WHEN the new coach is hired....

DrH. Lecter

Apr 5, 2007
And I say WHEN because the Cal era is over....will WE agree to give him a couple honeymoon years to recruit 3 and 4 stars who are not using as as a turnstile to the league?

Will you STFU when the long game recruiting strategy does not yield failed #1 recruiting classes?

Cal has created this reoccurring nightmare that does not change in 1 season.

Do you agree to give him some time to clean the stench of Cal from the program?
Yeah right! Whoever takes this job has 2 years. The only way it would be longer is if we couldn’t afford to buy him out either.
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I would love to have a coach that doesn’t constantly talk about the NBA, respects our history, etc. it would be nice to have someone that would stand up and say they are here because they love the university and wanna win ball games for our fans and the state of Kentucky. Not this nba bullshit
And I say WHEN because the Cal era is over....will WE agree to give him a couple honeymoon years to recruit 3 and 4 stars who are not using as as a turnstile to the league?

Will you STFU when the long game recruiting strategy does not yield failed #1 recruiting classes?

Cal has created this reoccurring nightmare that does not change in 1 season.

Do you agree to give him some time to clean the stench of Cal from the program?
Doubtful. I have been assured practically anyone can "kill" it here with our resources and "amazing" fanbase. If they don't plan to come in being successful from day 1, they shouldn't be here at all.

And they goes double if we are having to pay 2 coaches at once.
We have to give the new coach some time, for sure. Because if you run him off, Kentucky is going to find itself not being too desirable for the better coaches coming up.

One nice positive, is this whacked out TransferPortal free for all, will actually help us in the transition. Some decent coach is going to come in, and he's not only going to be able to pitch the current players into staying, but he's going to want to get some of his guys too.. and not just from wherever he's coming from.. but just from the sense that a new coaching style is going to draw a LOT of attention from players who could now come play at UK.

Here's a prediction, regarding the above.. the next coach will likely smash on his first year here. I think we will tamper expectations because of how badly we're a battered fanbase.. but I think if we hire right, they will hit it out of the park.
Doubtful. I have been assured practically anyone can "kill" it here with our resources and "amazing" fanbase. If they don't plan to come in being successful from day 1, they shouldn't be here at all.

And they goes double if we are having to pay 2 coaches at once.
Any coach for KY can recruit 1ndone players. That is why we are in this death spiral. It takes players who will develop into lottery picks, not arrive on campus that way.

He needs players who play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back.

There will not be a BCG this time. He will be known.
And I say WHEN because the Cal era is over....will WE agree to give him a couple honeymoon years to recruit 3 and 4 stars who are not using as as a turnstile to the league?

Will you STFU when the long game recruiting strategy does not yield failed #1 recruiting classes?

Cal has created this reoccurring nightmare that does not change in 1 season.

Do you agree to give him some time to clean the stench of Cal from the program?
some will the fringe lunatics not so much
We have to give the new coach some time, for sure. Because if you run him off, Kentucky is going to find itself not being too desirable for the better coaches coming up.

One nice positive, is this whacked out TransferPortal free for all, will actually help us in the transition. Some decent coach is going to come in, and he's not only going to be able to pitch the current players into staying, but he's going to want to get some of his guys too.. and not just from wherever he's coming from.. but just from the sense that a new coaching style is going to draw a LOT of attention from players who could now come play at UK.

Here's a prediction, regarding the above.. the next coach will likely smash on his first year here. I think we will tamper expectations because of how badly we're a battered fanbase.. but I think if we hire right, they will hit it out of the park.
I agree. We will be better coached on day 1. But those players will hopefully not have a "I failed if I am not a lottery pick" in soph year.

Or, the new coach is promising my spot to the incoming frosh 5star like Cal does.

This will take a house cleaning and fumigation of the Cal era.

Our fans can help or kill the ability to fix this with our expectations.
There is no reason for a grace period. The new coach will more or less bring his old roster with him, pick up a couple transfers/recruits and should be competing at least on their previous level immediately in my opinion.
If somehow we get a new Coach it better be a home-run hire or we will be in the same shape we’re in now. In no way should Barnhart be allowed to hire a New Basketball Coach!!! It’s a disgrace to see this basketball program in the shape it’s in because Barnhart took a knee jerk reaction and gave a contract extension like he did! Unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!
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Honeymoon period? With our fans? People are already name calling at others' suggestions for a new coach. While many of us will be happy Cal is gone, don't kid yourself if you believe we're all just going to be buddies and pals right out of the gates. There are too many here that LOVE confrontation.

We will be hearing about Cal's damage to this fanbase for years to come, unless the new hire comes in and whips us back to an E8 or better, in YEAR 1. That's how crazy our fanbase is.
And I say WHEN because the Cal era is over....will WE agree to give him a couple honeymoon years to recruit 3 and 4 stars who are not using as as a turnstile to the league?

Will you STFU when the long game recruiting strategy does not yield failed #1 recruiting classes?

Cal has created this reoccurring nightmare that does not change in 1 season.

Do you agree to give him some time to clean the stench of Cal from the program?
No programs are built overnight with the transfer portal. Not through recruiting 3 and 4 star players. That’s what tubby did.
And I say WHEN because the Cal era is over....will WE agree to give him a couple honeymoon years to recruit 3 and 4 stars who are not using as as a turnstile to the league?

Will you STFU when the long game recruiting strategy does not yield failed #1 recruiting classes?

Cal has created this reoccurring nightmare that does not change in 1 season.

Do you agree to give him some time to clean the stench of Cal from the program?
What's your plan?
We will end up with a Todd Golden (possibly him) type and do well enough, and the fans still hating, for about 8 or so years.
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I agree. We will be better coached on day 1. But those players will hopefully not have a "I failed if I am not a lottery pick" in soph year.

Or, the new coach is promising my spot to the incoming frosh 5star like Cal does.

This will take a house cleaning and fumigation of the Cal era.

Our fans can help or kill the ability to fix this with our expectations.
Things aren’t as broke as you make it out. We just have a crappy coach. Hire the right guy and the players will follow. Everything a coach needs to be successful is in place to hit the ground running. Coaches come to UK to win right away not build this isn’t auburn bud.
Recruits don't equal success. They just help. We've had the best classes forever for the most part and tons of programs have been more successful. Cal has apparently brainwashed a good percentage of the fans.
The BIGGEST problem with the Calipari era, is that we’re NEVER building. It’s year to year. Everyone leaves. We start over.

We’ve had very few major returning players. We don’t build up a long term core.

I would gladly take a couple of down years to feel like we’re actually building towards a successful future.
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We will end up with a Todd Golden (possibly him) type and do well enough, and the fans still hating, for about 8 or so years.
What's your solution. Just continue hating our current coach and do nothing?
What's your solution. Just continue hating our current coach and do nothing?
I didn’t like Cal when we hired him. I judge people on their personalities, and character, more so than wins and losses.

That’s why I was a big Joe B and Tubby fan. Revisionist history will treat both better than when they held the seat.

I’m more equipped to handle the Golden types than the board and fan base will be and I welcome it.

I just told you what will happen.
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You get 1 free year and by free I mean similar to our last 4. You can’t bomb given the portal and all the other things that exist now.
Doubtful. I have been assured practically anyone can "kill" it here with our resources and "amazing" fanbase. If they don't plan to come in being successful from day 1, they shouldn't be here at all.

And they goes double if we are having to pay 2 coaches at once.
That answer is why nobody will come here of name. Unrealistic expectations
Any coach for KY can recruit 1ndone players. That is why we are in this death spiral. It takes players who will develop into lottery picks, not arrive on campus that way.

He needs players who play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back.

There will not be a BCG this time. He will be known.
I think you can build a teams and have success a plethora of ways. There is no one recipe and I leave it up to the coach to utilize whatever manner he is most comfortable with, but they better be successful doing it. There is no buffer period. Come in ready to win or don't come.

Anyone well known will be costly, and we aren't paying Cal 6.5 million a year and then a new coach 7 - 8 million a year, plus their staff. Also, I would imagine the current assistant coaches have buyouts in their deals as well. Plus, UK will suffer a pretty large tax hit because this all relates to payroll, which I highly doubt it tax exempt.

If we go the college route for our next coach, they will likely have a buyout due at their current school.

We will also likely need to fork over a lot for NIL incentives to immediately build a team from the portal for year 1 or to encourage current players and commits to stick here for a year.

That's not even factoring in fringe benefits, signing bonuses and so forth.

We will be spending around 65+million to make this one change happen. So you can bet your ass the expectations will be sky high for the new coach from day 1.
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Stupid request on all fronts.

Where's this coming from that new coach needs time and/ or fans wouldn't give it?
Other than the stupid drunk, UK coaches have immediate success.
Portal, a deep bench, recruits that want to come here, and recruits the new guy has, no need to be a coward. We won't be starting from 0.
And the largest fanbase in America will be supporting them.

Now if you're one of those people that can't differentiate the real world vs twitter and the raftards, that's on you. Get offline and get out of the house.
Don't be like these thin skinned radio hosts that scour the internet looking for negative in a sea of good will just so you can feel persecuted.
If a team like Grand Canyon can hire Bryce Drew who didn’t win a SEC game his last season and he has them with as many tourney appearances as KY the last 4 years and also wins 1 then what can a good Coach at KY do?
Three years, tops & they'll be ready to run whoever it is out of town. This fan base is toxic.
They expect wins Al Davis said it best just win baby win. Winning games cures all. CAL can’t win enough regular season and definitely not post season
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