Which profession do you have the lowest opinion of?

Anything to do with public health.
This. They constantly decrease the cholesterol threshold to continue to get more people on statins, Covid changed 8274 times and proven basically worthless at this point but still have commercials and free shots everywhere, give junkies free narcan but then charge you if you go to the hospital on an accidental overdose, insulin costs going through the roof, Ozempic given rather than making someone diet and exercise correctly first, in fact, it’s always pills offered over a diet/exercise regimen, doctors averaging 5 hours of nutritional course work in 4 years of medical school, etc etc etc.
Project Managers - These people have found the ultimate loophole where they don't have any actual deliverables, no people reporting to them, yet they can still pass out work to do like they ARE your manager, and once it's completed, they take credit for something they never built. It's a total sham, and I want in lol.
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General Contractors lately - Hard to find ones that are dependable and trustworthy. 9 times out of 10, these guys are like auto mechanics. They somehow find more "work" that needs to be done. They have a tough time answering phone calls, showing up on time, etc. I think the work they do is usually high quality.. but there seems to be a general lack of integrity and honesty among them. It's like, if they can find a way to gouge you, they will. And that's just something I'd never think of doing in my own profession.
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I agree with the first two.

I don't ever interact with cops so I can't speak to it really. I have gotten pulled over twice in the last 20 years and that's it.
Likewise I agree w the first two. Totally disagree on cops.
<<<<<. Unapologetically PRO cop and pro funding of police.
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Journalists/reporters...there are some good ones but the plethora of bad ones outweigh anything positive from this profession.

Teachers...Great respect for teachers but once they bring money into the equation, this shoots to the top of my list. You know going in you aren't making the best of money, You are off 3 months out of the year so if you make $65k annually, would they work extra 3 months for $80k?

County Clerk Office...I don't think I need to explain.
Journalists/reporters...there are some good ones but the plethora of bad ones outweigh anything positive from this profession.

Teachers...Great respect for teachers but once they bring money into the equation, this shoots to the top of my list. You know going in you aren't making the best of money, You are off 3 months out of the year so if you make $65k annually, would they work extra 3 months for $80k?

County Clerk Office...I don't think I need to explain.
Most teachers work a job in the summer, plus have trainings as well. They absolutely deserve more money for what they do.

One of the reasons for the teacher shortage is that the pay is garbage.
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1. Journalists/Pundits
2. Politicians/Unelected bureaucrats
3. Professors
4. Doctors
5. Prosperity gospel televangelists
6. Referees/officials
7. Actors
8. Movie execs
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What was once a blue collar job has somehow became a profession where ppl have ivy league degrees (for legacy media: NYT, etc) to ask questions and is filled with ppl with insular groupthink that really have no understanding of the rest of society.

They are also very sensitive about being criticized and take it as an attack...much like police and teachers, which means they never get better.

Journalism is Hollywood for ugly people. They play ball to get a book deal or TV appearance.

Federal government employees especially IRS
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Talk show political hosts, whose main job is to take the most ridiculous extreme positions and spin up lies and half truths in order to try to make people mad or crazy. Just terrible people who I cannot for the life of me can sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.
Politicians of all stripes

This won’t be popular here, but: Cops

Agreed! Especially the first two.

I'll add that I've never understood the reverence for some professions. Teachers, nurses, enlisted military. There's good and bad in those groups, just like any other profession. Why people tend to treat them all like saints is beyond me.
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