What is your favorite sports movie?

If you love Miracles, I highly recommend "Of Ice and Men", the 30 for 30 ESPN feature on the match from the Soviet perspective.

Remember one guy took his daughter to visit the arena, and told her it was so loud that he couldn't hear himself think. Another player said 'I won Olympic gold medals, world championships and Stanley Cups, but the only damn game anyone ever asks me about is the one loss to the Americans'

Also I read in Sports Illustrated that the only post match comment made by their coach to the team in the Soviet locker room was their coach screaming at his players with spit flying out of his mouth "You are shit, shit, shit!!!!!" 🤣 🤣
All the Right Moves is a good one, although the happy ending seemed a little too Hollywood. It nailed the working class vibe of a poor Northeast town very well. That movie was directed by legendary cinematographer Michael Chapman, who worked on Jaws, Raging Bull and many other films.
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A couple of my favorites were the low budget ESPN movies "The Junction Boys" and "3".

Tom Berenger made a great Bear Bryant and Barry Pepper likewise did an excellent job portraying Dale Earnhardt.
As bad as the MOVIE "Rudy" might have been; it doesn't hold a candle to what a POS Rudy the PERSON was.

What a self-aggrandizing, liberty taking, conceited blowhard. And he was a felon to boot.
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Brian’s Song
Bang the Drum Slowly
Remember the Titans
Coach Carter
Battered Bastards of Baseball
Late Life
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Greenberg and Golic were talking about it on their show and Greenberg was telling the stories and Golic and Golic just kept saying "uh huh, you know my brother was on that team right?"

Secretariat was just as bad. That same down and out owner/trainer/jockey combo won 2/3 of the Triple Crown the year before with Riva Ridge. Real "down and out."
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Small tangent (Seabiscuit mention prompted this)

I didn't care for the Secratariat movie, but every Derby Day I have one small tradition, and that is to watch Secretariat, not, ironically at the KY Derby, but at the Belmont, justto witness the most dominating thing I've ever seen in sports.

And when Chic Anderson exclaims, "He's moving like a TREMENDOUS MACHINE!" I get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. No matter how many times I watch it, it NEVER fails to elicit that response.

In the longest and most grueling of the three Triple Crown races, he ran each successive 1/4, faster than the previous one. He got FASTER and faster, for that entire race. It borders on the supernatural.

BTW - you have to feel for Sham, whom, if not for Secretariat, would be in the conversation as one of the best of alltime.
Here's how I think about that run: He's have beaten two 6f decent high claimers running 1:12 each.
Small tangent (Seabiscuit mention prompted this)

I didn't care for the Secratariat movie, but every Derby Day I have one small tradition, and that is to watch Secretariat, not, ironically at the KY Derby, but at the Belmont, justto witness the most dominating thing I've ever seen in sports.

And when Chic Anderson exclaims, "He's moving like a TREMENDOUS MACHINE!" I get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. No matter how many times I watch it, it NEVER fails to elicit that response.

In the longest and most grueling of the three Triple Crown races, he ran each successive 1/4, faster than the previous one. He got FASTER and faster, for that entire race. It borders on the supernatural.

BTW - you have to feel for Sham, whom, if not for Secretariat, would be in the conversation as one of the best of alltime.
Funny, I was in a bar in Laguna Beach several years later talking with a handicapper about good Sham was. He cried about how that race ruined him.
Here's how I think about that run: He's have beaten two 6f decent high claimers running 1:12 each.
I watched Secretariat and agree it was a legendary performance.

I will say after a 37 year wait.I was nearly as excited to watch Pharaoh finally get the Triple Crown.Then capping it off with the Breeders cup win. Won Preakness Belmont and BC championship going wire to wire
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Greater - The Brandon Burlsworth story. A powerful and inspiring story for anyone who's ever been told that they're too small, too slow, etc. It's a must see if you've missed it.
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The horse talk reminded me of Seabiscuit. I don't shed tears at many movies, but this movie sure brings 'em out. I'm a sucker for underdog stories.