What is everyone currently reading?

With Amazon Prime doing Robert Jordan`s "Wheel of Time" I have started reading the books., Only got 13 in the book series..😎

Been trying to find the series in book form. I don't like Kindle format. Did you find the books somewhere?
Checking out Robert Jordan from Wheel of Time series .. don't have much hope for it, but I'm bored with most other genres right now
Woke Racism - How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America
Author: John McWhorter

The Energy Bus
Author: Jon Gordon
Daniel Siva (Gabriel Allon series) and Bernard Cornwell (Saxson Tales series).

A Nun introduced me to Allon. Not a bad book in the series. The Prince of Fire is a great character.

I've never heard of the saxson series. Is it similar?
"The Broken Girls" and "Sundown Motel" both sort of psychological thrillers by Simone St. James
The Gray Man series by Mark Greaney (I think I've now read all of them but may have missed one - sort of a cross between Mitch Rapp and Jack Reacher)
The Rapp and Reacher series are some of my favorites. I'm going to look into the gray man series. Thank you. The closest to the Reacher series I could find was the Peter Ash series by Nick Petre. It's not Reacher but probably closer than the Grant one.
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The last few months I've been burning through anything Bobby Adair. I'm on the last book of Ebola K. I've read just about 3/4 of everything he's published in a few short months. The one thing about his style that might put people off is he rarely finishes a book without the need to read the next one to finish plots. Wasn't much of a problem for me since I caught on late.

I ran through Arthur T Bradley's Survivalist Series a few months ago. Similar cliff hanger style to Adair. They were a good read.

I'll scoop up anything Longmire. If you liked the series, the books are better.
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A Nun introduced me to Allon. Not a bad book in the series. The Prince of Fire is a great character.

I've never heard of the saxson series. Is it similar?
Netflix/BBC made a series (The Last Kingdom) based on the Saxon Tales novels. It's about the Vikings fighting the Saxons for control of England. The books and TV series are very good.

I am reading a WW2 non-fiction book by James Holland...War in the West trilogy. Volume 1 was good and 2 is good as clue when 3 is releasing though.

I am also reading my first Tom Clancy novel about WW3....Red Storm Rising. It has been excellent so far...200 pages in and 550 or so to go. It is a nice page turner...not sure if I will go through the whole Ryan universe after this or not. I am more of a non-fiction/history reader usually.
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Splitting my time between:

Epicurus of Samos: His Philosophy and Life: All the Principal Source Texts, and the hardback version of Chained Heat.

You could say it is a Yin and Wang type of weekend.
Not currently reading but November Road by Lou Berney is highly recommended.
Just finished the last book of The Expanse series, Leviathan Falls, by James S.A. Corey (a pen name for two co-authors). Same series as the show on Amazon Prime.

Shortly before that, I read The Wisdom of Crowds, last book in the latest trilogy from the excellent Joe Abercrombie, a British fantasy author with grimdark tendencies.

Highly recommend both authors if you're into those genres.

Next up for me is Dune. Never got around to reading it before. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I just read Werewolf Cop by Andrew Klavan. It is a preposterous title and premise but probably my favorite thing I've read since Empire of the Summer Moon.

Quick read -- only about 250 pages.
Just finished Sons Of Valor by Williams and Andrews. That was pretty good, recommend.

SEALS in Afghanistan mostly (and Tampa) war type stuff, suspenseful and well-written.
I just read Werewolf Cop by Andrew Klavan. It is a preposterous title and premise but probably my favorite thing I've read since Empire of the Summer Moon.

Quick read -- only about 250 pages.
I put that in my book list after you said that. Normally the title alone would turn me off but if you liked Empire of the Summer Moon than I can dig it, fantastic book.
Just finished re-reading 1984 since I didn’t really read it well in high school.

Now reading Hamilton by Chernow. I had read the first few chapters before going through 1984, now I'm going to finish it.

Thinking I might to a Teddy Roosevelt bio next.
I'm about half way through Endurance. The ill-fated journey by Ernest Shackleton and crew in 1915. One of the greatest survival events ever. Glowing reviews. For me, meh. Maybe the 2nd half will get better.
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Just finished re-reading 1984 since I didn’t really read it well in high school.

Now reading Hamilton by Chernow. I had read the first few chapters before going through 1984, now I'm going to finish it.

Thinking I might to a Teddy Roosevelt bio next.
You should read "Brave New World" by Huxley if you haven't already.

It's similar to 1984 in that it's a dystopian novel but it's not quite in your face like 1984. BNW is more chilling which surprised me.
I haven't finished a book in awhile as I'm usually reading a handful at a time.

Books I'm currently reading:

  1. Based on a True Story by Norm Macdonald.
  2. Annihilation
  3. The Abundance of Less
  4. Bananas - How the United Fruit Company Conquered the World
  5. The Wastelands by Stephen King

If you want to laugh read Norms book. It's something you can read in a day or two but I recommend reading a chapter at a time whenever you need to laugh.
You should read "Brave New World" by Huxley if you haven't already.

It's similar to 1984 in that it's a dystopian novel but it's not quite in your face like 1984. BNW is more chilling which surprised me.
Read it in high school, though it got the same half-assed effort 1984 got. I've definitely considered reading it again.
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The River of Doubt - It's about Teddy Roosevelt's trip up the Amazon river basin, after he lost his bid for a third term as POTUS. He helped charter the exploration, and damn near died on the trip.
I've got that on my list. A buddy of mine who isn't that big a reader absolutely loves that book.

I've started The Once and Future King because I'm trying to follow along with the Ben Shapiro book club this year. Ten pages in I'm not exactly hooked but we shall see.
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Re-reading American Psycho, 1984, and A Confederacy of Dunces.

Reading for 1st time: Non-fiction "How Rome Fell" ... details the late Roman Empire and its slow destruction. Fascinating read with many parallels to today. (The biggest factor behind the fall of Rome was an inability to control its borders... now our politicians do it on purpose, literally.)
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The River of Doubt - It's about Teddy Roosevelt's trip up the Amazon river basin, after he lost his bid for a third term as POTUS. He helped charter the exploration, and damn near died on the trip.
I haven’t read much about TR but he sounds like a GD stud.
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Just finished Beloved by Toni Morrison, won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and is now on the conservative hit list. Got some advice, you don't need to be all that worried, was really disappointed, just wasn't that great of a read, written in a really strange style that I could never quite get. Guess I need to be more woke to appreciate it.

I have read River of Doubt, TR was truly an American original, and that trip was bat shit crazy, he was lucky he didn't get his entire party killed, but is a great story.
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I'm really not digging How Propaganda Works. It's not teaching me anything new and it's kind of a slog (it's vague and repetitive), so I think I'm just gonna ditch it and re-read Manufacturing Consent.

Writing one. Not much time for reading right now.

How's it going?
I'm really not digging How Propaganda Works. It's not teaching me anything new and it's kind of a slog (it's vague and repetitive), so I think I'm just gonna ditch it and re-read Manufacturing Consent.

How's it going?

Not well, but thanks for asking. Too many projects going. Haven't given up, but a long way from where I wanted to be
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Not well, but thanks for asking. Too many projects going. Haven't given up, but a long way from where I wanted to be
I thought about writing myself but have read enough good books to know I don't think I have the talent to do so, especially fiction, much harder than writing non fiction, at least for me.

What are you writing, if you don't mind me asking?
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