What's your prediction for the upcoming season, won-loss record & how far do we advance in the tournament?

They won’t lose 12 games, and 11 In the regular season of your prediction is correct. This team has pieces that calipari has been successful with and they have shooting. 5-8 losses seems like the max during the regular season, but it’s way to early to make serious judgements until they play somebody
Cal has been having trouble the last 5 years with locker room issues. There has been disturbing losses, some in Rupp, due to players not being on the same page.
It takes years to develop chemistry and we never have that luxury, especially now with certain players getting bigger NIL deals than others.
This is partly why we see home losses to bad tems like UGA and South Carolina, then big road wins like UT and Arkansas.
12 losses is my prediction through the NCAAT, but I won't be surprised if we see 12 losses before the NCAAT.
Every summer we think we have the best team, but the Cal we have seen the last 5 years, is a head case that keeps trying to fit square pegs in round holes.
Hiring one guy isn't going to fix that. Cal is not going to allow Welch to dictate anything, it's Cal's way or no way.
Nobody predicted 12 losses last year, we had Oscar coming back, and we thought we had multiple lottery picks, well, once Cal learned that "the Bennies" had a lineup that was proven to be the best in college basketball, he went out of his way to NOT play that lineup.
That was Cal flipping us the double bird and being stubborn.
Cal has been having trouble the last 5 years with locker room issues. There has been disturbing losses, some in Rupp, due to players not being on the same page.
It takes years to develop chemistry and we never have that luxury, especially now with certain players getting bigger NIL deals than others.
This is partly why we see home losses to bad tems like UGA and South Carolina, then big road wins like UT and Arkansas.
12 losses is my prediction through the NCAAT, but I won't be surprised if we see 12 losses before the NCAAT.
Every summer we think we have the best team, but the Cal we have seen the last 5 years, is a head case that keeps trying to fit square pegs in round holes.
Hiring one guy isn't going to fix that. Cal is not going to allow Welch to dictate anything, it's Cal's way or no way.
Nobody predicted 12 losses last year, we had Oscar coming back, and we thought we had multiple lottery picks, well, once Cal learned that "the Bennies" had a lineup that was proven to be the best in college basketball, he went out of his way to NOT play that lineup.
That was Cal flipping us the double bird and being stubborn.
He has players he has been successful with, this years team will be better than last years. He has guys who can beat their man off the dribble and nba talent. Last years team wasn’t good because we had to many non-shooters in the floor and weren’t good defensively. Cal hiring a nba guy who is offensive minded is a good step in the right direction. This Kentucky team will be better and will be great offensively
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Cal has been having trouble the last 5 years with locker room issues. There has been disturbing losses, some in Rupp, due to players not being on the same page.
It takes years to develop chemistry and we never have that luxury, especially now with certain players getting bigger NIL deals than others.
This is partly why we see home losses to bad tems like UGA and South Carolina, then big road wins like UT and Arkansas.
12 losses is my prediction through the NCAAT, but I won't be surprised if we see 12 losses before the NCAAT.
Every summer we think we have the best team, but the Cal we have seen the last 5 years, is a head case that keeps trying to fit square pegs in round holes.
Hiring one guy isn't going to fix that. Cal is not going to allow Welch to dictate anything, it's Cal's way or no way.
Nobody predicted 12 losses last year, we had Oscar coming back, and we thought we had multiple lottery picks, well, once Cal learned that "the Bennies" had a lineup that was proven to be the best in college basketball, he went out of his way to NOT play that lineup.
That was Cal flipping us the double bird and being stubborn.
What locker room issues do you speak of?
He has players he has been successful with, this years team will be better than last years. He has guys who can beat their man off the dribble and nba talent. Last years team wasn’t good because we had to many non-shooters in the floor and weren’t good defensively. Cal hiring a nba guy who is offensive minded is a good step in the right direction. This Kentucky team will be better and will be great offensively
Same stuff we say every year man, same exact stuff.

We had CJ and Reeves last year. Reeves more than proved himself. CJ imploded and predictably got injured, which appears to be a problem every year.

CJ was a damn near 50% shooter, but couldn't throw it in the ocean.
2 years ago we had Tyty, Grady and Mintz.

I mean, how many shooters does Cal need?

Actually, it doesn't matter, he would rather see them step inside the arch and take the worst shots in basketball, but that's after he tries force feeding a triple covered post man for most of the shot clock while everyone stands around.

We've had just as many shooters as anyone else, he just doesn't trust the 3 point shot, he doesn't like spreading the floor.
I don't know anyone knows to be honest.
I mean the easiest predictions are for teams that are returning players. They are either going to stay good or stay bad for the most part.

With UK, we know this isn't the case.
What determines our season is really based on how long the freshman figure it out........if they figure it out.
Same as always.
Damn, this is a really jaded group of posters in this thread. I understand but I can’t buy into 12 losses, S16 - hope springs eternal I guess.

If Cal doesn’t make a FF with this group he may never go back again.
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Damn, this is a really jaded group of posters in this thread. I understand but I can’t buy into 12 losses, S16 - hope springs eternal I guess.

If Cal doesn’t make a FF with this group he may never go back again.
Yeah, but did you honestly predict 12 losses and a 2nd round exit with last years team? Everyone thought it was a final 4 team.
Nobody predicted Saint Peters and I know nobody predicted 9-16. Heck, we thought that was a FF team too.
We always think we have a FF team this time of year.
Same stuff we say every year man, same exact stuff.

We had CJ and Reeves last year. Reeves more than proved himself. CJ imploded and predictably got injured, which appears to be a problem every year.

CJ was a damn near 50% shooter, but couldn't throw it in the ocean.
2 years ago we had Tyty, Grady and Mintz.

I mean, how many shooters does Cal need?

Actually, it doesn't matter, he would rather see them step inside the arch and take the worst shots in basketball, but that's after he tries force feeding a triple covered post man for most of the shot clock while everyone stands around.

We've had just as many shooters as anyone else, he just doesn't trust the 3 point shot, he doesn't like spreading the floor.
Cj frederick and reeves aren’t NBA players man, I get being upset, but if you don’t think they have a chance at all then what’s they point in watching. I’m not telling you to not watch, that’s stupid as hell, but being blindly optimistic is what makes sports fun, I know the chances aren’t what they used to be but I’m still gonna talk myself into believing Kentucky will make the final four again
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They won’t lose 12 games, and 11 In the regular season of your prediction is correct. This team has pieces that calipari has been successful with and they have shooting. 5-8 losses seems like the max during the regular season, but it’s way to early to make serious judgements until they play somebody
Before the 9-16 season would you have said that they "won't lose 16 games"?
4-5 losses all in SEC play.

We have a huge win early against Kansas and pull away from them late putting the nation on notice

Elite 8 or better finish.

I personally think this team can hang #9
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OMG dude, Wheeler, Hagans, Fletcher and Whitney.

Wheeler single handedly destroyed team chemistry last year.

You think Bryce Hopkins wasting pissed off the way Cal treated him? Come on man, open your eyes.

Now sit down troll.
Maybe you should step up?

You just make up stories and present them as facts to justify your over the top hate and lack of basketball knowledge and then make personal attack when asked to provide any kind of proof to you fairy tales.

But hate on now with the rest of the CHC. You won't have anything but the stories in your head once we're rolling this season.
Cj frederick and reeves aren’t NBA players man, I get being upset, but if you don’t think they have a chance at all then what’s they point in watching. I’m not telling you to not watch, that’s stupid as hell, but being blindly optimistic is what makes sports fun, I know the chances aren’t what they used to be but I’m still gonna talk myself into believing Kentucky will make the final four again
WTF does being an NBA player have to do with winning in college? Have you learned nothing? Cal has NBA players every year and he’s been getting his ass kicked by dudes that will be working at Arby's once the season is over.

NBA potential means zilch in college and while Reeves and CJ aren't going to play in the pros, they are exceptional shooters in college and last I checked, UK is a COLLEGE basketball program.

As far as your comment about me even bothering to watch, wow man, that’s some bullshit right there. I made a prediction based on what I have seen out of Cal the last few years + our youth + the older teams we will be playing. Just because Cal has dragged this program into the dirt, doesn't mean I stop being a fan.

You’re on here every day, you have seen me post and you know I'm all about UK and I'm disgusted at Cal for turning UK into a farm system and embarrassing us, all so he can brag about the kids he put in the league.

You think I'm happy that I think we're going to go 24-12??? Not on your life.
Maybe you should step up?

You just make up stories and present them as facts to justify your over the top hate and lack of basketball knowledge and then make personal attack when asked to provide any kind of proof to you fairy tales.

But hate on now with the rest of the CHC. You won't have anything but the stories in your head once we're rolling this season.
Are you going to debate what I said, or are you just going to come at me because you don't like the truth?

I presented facts, laid them right at your feet and since you have no rebuttal, you ask me for more facts.

Sorry! As much as I want the Cats to have a good season and get back to where they're supposed to be, i have absolutely NO faith in Cal being able to get them there. He's not the same coach he was several years ago and I don't think he's capable of being an adequate coach now, but I hope I'm wrong. I anticipate double digit losses and an early tournament exit.
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12 losses
2nd round exit

This isn't 2010, college ball is loaded with mature teams that run effective offenses that put a premium on scoring in bunches. A great offense will beat a great defense more times than not.

This is the worst year to be young, cbb is older this year than it has ever been. This team has future NBA potential, but that means very little on a college basketball court and by the time this team figures it out, the hole will be too deep.

In the other thread you say no excuse not to go 13 and 0 in OOC but in this thread you predict 12 losses?

If the team is as bad as you say then how the hell is 13 and 0 in OOC a no excuse situation?
WTF does being an NBA player have to do with winning in college? Have you learned nothing? Cal has NBA players every year and he’s been getting his ass kicked by dudes that will be working at Arby's once the season is over.

NBA potential means zilch in college and while Reeves and CJ aren't going to play in the pros, they are exceptional shooters in college and last I checked, UK is a COLLEGE basketball program.

As far as your comment about me even bothering to watch, wow man, that’s some bullshit right there. I made a prediction based on what I have seen out of Cal the last few years + our youth + the older teams we will be playing. Just because Cal has dragged this program into the dirt, doesn't mean I stop being a fan.

You’re on here every day, you have seen me post and you know I'm all about UK and I'm disgusted at Cal for turning UK into a farm system and embarrassing us, all so he can brag about the kids he put in the league.

You think I'm happy that I think we're going to go 24-12??? Not on your life.
What does calipari win with, NBA talent. The transfers and mid talent he doesn’t win with and can’t coach them. He has to have guys like Wagner and Edwards who can get their own and create for others. And the comment I said why watch if you don’t think they will do anything then I said that’s a BS perspective, don’t get upset, I never told you to stop watching, watch. But I’m not gonna tell you how to fan or believe in Kentucky. I think this team has the pieces that cal has had in the past that he has been successful with and a guy who will check him and actually knows offense in Welch. So we will see I guess
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This team has the type of players Cal can win big with. Will he? I know they'll take some lumps along the way. I'm thinking by the end of the season they could be very good. If Cal will continue to adapt and not resort to stall ball rock fights we may see it. I think something like 7 to 10 losses could happen.
In the other thread you say no excuse not to go 13 and 0 in OOC but in this thread you predict 12 losses?

If the team is as bad as you say then how the hell is 13 and 0 in OOC a no excuse situation?
Pretty simple, what I am saying is, UK SHOULD go 13-0 in the non conference. So put more emphasis on the word "should".
I never said "will".

UK HAS the talent and support to beat everyone on that schedule, but will they? No, they won't, I bet Cal drops 2 or 3 games he shouldn't.
What does calipari win with. NBA. talent, that’s what it has to do. The transfers and mid talent he doesn’t win with and can’t coach them. He has to have guys like Wagner and Edwards who can get their own and create for others. And the comment I said why watch if you don’t think they will do anything then I said that’s a BS perspective, don’t get upset, I never told you to stop watching, watch. But I’m not gonna tell you how to fan or believe in Kentucky. I think this team has the pieces that cal has had in the past that he has been successful with and a guy who will check him and actually knows offense in Welch. So we will see I guess
You’re making excuses for Cal, just stop. Young team, experienced team, it doesn't matter.

He had 4 NBA players in his 2021 team, he went 9-16

He had 7 NBA guys on his 2018 team, how did that work out?

We played in OT in the 2019 E8 with a veteran squad, so how do you think future NBA high school kids is the answer?

Cal always has NBA talent, but the game changed to a more offensive style in and around 2016 and Cal's offense is not up to the task, it just isn’t.

Also, having NBA talent doesn’t mean anything, it's not like we're getting the 2027 NBA veteran versions of Edwards, Bradshaw and Wagner, these guys simply have potential, that does us no good this year. The most Important thing you need in todays game, is expreience and development, Edwards' future potential isn’t going to help when we're playing teams that are good right now.

Now, unless you’re predicting a national title and an undefeated season, well, you're not much different than me, so by your rules, I get to ask you the same question: why even watch if you know UK isn't going to win every game they play?

Doesn’t make sense, does it?
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You’re making excuses for Cal, just stop. Young team, experienced team, it doesn't matter.

He had 4 NBA players in his 2021 team, he went 9-16

He had 7 NBA guys on his 2018 team, how did that work out?

We played in OT in the 2019 E8 with a veteran squad, so how do you think future NBA high school kids is the answer?

Cal always has NBA talent, but the game changed to a more offensive style in and around 2016 and Cal's offense is not up to the task, it just isn’t.

Also, having NBA talent doesn’t mean anything, it's not like we're getting the 2027 NBA veteran versions of Edwards, Bradshaw and Wagner, these guys simply have potential, that does us no good this year. The most Important thing you need in todays game, is expreience and development, Edwards' future potential isn’t going to help when we're playing teams that are good right now.

Now, unless you’re predicting a national title and an undefeated season, well, you're not much different than me, so by your rules, I get to ask you the same question: why even watch if you know UK isn't going to win every game they play?

Doesn’t make sense, does it?
I watch because I can take enjoyment out of moments in the season, and don’t think they should win the title every year, I certainly think they should have been better since 2020 for sure, but I watch because I love Kentucky sports. I’m not making excuses, even if I were, what can I do about it I have no power in the decision to fire calipari. I think he should be better for sure, but i am powerless in his job security. Kentucky will better, they have nba caliber players, which cal is good with, when he has players like thei he succeeds. This is a team who will get better as the season goes on and not max out come January like 2021 or sturggle and never have a peak like last year. I believe they will be good, but I get your feelings, I worded my intial response wrong, I get where you are coming from for sure. Telling people not to watch is stupid
Anyone saying less than 9-10 losses, 3-4th place finish in the SEC, and going past the Sweet 16, is setting themselves up for disappointment!

Too. Many. Freshman. Who. Want. That. NBA. Check.= A very quick season.
Why does it matter that they want an NBA check? What college player out there doesn't want an NBA check? That is the ultimate goal.

Personally, I couldn't care less if they are playing for the NBA. As long as they try their hardest, are good teammates, and care about winning, what does it matter?

You think AD and MKG weren't playing for that NBA check? Of course they were.
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The 2018-19 team lost by a thousand to Duke in early November.

In late March they were a stretch of nine minutes-plus without a foul called on their opponent combined with normally good shooters going 23 percent from the 3-point line from going to the Final Four - a game lost in OT. That same Duke team that everyone thought was light years better than anyone else in November lost in the same round after barely surviving the two previous games on 'lucky breaks,' as ref bias is sometimes called.

So I'm not sure a judgment in early November will be much more valid than one made now.
"Exception proves the rule" fallacy
"Exception proves the rule" fallacy
On the contrary, it is very typical of many teams to be light years different than they were at the beginning of the year. For better or worse.

Don't think his post is pointing to an exception, as I could easily list so many teams across all sports who sucked at the beginning of the year but were playing like contenders year end, or vice versa.
I remember being enraged last year during the Michigan State game that nothing had changed and we were in for another ugly, inexcusable season. :mad:

Yet, here I am again - hopeful due to changes in the offensive scheme and better players. I can't help it. Maybe I just have battered fan syndrome 🚽
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I watch because I can take enjoyment out of moments in the season, and don’t think they should win the title every year, I certainly think they should have been better since 2020 for sure, but I watch because I love Kentucky sports. I’m not making excuses, even if I were, what can I do about it I have no power in the decision to fire calipari. I think he should be better for sure, but i am powerless in his job security. Kentucky will better, they have nba caliber players, which cal is good with, when he has players like thei he succeeds. This is a team who will get better as the season goes on and not max out come January like 2021 or sturggle and never have a peak like last year. I believe they will be good, but I get your feelings, I worded my intial response wrong, I get where you are coming from for sure. Telling people not to watch is stupid
Since 2017, Cal has not succeeded with young and talented teams. Look at the guys on the 2018 and 2021 teams, there were 7 NBA players on the '18 team and at least 4 on that debacle of a 2021 team. Shit, look what SGA is doing in the NBA right now.

Talent has never been the issue, prove me wrong.

Like I said, he did better in 19 and 20 than he did with his young teams.

Now, I think it's bullshit that you are sitting there on your high horse judging me, because I projected more losses than you, like you are somehow a superior fan. Unless you're going to be today's Charlie Brown and predict 0 losses and a national title, you have no grounds to critisize my predictions. If you're even predicting 5 losses and anything short of a national title, you aren't saying anything that is all that different from me.

It's not like I have no basis for my prediction, if you want, I can list out all the crap that has occurred the last 3 years with teams we swore up and down were Final 4 squads. Care to talk about 2021? Care to talk about Cal's record against ranked teams? Care to talk about Evnsville? Care to talk about the 12 losses last year? Care to talk about Saint Peters? Probably not.
I remember being enraged last year during the Michigan State game that nothing had changed and we were in for another ugly, inexcusable season. :mad:

Yet, here I am again - hopeful due to changes in the offensive scheme and better players. I can't help it. Maybe I just have battered fan syndrome 🚽
There is no offensive scheme. Never has been. It's an offensive scam. And it is offensive.
Ask again after the Kansas game, I need to see this team versus a really good opponent first before I make any judgements
KU fan here. I think UK beats KU by 6 to 13 points in November. This is just going off of what I saw of both teams’ summer games, and just my opinion. I think UK will win three or four games in the tournament, and end up with 6-9 losses.
Why does it matter that they want an NBA check? What college player out there doesn't want an NBA check? That is the ultimate goal.

Personally, I couldn't care less if they are playing for the NBA. As long as they try their hardest, are good teammates, and care about winning, what does it matter?

You think AD and MKG weren't playing for that NBA check? Of course they were.


And just from a competitive standpoint I find it hard to believe these guys "don't care" and just here for the NBA. They want to win.

Whenever we have bad seasons people start questioning heart and things like this. And it's never true. If we don't win, we weren't good enough to win. Period.

These guys all want to win.

And just from a competitive standpoint I find it hard to believe these guys "don't care" and just here for the NBA. They want to win.

Whenever we have bad seasons people start questioning heart and things like this. And it's never true. If we don't win, we weren't good enough to win. Period.

These guys all want to win.
Sure, of course they want to win, but when you're looking at a massive NBA contract right around the corner, I can guarantee you aren't as motivated to win as the juniors and seniors that are running out of time to prove they can play in the NBA.

NBA contracts are farrrr more important than wins and losses in college.
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Sure, of course they want to win, but when you're looking at a masive NBA contract right around the corner, I can aren't as motivated to win as the juniors and seniors that are running out of time to prove they can play in the NBA.

NBA contracts are farrrr more important than wins and losses in college.

I always feel the two are somewhat connected tho.
You want to make the NBA. You want to be the highest draft pick possible to get the most money. You play well to do that, in theory the team should also be doing well and have a chance to be competitive. Unless you have selfish players who are only interested in padding their stats instead of actually helping the team. But most of our teams (the good ones we've had anyways) didn't seem like that at all. Instead, you got guys like MKG going into Cal's office saying that Darius Miller needs to play more.

Of course you always run into instances where this doesn't happen. Team doesn't play well, guys leave anyways etc.

But this is how it should work anyways. Succeed first then proceed.

As far as this team goes, I guess we'll just wait and see how things pan out here.
I always feel the two are somewhat connected tho.
You want to make the NBA. You want to be the highest draft pick possible to get the most money. You play well to do that, in theory the team should also be doing well and have a chance to be competitive. Unless you have selfish players who are only interested in padding their stats instead of actually helping the team. But most of our teams (the good ones we've had anyways) didn't seem like that at all. Instead, you got guys like MKG going into Cal's office saying that Darius Miller needs to play more.

Of course you always run into instances where this doesn't happen. Team doesn't play well, guys leave anyways etc.

But this is how it should work anyways. Succeed first then proceed.

As far as this team goes, I guess we'll just wait and see how things pan out here.
Eh, it's been proven that all you need is youth and potential. That’s all the NBA cares about.

Unless you were incredibly dominant in colege, what you accomplish prior to the draft, really doesn't matter. If it did, Anthony Edwards would have been a 2nd round pick.
Since 2017, Cal has not succeeded with young and talented teams. Look at the guys on the 2018 and 2021 teams, there were 7 NBA players on the '18 team and at least 4 on that debacle of a 2021 team. Shit, look what SGA is doing in the NBA right now.

Talent has never been the issue, prove me wrong.

Like I said, he did better in 19 and 20 than he did with his young teams.

Now, I think it's bullshit that you are sitting there on your high horse judging me, because I projected more losses than you, like you are somehow a superior fan. Unless you're going to be today's Charlie Brown and predict 0 losses and a national title, you have no grounds to critisize my predictions. If you're even predicting 5 losses and anything short of a national title, you aren't saying anything that is all that different from me.

It's not like I have no basis for my prediction, if you want, I can list out all the crap that has occurred the last 3 years with teams we swore up and down were Final 4 squads. Care to talk about 2021? Care to talk about Cal's record against ranked teams? Care to talk about Evnsville? Care to talk about the 12 losses last year? Care to talk about Saint Peters? Probably not.
I’m not sitting on any high horse, you choose to take it that way because I’m not agreeing with you. Im not attacking you at all I have said the whole time, your opinion is valid and I can see it. I have stated he has the players he usually succeeds with and I think they will be good. I was shocked you think they lose 12 games, that’s fine if you do, it’s probably a popular opinion.
KU fan here. I think UK beats KU by 6 to 13 points in November. This is just going off of what I saw of both teams’ summer games, and just my opinion. I think UK will win three or four games in the tournament, and end up with 6-9 losses.
I don’t think Kentucky beats you all, Dickinson will probably get 20 that game, I don’t think Kentucky has anybody to guard him
I’m not sitting on any high horse, you choose to take it that way because I’m not agreeing with you. Im not attacking you at all I have said the whole time, your opinion is valid and I can see it. I have stated he has the players he usually succeeds with and I think they will be good. I was shocked you think they lose 12 games, that’s fine if you do, it’s probably a popular opinion.
When you say "why do you even bother watching… ", you are coming at me.

How can you possibly be surprised by my 12 loss prediction? Just how? I bet if I said last summer that our 22/23 team would end up losing 12 games and wouldn't make the sweet 16, you would say the exact same things to me.

Admit it, you would. That team had no business losing 12 games and losing to K-state, none, but it happened.

At some point, Cal has to prove he can win. I'm not going to play the role of Charlie Brown, no way, I'm not falling for it. Cal has to prove to me that he can actually beat good teams and win in the tournament.

But I gotta tell ya, I have big concerns here, this team is too young in my opinion. I think they could really struggle against experienced teams.