What are these in the Sky 💙💎

Ball lightning that you proposed earlier is interesting. I have never encountered that.

Keep looking up and you will see a triangle soon. Real cool site. Big glow when you see them.

I will definitely keep an eye out .

I found this pic interesting as well, zoom in & check the things out around the moon!
Closer vid of one in my backyard.
I have been getting these every night in Ky, or was, it’s been pretty cloudy lately.

These are zoomed in, the videos I have, how do I post them? If I'm lying, I’m dying!

Like a ball of energy

The objects are out of focus. When you zoomed in, autofocus wasn't able to correct itself. If you used manual focus, you've done the same thing.
The objects are out of focus. When you zoomed in, autofocus wasn't able to correct itself. If you used manual focus, you've done the same thing.

Nah, i think it’s like Super Bowl halftime show, Diamonds in the Sky 💎

I am just kidding, of course not, that would be crazy!

Probably just a coincidence
My buddy has it on Twitter! Changed the contrast to see the lights on the planes. First plane comes in on the right, the second on left. Wait until the end & you hear the jet sound!
This one Rayban Givens is your friend on Twitter…
Me & the Wife on the porch. I wanted to show her it was moving, the dogs did not like it!
But in this one Rayban Givens is you and your wife?

You’re special.
This one Rayban Givens is your friend on Twitter…

But in this one Rayban Givens is you and your wife?

You’re special.

Now imagine, let’s go brain surgeon here.

My friend, posted my video, on his Twitter, because I do not have one.

Now, do you have anything worth noting on the discussion?
Now imagine, let’s go brain surgeon here.

My friend, posted my video, on his Twitter, because I do not have one.

Now, do you have anything worth noting on the discussion?
Yes, that you’re an attention seeking moron that hops from here to Twitter and back all day as life choices. Sad
I also find it odd, the issues of welding incidents. You know high heat, laser or beam around some of these incidents lately ⚡️ 🔥 💥

Welding is very dangerous these days!

It’s crazy in LA. Life threatening flood warnings & blizzard Warnings.

I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A
California dreamin' on such a winter's day

So much for California Dreamin 😎

I can attest to the fact that, having been a welder for @ 30 years, I've inadvertently "sparked" a fire....or a few, lol.

It does happen, I just didn’t know that it happened or occurred so frequently to such toxic chemical facilities.

Social Media coverage & the world today, we just see more of it & hear more of it frequently. Hard to get anything past anyone these days, it’s like like they see & know everything with an eye in sky.

Reminds me of one my favorite shows, Big Brother, where it is not only how man people you trust to win the challenge & race , but how many people trust you & put their trust in you. That’s how you navigate It.

Delicate line to walk, especially these days where it seems so many get so easily upset or Offended!
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I’m thinking solar powered. If not, how are they fueled or charged? How are they maneuvered? Like a drone. Some of them even look like 🛸

You have all these solar panels spread Nation wide, plus the sun & moon for charging. Like a charging station that could fly or stay in the air forever.

I wonder who could have them?

I know, I’m out there, but Thanx for letting me get this craziness off my chest? Stressful times! Plus I’m an ole Boomer! We crazy!

I wish I could post the videos, how can I do that. They will blow your mind.

The spheres move as well.

They has some last week that were white. A friends brother shared some videos of them on social media. Looked like a meteor then the meteor split and the white lights hovered apart ...
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Ball lightning that you proposed earlier is interesting. I have never encountered that.

Keep looking up and you will see a triangle soon. Real cool site. Big glow when you see them.

Some good fellas from Jackson KY hired a friend of mine for some work in the 90s. Told independent stories of lightning striking electrical towers and balls of electricity rolling down the towers and across the ground during a crazy bad storm. As scared as one of em was of getting struck by lightning, and with it hitting all around them, he saw a thunder ball rolling off the tower towards him and he realized with all the chemicals and fuel in the building where he sheltered he was going to die if he stayed there. He was in his 50s and the others said they NEVER saw him .ove so fast before or since
It just struck me, just like a lightning bolt ⚡️.

If they can alternate weather, I see why they say, that they can control the weather & events of the entire world relating to climate events & disasters.

Amazing technology, but if they are capable of doing it, isn’t that like them playing & being God?
I watched some videos of the flooding in Los Angeles last night, and while I wanted to snicker at residents there posting photos of Severe Thunderstorm Warnings (a normal occurrence in most of the country but I guess they're conditioned to sun and calm weather), the flooding did look bad.

There's also an older actor, Julian Sands, who went hiking alone five weeks ago in the CA mountains and went missing. It hasn't gotten much coverage because he's not a household name but I guess his claim to fame would be as the blonde Brit doctor from Arachnophobia. No way he's still alive. Just an odd way to go in 2023.
I watched some videos of the flooding in Los Angeles last night, and while I wanted to snicker at residents there posting photos of Severe Thunderstorm Warnings (a normal occurrence in most of the country but I guess they're conditioned to sun and calm weather), the flooding did look bad.

There's also an older actor, Julian Sands, who went hiking alone five weeks ago in the CA mountains and went missing. It hasn't gotten much coverage because he's not a household name but I guess his claim to fame would be as the blonde Brit doctor from Arachnophobia. No way he's still alive. Just an odd way to go in 2023.
Snow avalanche I believe.