What's on your Mt. Rushmore of personal favorite movies, and why?

Coming To America
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Three Amigos

Comedies are a love/hate thing with me, I hate 95% of them but the ones I lover are my favorite movies. These are among the best ever.
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- TOG is criminally underrated. WF is great but Marky andthe British guy are effing fantastic. I laugh just thinking about the British dude. It’s not a bribe. It’s not a bribe.

THE most underrated comedy in the last decade, maybe longer. I think when this came out, a lot of people were growing tired of Ferrell's movies.. and this went under the radar. Infinitely quotable. And an absurd amount of great small-bit roles, played by comedians/actors galore.

This also came out when Cop Out did, and really seemed to get lost in the shuffle.

IDK if I can put it on my top 4, but it's damn close. And that says a lot for a movie that had NO business being as good as it was..
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This is subject to change, And I could probably shuffle all of these out depending on my mood.

Social Network - Think it's the best movie of the 2010's. Aaron Sorkin and Trent Reznor.
The Thing - GOAT Horror movie. Everything about it is superb. Combined so many horror sub-genres and just nailed it.
The Goonies - won't win awards, but it's just too endearing, from start to finish. It was my childhood, and likely anyone's childhood born from 1975 to 1995.
The Departed - Don't care if this was copied from some Japanese film. Too good. Too suspenseful. Too quotable. Too Boston. IMO there aren't many movies in the last decade (plus or minus years), that you'll stop on, no matter how many times you've seen it. Now think about how many of those movies exist in the 80's and 90's.. from Diehard to Shawshank to Indiana Jones to Back to the Future.. The Departed stands as one of the few movies from the 2000's that you can watch at any tme, over and over.
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All good. I'll add:

Going My Way
From Here to Eternity
Key Largo
Maltese Falcon
Treasure of Sierra Madre
Mag 7 (old one)
Animal House

That is with adding three Trump busts.

Every Bogart movie I've seen has been great.

The Maltese Falcon is my favorite followed by The Big Sleep.
Ghostbusters, sweet spot as a kid and holds up

Matrix, best documentary ever

Spot reserved for a low violence heist movie. Wouldn't have made the list before the world got weird, but something like Gone in 60 seconds is the best source of movie escapism right now IMO.
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Ghostbusters, sweet spot as a kid and holds up

Matrix, best documentary ever

Spot reserved for a low violence heist movie. Wouldn't have made the list before the world got weird, but something like Gone in 60 seconds is the best source of movie escapism right now IMO.

For low violence heist movies, the Ocean's series is solid.
Godfather I
Billy Madison

really hard for me to narrow that down though
Dazed and Confused

Shawshank Redemption

Remember the Titans

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

Bonus movie: Scent of a Woman
Washington --> Casablanca
Jefferson --> The Godfather
Roosevelt --> The Empire Strikes Back
Lincoln --> The Outlaw Josey Wales

Another good list. This is gonna be tough for me to narrow it down to four. And all you "honorable mention" guys are cheating! There ain't no HM on Mt. Rushmore. 😛 The point of Mt. Rushmore lists is that it's hard!
Dr. Strangelove
8 1/2
Barry Lyndon

you seem a bit apart from other tastes here.

Dr. Strangelove w/unparalleled quirk of Peter Sellers...Terry Southern the great satirist working the script. Slim Pickens & the great Sterling Hayden.

The Wild Bunch-Sam Peckinpah finally delivers of what he was capable...poetic brilliance new to the western genre always resulting in maximum bloodshed...Bloody Sam.

Blue Velvet

Reservoir Dogs

Sunset Boulevard

Pulp Fiction - probably my favorite movie of all time in any genre

Star Wars - The special effects on the big screen blew away young Kaizer. Matrix had the same effect on me about 22 years later...but Star Wars was the “founding father” of special effects on the big screen for me

The Outlaw Josie Wales - full of enough baddassery and just enough comedy to edge out many other greats in the “war/western” category. Shout out to Kwai, P Ryan, Gr8 Escape, Dirty Dozen, Patton, the man with no name trilogy, Unforgiven, Tombstone, and many, many more

Porky’s - Many other great comedies could fit here as well. But this one was the first time young Kaizer saw naked boobies on the screen...making it perhaps the most significant groundbreaking moment in cinematic history...which is, at the very least, worthy of a carving on the face of a mountain
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you seem a bit apart from other tastes here.

Dr. Strangelove w/unparalleled quirk of Peter Sellers...Terry Southern the great satirist working the script. Slim Pickens & the great Sterling Hayden.

The Wild Bunch-Sam Peckinpah finally delivers of what he was capable...poetic brilliance new to the western genre always resulting in maximum bloodshed...Bloody Sam.

Blue Velvet

Reservoir Dogs

Sunset Boulevard


I bet most people would have 8 1/2 on their list if they had seen it. I watch a lot of movies. I like/love most of the stuff people have listed. Maybe not the LOTR movies, just never really thought they were well done. Eye candy for sure just thought the acting was off. And def not the transformer movies LOL

LOVE Sunset Blvd. I really like Blue Velvet, thats by far my fav Lynch movie. The others are a lil blah for me except Eraserhead.

TBH my list felt incomplete without a Bergman or Haneke or a Fassbinder film on it and without The Sweet Smell of Success, but we could only have 4
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This is subject to change, And I could probably shuffle all of these out depending on my mood.

Social Network - Think it's the best movie of the 2010's. Aaron Sorkin and Trent Reznor.
The Thing - GOAT Horror movie. Everything about it is superb. Combined so many horror sub-genres and just nailed it.
The Goonies - won't win awards, but it's just too endearing, from start to finish. It was my childhood, and likely anyone's childhood born from 1975 to 1995.
The Departed - Don't care if this was copied from some Japanese film. Too good. Too suspenseful. Too quotable. Too Boston. IMO there aren't many movies in the last decade (plus or minus years), that you'll stop on, no matter how many times you've seen it. Now think about how many of those movies exist in the 80's and 90's.. from Diehard to Shawshank to Indiana Jones to Back to the Future.. The Departed stands as one of the few movies from the 2000's that you can watch at any tme, over and over.

I'll echo what you said about the Social Network. Best movie of the 2010s. If any of you havent seen this, watch it. Do believe its on Netflix currently. Fincher at his best, altho I think Zodiac edges Social Network slightly
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