenure, and paying teachers based on performance, then I'm all ears. My vast experience with "educators" tells me that once you bring THAT up, the conversation ends...

Life is a series of trade-offs. Teaching doesn't pay that great, but combined with the benefits and being practicallyimpossible to fire, along with working 3/4 of the year, well.... They should pretty much just STFU about pay. Or, you know, get another GD job.
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Used car salesman
Why used car salesman? You don’t ever have to use one if you don’t want to. Lawyers, police, teachers, etc you don’t have a choice.

That’s like saying I don’t like vape store clerks. Okay, then just don’t go in there.
True, but the pay has always been poor and we still had/have good teachers who love teaching young people. The two biggest factors that I repeatedly hear is the lack of discipline applied to students and lack of support from the administration.
I heard about a first grade girl at my local school attacking a teacher this week. She jumped on her and was hitting and kicking her like some kind of spider monkey. Guess what she got for it when she went to the office? Not a thing! She was back in the classroom in a few minutes.
Why used car salesman? You don’t ever have to use one if you don’t want to. Lawyers, police, teachers, etc you don’t have a choice.

That’s like saying I don’t like vape store clerks. Okay, then just don’t go in there.
At one time car salesmen were on the list but its become so easy to price compare/shop for vehicles online that they are more of an admin/middle man than actual salesperson. Just too much information readily available for buyers to get fleeced by dealerships now.
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Most teachers work a job in the summer, plus have trainings as well. They absolutely deserve more money for what they do.

One of the reasons for the teacher shortage is that the pay is garbage.
I speak as the son of a 40+ year teacher.

Teacher pay is low. But you must also consider many choose teaching because of the flexibility of not having to work much of the summer (yes I know they may have a few work days in the summer and a week of prep before classes start). If the pay were TOO LOW, then simply put the demand would be far greater than the supply, which is not the case. Personally I want teachers who do it because teaching is their passion, not because that is where they can make the most money.
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Most teachers work a job in the summer, plus have trainings as well. They absolutely deserve more money for what they do.

One of the reasons for the teacher shortage is that the pay is garbage.
I don’t know ANY teachers that work a second job in the summer actually.

My Mom did work at UK in the summer sometimes and now is a professor there for one class a semester as she’s retired from being a school librarian.
I don’t know ANY teachers that work a second job in the summer actually.

My Mom did work at UK in the summer sometimes and now is a professor there for one class a semester as she’s retired from being a school librarian.
I know multiple that do and those who don't. It depends on varying circumstances of course. Teachers should be paid more regardless or else you'll continue to see a decline in those entering the profession
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I know multiple that do and those who don't. It depends on varying circumstances of course. Teachers should be paid more regardless or else you'll continue to see a decline in those entering the profession

When I was a kid it wasn't abnormal to see my teachers working at places like Macys during the summer. Of course that was 30 years ago.

My SIL was coaching cross country at her school for the extra money, but she got a promotion and stopped. That and she didn't have the time anymore with 2 kids and all.
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Talk show political hosts, whose main job is to take the most ridiculous extreme positions and spin up lies and half truths in order to try to make people mad or crazy. Just terrible people who I cannot for the life of me can sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.

Psychics and these readers who talk to your dead mom for you. Pure trash.
Aren’t both of these more the fault of the morons that listen to and believe them?
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I went to a tire place for a flat. I have a 2008 car. Guy tried to sell me a 300 dollar tire. I asked what his cheapest new tire was, it was 90 dollars. I got that one.