This is one of the more misinformed posts I've ever read on here. If Willie was 6'7" he'd still be a first round pick. Every single team in the NBA would have room for an athletic freak that can guard every position on the floor and is good enough offensively to be a threat. Yet you don't think he'd even get a college scholarship? Based on what?
Also, trying to compare centers and guards is totally ignorant as they have completely different jobs on the court.
Before I get into the rest of that nonsense I want to hear your explanation of how WCS, at 6'7", wouldn't even get a scholly to college? Shew wee, what a mess.
Wow you lived right up to your handle name "You so sensitive"
Well first of all WCS was 7'1" and is very athletic for his height which is rare. Athletic 6'7" guys are dime a dozen. WCS would be playing football right now prob as a receiver. You prob hadn't heard but he was a football player lol.
If you think that WCS was 6'7" he would still be a 1st round pick??? Well you smoke crack plain and simple.
WCS averaged 12/3 as a 7' guy in HS. Those stats do not get you a scholly to major schools, lucky to get one to Murray St with those numbers. Even KU didn't give him an offer with him being 7'. Why? Because it was a big gamble to offer him It's just like Jared Carter. Only reason why he got a scholly was that 7'2" standing in those shoes he turned out to be a bust. Even right now his stats are not eye popping for a very tall college player. He got his call from his D.
Cal never watched him play, Just saw a 7' guy playing tennis and football and was super athletic. How many guys we offer that is 6'7" athletic and has piss poor stats for a HS player?
Now you tell me how a guy who never really cared to play basketball but liked football more and would be 6'7" is a first round pick or going to a school like KU or UK or even Witchita St?
Peace out "Oh So Sensitive"