Where did you get your recruiting information before the internet

I was a child so didn't even care.
  • My internet research says Rivals started up in 1998. I was in high school and we had one computer for the entire family with dial-up internet so looking up recruiting info was the last of my cares. I mostly got all my sports new via TV.
  • Got "high speed" internet when I was in college and commuting, in between academics and extracurriculars, I didn't have much free time, so spent that free time on stuff more entertaining than following what decisions 18-year-old kids are going to make
  • Finished undergrad then went into grad school when I was also working full time, also didn't have much free time, so same story.
  • I finished up grad school and just started working full-time. Even though I put in 50-60 hours a week (thankfully for only one more week then I'm out of here!!!), I still have much more free time than I had before, and that coincided with Calipari's arrival, so I started paying attention to recruiting then.
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Street and Smith for sure..

First one I can remember had Sam Bowie on the cover.