What's your over/under on


Dec 30, 2002
How many minutes Big O plays in the first half before he picks up his 2nd foul and has to sit the rest of the half?

I say 6 minutes, tops. Floppy Fulky and the Serbian Assassin are going to be getting down (Fulky) and Dirty (Plavsic) on our main man early and often tonight.

I'm betting on Doug Shows and TV Teddy, and Pat Adams being on that Big Orange Whistle tonight.

Everyone knows No Oscar, No win.

What say you???
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How many minutes Big O plays in the first half before he picks up his 2nd foul and has to sit the rest of the half?

I say 6 minutes, tops. Floppy Fulky and the Serbian Assassin are going to be getting down (Fulky) and Dirty (Plavsic) on our main man early and often tonight.

I'm betting on Doug Shows and TV Teddy, and Pat Adams being on that Big Orange Whistle tonight.

Everyone knows No Oscar, No win.

What say you???

No telling, but I'll go 10 minutes. This game won't be called evenly.
I'm sorry, but did you watch our game Saturday? Even the former head of NCAA officials commented on the abysmal officiating
I did watch. Once again I don’t have ref conspiracy theories. Pet Peeve of mine when people complain about refs even before the game.
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I did watch. Once again I don’t have ref conspiracy theories. Pet Peeve of mine when people complain about refs even before the game.
No sorry you just don't get it. There's a big conspiracy to keep UK basketball down. We have the most wins of any program ever and eight titles, but if it weren't for this damn conspiracy we'd never lose. I even think Cal's in on it. He's not playing Sharpe because he knows that would put us over the edge and we'd win the title. But Cal doesn't want the fans to be happy because to him pissing off the fans is more important than winning.
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Those refs blew 3 obvious calls. But I think it’s fair to say that those were due to incompetence, not due to them conspiring to screw UK.
I guess my point is that regardless of the reason, UK rarely gets a friendly whistle. It could be corruption (to think Tim Donaghey is a one-off is criminally naive), but incompetence could certainly explain it as well, because incompetent refs will absolutely lean to certain teams or others
Since they're sure to invoke the Vandy thugging technique, I'd say he's on the bench with 2 around the first timeout.

Flops will be coming fast and furious.

I don’t have referee conspiracy theories like many others do. If Oscar plays smart don’t see why he can’t play 15 min in the first half.
If Big O can get 15 minutes each half AND Brooks comes to play, we can win this thing.
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I don’t have referee conspiracy theories like many others do. If Oscar plays smart don’t see why he can’t play 15 min in the first half.
Might want to view that other thread about which teams get a favorable whistle.

You will notice a large orange T in the box labeled "gets favorable whistle at home".

And it's not just the UK game. I don't know if the refs are afraid to call a fair game because of those rabid, crazy fans intimidation or they just get caught up in the moment and love for those UT fans to cheer every call they make.

Either way, we are about to get a big dose of home cooking tonight and that is not just a conspiracy theory. The facts don't lie.
Might want to view that other thread about which teams get a favorable whistle.

You will notice a large orange T in the box labeled "gets favorable whistle at home".

And it's not just the UK game. I don't know if the refs are afraid to call a fair game because of those rabid, crazy fans intimidation or they just get caught up in the moment and love for those UT fans to cheer every call they make.

Either way, we are about to get a big dose of home cooking tonight and that is not just a conspiracy theory. The facts don't lie.
The differential is even more egregious when you take into account the hacking/grabbing/slapping style that EweTee plays
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How many minutes Big O plays in the first half before he picks up his 2nd foul and has to sit the rest of the half?

I say 6 minutes, tops. Floppy Fulky and the Serbian Assassin are going to be getting down (Fulky) and Dirty (Plavsic) on our main man early and often tonight.

I'm betting on Doug Shows and TV Teddy, and Pat Adams being on that Big Orange Whistle tonight.

Everyone knows No Oscar, No win.

What say you???
This will be right up there with the US v USSR in 1972. Not that I’m paranoid or anything.
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How many minutes Big O plays in the first half before he picks up his 2nd foul and has to sit the rest of the half?

I say 6 minutes, tops. Floppy Fulky and the Serbian Assassin are going to be getting down (Fulky) and Dirty (Plavsic) on our main man early and often tonight.

I'm betting on Doug Shows and TV Teddy, and Pat Adams being on that Big Orange Whistle tonight.

Everyone knows No Oscar, No win.

What say you???

This team is good enough to beat most teams with Oscar in foul trouble. Probably not with TyTy and Jacob out though.
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This team is good enough to beat most teams with Oscar in foul trouble. Probably not with TyTy and Jacob out though.
Toppin has bailed us out in the first half of two games where we were in foul trouble already this year.

Praying he is available to play and 100% tonight. Going to need all hands on deck for this one.
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I don't think Fulkerson is so much "floppy" as he is uncoordinated and out of control in a weird way (think: white boy disease). So whenever he's being guarded closely and he's moving like Elaine Benes dancing on Seinfeld, the refs assume he's being fouled because no human body should move that way.
I don't think Fulkerson is so much "floppy" as he is uncoordinated and out of control in a weird way (think: white boy disease). So whenever he's being guarded closely and he's moving like Elaine Benes dancing on Seinfeld, the refs assume he's being fouled because no human body should move that way.
You evidently haven't watched him play a lot. Flopping, flailing, and throwing his head back like he's been shot are a big part of his game to draw fouls, get free throws he doesn't deserve, and get the other team's best big man in foul trouble.

I have been watching him for the past 6 or 7 years or however long that dude has been in Knoxville.

He is the king of fakers.
You must not have seen any of the threads I've started saying that the underdog had NO chance to win. So yeah, I've learned. Go kick rocks.
Lighten up Frances. That was a joke directed at my buddy @HerrosHeroes .

See, that's why I tagged HIM in that response. I have been trying to get him to stop with those jinx posts, especially during games.

Sorry I triggered you.
Do you believe there's trends that certain referees cause to happen in games? I just want to see what I'm dealng with.
Higgins is the only one that may have had an agenda in the UNC game. That was years ago. Never think about any other ones. Blaming refs is a loser mentality.
No sorry you just don't get it. There's a big conspiracy to keep UK basketball down. We have the most wins of any program ever and eight titles, but if it weren't for this damn conspiracy we'd never lose. I even think Cal's in on it. He's not playing Sharpe because he knows that would put us over the edge and we'd win the title. But Cal doesn't want the fans to be happy because to him pissing off the fans is more important than winning.
Where do you come up with stuff like this? Unbelievable! I really don't know what else to say about such a post.
Higgins is the only one that may have had an agenda in the UNC game. That was years ago. Never think about any other ones. Blaming refs is a loser mentality.
Any game with Jamie Luckie will have no flow. Constant stoppage for touch fouls. Same with Wymer. Lots of others.
Where do you come up with stuff like this? Unbelievable! I really don't know what else to say about such a post.
Ohhhh, I like his post because I thought he was being sarcastic. Are you saying he posted this really believing this stuff??? Wow, if so!
Any game with Jamie Luckie will have no flow. Constant stoppage for touch fouls. Same with Wymer. Lots of others.
Ok that is not what I was posting about. Some refs do call more fouls than others. That is different then refs having an agenda against UK, like others are claiming. That I don’t agree with.