What is your biggest pet peeve?

Can be annoying as hell, and hard on your voice to boot, but at least two of my family members are hard of hearing so I try to be patient (not always successfully). My wife won't admit it, and won't get tested, but I guarantee you her hearing is not what it used to be.
At least mine admits & knows it. Loss is mainly in one ear. Makes it hard for her to know the direction sounds are coming from. Yes, find myself talking normal - which for me is loud - and she doesn't get it.
People that you know that can’t make a complete sentence talking without you know constantly using you know.
Talking sports with women. It doesn’t work..
When it comes to the NFL, my 39 year old daughter knows WAY more than any normal human that isn't working for the NFL Network should know. She spends a lot of time in her car every day driving to see clients, and she's always got the XM tuned to the NFL Radio channel.
Being harassed at red lights by certain church goers holding signs telling me I'm going to hell and then trying to hand pamphlets to me.
When I’m not at work, 100% I’m not pissing standing up. That’s for poor people. Real men sit when they pee. Much cleaner, get some squats in, keep the seat down for the hoe. No downside.
But you give up balance and directional control exercising. I will say that there ought to be a law against non-floor length urinals.
People who, for whatever dumbass reason, stop 2, or even 3 or 4 car lengths behind the vehicle in front of them when stopped at a light. There's just no logical reason that I can think of to do that. It's worse if they do it in a left turn lane. The left turn light doesn't last forever, and you staying that far back just means one or more folks won't make that light. Very inconsiderate IMO.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread but, IMO, it bears repeating: I despise people who interupt someone else speaking. Nothing says rudeness like "I'm not even paying attention to what YOU are saying and what I have to say is of much more interest/importance than what you're saying". Just royally pisses me off. Personally, I won't let them off the hook, I just interupt THEM and begin my conversation anew.