What do we do about these streetfights?


Apr 17, 2010
Orlando, FL
It appears that the Pitino blueprint for hacking us to death and daring the refs to call it is being copied en masse by the rest of the SEC. We cannot sustain that kind of beating night after night and keep winning games comfortably, but the refs seem not to mind.

I'm open to real suggestions here. My first inclination is that we should start flopping. This is the behavior that gets rewarded, thus the referees have laid out the ground rules, and the fouls not called are costing us probably 10 free throws a night. We can try to muscle through and be above it all, but at some point the physical play and the frustration will overcome us and we will lose, and it might be in March.

I say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Start flopping, and do it like we do everything else: better than everybody else.

Flop the sh*t out of games.

Who's with me!?!!!?!?!??!
NC state was able to take a largely unnoticed story about possible academic fraud at UNC and blow it up into a national scandal getting all kinds of media attention. Maybe UK fans should try to do the same in respect to crooked refs and the influence of favoritism and money in officiating the game.
I understand where you are coming from but I completely disagree with flopping. I would have way more respect for a team that fights through and overcomes.
If we flop, the stripes will suddenly be able to recognize it. I wish UK would set up their own high speed cameras on the post area at home games. Would be very revealing.
The solution does not lie with the refs

If they called the game correctly in the first place you wouldn't have people body-slamming each other on the basketball court

The solution belongs with the players, and to some extent the coaches

In my opinion, the first time either team pulls a dirty move (which is about half the time under the bucket) whoever it is that's getting pwned puts in their ugliest, meanest, bad-ass bench player who simply pulls back his elbow on the next in-bounds and open-handed smacks the *ish out of the offender

If that doesn't bring both benches out onto the court and FORCE the refs to call the game, this sweet science, the way it is supposed to be officiated then nothing will
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

In my opinion, the first time either team pulls a dirty move (which is about half the time under the bucket) whoever it is that's getting pwned puts in their ugliest, meanest, bad-ass bench player who simply pulls back his elbow on the next in-bounds and open-handed smacks the *ish out of the offender

If that doesn't bring both benches out onto the court and FORCE the refs to call the game, this sweet science, the way it is supposed to be officiated then nothing will
Sam, 100% agree with you. As John Cheney would say, "Send in the Goon Squad". Problem is, we don't have a "bad ass" Winston Bennett type of player. Maybe the "head band" dude?