What Florida fans are saying...


May 29, 2001
But he's am awful passer, that's why he left PSU. He's a slight better Terry Wilson.


Well, I was in the swamp the night the streak ended and Terry Wilson destroyed us.


Whats up with all these guys eating the banana and the peel? I think I'll pass.


Having grown ass men and adults on the DLine has certainly helped this year (speaking of Florida)


(re: UFs guys returning from injuries)
Very good although I am not sure we need any of them outside of Eguakun


Nice to see some some depth on the OL. 7-8 guys have played pretty well. Need that over a long season and with that UGA DL looming


Great news. I expect AR15 to ball Saturday.


our new found success breeds typical Gator entitlement and arrogance .... I LOVE this team.... we seem strong on the OL and DL for a change .... But UK is physical ..... and rest assured they will hit a couple of long passes against
Our DBs ...

Still think we win comfortably, HOWEVER .... UK isn't a layup anymore .... and their crowd really gets into it


Kentucky makes me nervous. Our average margin of victory during our last 3 trips to Lexington is 4.6 points.


The crowd will be especially into it if we start out slow. We could afford to do that against Tennessee in Gainesville. Still think we have a comfortable victory but will be easier if we have a good first quarter.


It will be close on the road. Cannot let them move the chains by running the ball


Don’t overlook UK. They’ve played us really close over the past few years.


I don't think we should overlook them either, but last year wasn't really close.


Last year we could score at will. This year, we can’t do that as well.


Our scoring offense has been fine so far.


They are not very good, but SEC road games (outside of Vandy) are always tough for a while at least. I expect UF by 10+


Well, UK has been a thorn in our sides lately...


Yep they beat us one time in like 28 years.


Correction one time in 35 years


(re: the line)

That will grow to 10 by game time I think. And I think we win by 17


Thank goodness for Trask or else Mullen would have had two losses against Kentucky


Let’s be honest we should’ve lost like three of the last six.


Oh we should’ve? Scoreboard doesn’t say that. I mean if you want to go buy close games there’s probably 10 games we should’ve lost through the years but we didn’t. Because we’re Florida, And they are Kentucky.


If Todd Grantham knew about sports this game would be a 25 point win


The last two performances from Kentucky have been underwhelming at best. Dont think about this too hard. Focus on stopping Rodriguez and the run, make Levis beat you and we should win this by a few TD’s atleast.


I don’t know why, but this is the one game left on the schedule that actually makes me nervous. Maybe it’s cause they’ve typically played us close under Mullen and a Mike Stoops led offense also scares me a bit, especially with a grantham coached defense. I don’t know. I just hope our guys come out with the same level of intensity and focus as the 2nd half of the previous two games, except for 60 whole minutes this time. We can’t afford to go down to Kentucky early with that crowd at night. They’ll be fired up and have likely circled this game on their calendars. I really hope I’m wrong and it’s a landslide victory by our gators. Someone please talk me off the ledge.


8 seems about right to me, what did you expect? Kentucky is better than Tennessee and it's in the road.


Only have to do a few things and we win…limit mistakes aka turns/penalties, tackle even a little better, limit big plays.

a turnover for us would be nice (do we still do those??) and maybe a big play or two also…but even without these, if we do the first three I think we win by 14 or more.


Kentucky game has been close in recent years because it was the first SEC game on our schedule, so a lot of mistakes were made and the team always seemed sluggish. However, the talent gap has been glaringly obvious in those games, so with this being our 3rd SEC game we should be sharper and roll them over. Gators by 4 scores.


If it makes you feel better, I believe the reason KY has been able to hang with us in the past is their Oline and Dline being better, back when ours lacked. We don’t have that problem this year.


Remember the line has nothing to do with what Vegas thinks it’s going to happen in the game. It’s 100% designed to entice betters. Kentucky’s been a trendy pic so they have to set the line lower to get people to bet


"The line" is mostly for betting, but this one shows the game is expected to be closer than we'd like.


I’m thinking this number will slowly but surely go down throughout the week. Kentucky will get a lot of hype as we get closer to Saturday.


Have to stop Rodriquez


This is UKs super bowl every year. I think they’ve been sloppy and halfway sandbagging the last two weeks but they will certainly bring their A game Saturday, like they have in recent years. Levis struggled last week but I think he’s pretty good. We have to get pressure on him and contain Rodriguez and Wandale. This one won’t be easy.


Going to be a tough one


Night game, Lexington will be rocking, better come to play!


UK looked very pedestrian against SC


But we are Kentucky's super bowl


They did, but they will be at home & wanting to prove something so at the very least we will get their best shot. Talent wise we are better than the last time we played there and had to have the backup eventual starter come in to bail us out in 2019!


That's Kentucky. Stoops coaches like Muschamp. He doesn't coach to score a lot of points. He coaches to score more points than his opponent. Once he has more, he goes into prevent offense.


Gotta stop the run, unlike tonight.
#8 gashed us all night. (for Tennessee)


Agreed. If we’re not better against the run next week we’re in trouble. Make them throw, get Elam back.


#8 gashed us because for some reason Grantham likes to walk one of the LBs up to the line essentially creating a 5-1-5 defense. Every time we did that the vols checked into the run.


Can’t start fearing the UK game.


This is going to be a dogfight. So far Mullen has lost to UK and won two very close games. I would say this is the 3rd hardest game on the schedule at this point. They look better than LSU. This is the game we will miss Ventrell a whole lot.


Their first game looked like they may be breaking new ground not only did they have their usual running game but their transfer QB had a great passing night. UK was looking like a serious threat because of that. And then they beat Missouri which sounded like a solid win at the time.

Not sure what has happened to Kentucky the last two games. They have fallen back and don't look to be any different than most years.

Has Stoops been going vanilla and running Florida game plan plays in practice the last couple of weeks?

I think we need to go in there and expect a major dogfight. Hopefully the real Kentucky is the one that barely won last week and that struggled to beat South Carolina last night.


We should wax them. No excuses. They have struggled against some bad teams this year. If we go in focused it should be a comfortable win


If they run well then their play action passing will be open and that is really bad for us.

will need a fast start as a team to shut them down early. A slow start up there will not be good. Kentucky may not have looked spectacular the last 2 games, but they’ve put a lot on tape that we have to be ready for. I’m very concerned about the passing game they showed week one. We don’t match up well there.


Offense should be able to get 28-38 on them. Stop the run and make Levis beat us and we win easily.


It's funny how much Kentucky fans today resemble USCe fans a decade ago, when they thought they turned the corner and joined the upper echelon of the SEC in football. DaileyDoublecat is a good, yet realistic poster, but some others I've read are a little too full of themelves. Perhaps they are enjoying that rarity of being able to talk smack to football opponents.

But Kentucky IS Kentucky.

* In basketball, no matter how bad they are in a given year, they STILL are Kentucky.

* In football, no matter how good they are in a given year, they STILL are Kentucky.

I equate Kentucky to Florida in the 1980s. Indeed, Pell's and Stoops' records aren't far off. Both had a rebuild year their first year, then both righted the ship. The difference is that in Years 4-6, Pell jumped into the Top Five, and I believe had the SEC treated Pell like they did Bryant, Dooley, Majors, Vaught, Bowden, Dye, etc., they would have continued to grow. Kentucky seems to have peaked in 2018, then leveled off. FAR better than the Joker Phillips years, but not at the same trajectory as Charley...


Kentucky tied (with FSU LOL among two other teams) for the worst team in turnover margin. Given they are 4-0 and giving up almost 3 turnovers a game is pretty remarkable. I haven't watched them play much at all this year.


Such an odd season for Kentucky. At times it looks like they are balanced and can be a tough game. Really have shot themselves in the foot with turnovers. Until it's over, they will concern me if they decide to show up for us and play a clean turnover free game.

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