What are the worst top 5 Refs for UK Basketball


Nov 27, 2011
Since last night Doug Shows reffing was terrible it made me think who they are.

#1 is 1000% John Rooferie Higgins.

The rest would be....

TV Teddy Valentine
Pat Adams
Doug Shows
Blind Karl Hess (I remember this poster. Long time ago, shout out to him!)

What is your top 5?
Since last night Doug Shows reffing was terrible it made me think who they are.

#1 is 1000% John Rooferie Higgins.

The rest would be....

TV Teddy Valentine
Pat Adams
Doug Shows
Blind Karl Hess (I remember this poster. Long time ago, shout out to him!)

What is your top 5?
Old T.V. Teddy was the only ref I saw that wouldn't take Bob Knight's bull crap.
still a terrible ref
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Since last night Doug Shows reffing was terrible it made me think who they are.

#1 is 1000% John Rooferie Higgins.

The rest would be....

TV Teddy Valentine
Pat Adams
Doug Shows
Blind Karl Hess (I remember this poster. Long time ago, shout out to him!)

What is your top 5?
What ever happened to that poster? He was even a moderator for awhile if I'm not mistaken.
1.) John Higgins
2.) Jamie Luckie
3.) Pat Adams
4.) Doug Sirmons
5.) Doug Shows

Honorable mention: Verne Harris, Ron Groover, Roger Ayers
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During the Cal era Shows is the guy that anytime i see his name i consider not even watching. If it’s a road game and he’s on the whistle i don’t watch under any circumstances.

Whats even crazier to me is despite his tennessee ties it feels like he officiates a lot of our games at tennessee. Like…how is something like that even allowed? How can you try to pass this off as a legit sport and let a dude officiate home games for HIS team?

But others that i just…eye roll when i see them calling our games are Adams, Ayers, Lindsey, and Luckie.

Didn’t mention Higgins because he hasn’t done one of our games since he cheated us in 2017.
Thanks. Thought I remembered Cawood talking about both. He didn’t mince words.

There will never be another Cawood. I’m sure you remember Pitino’s first season when none of our games could be broadcast live on TV. If you wanted to know what was going on, that meant tuning in to Cawood. But what an experience - I could close my eyes and see the game unfold with Cawood on the call.
There will never be another Cawood. I’m sure you remember Pitino’s first season when none of our games could be broadcast live on TV. If you wanted to know what was going on, that meant tuning in to Cawood. But what an experience - I could close my eyes and see the game unfold with Cawood on the call.
Oh yeah remember it well. Remember listening in the late 60’s, early 70’s. Moving left to right on your radio dial lol. He would also call it as he saw it, if the cats sucked, he said so. Today I mute it if watching sports. I can figure out what’s going on without the ridiculous input. But I’d give anything to hear Cawood one more time. A shame 92 Duke was his last. But he went out in style despite K.
Pat Adams is the worst referee period. Not necessarily #1 at screwing UK, just a really, really poor official everywhere he is.
That's the thing about Sirmons, he seems like a top flight official outside of UK games. I think he just hates Cal. I wouldn't say that about Ayers or roofie. They are incompetent as Shows and Pat Adams.
Since last night Doug Shows reffing was terrible it made me think who they are.

#1 is 1000% John Rooferie Higgins.

The rest would be....

TV Teddy Valentine
Pat Adams
Doug Shows
Blind Karl Hess (I remember this poster. Long time ago, shout out to him!)

What is your top 5?
The SEC as a whole. Worst basketball referees in the world. They should even be allowed to call junior high games.
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Any list of thieves that I could contribute would have to include two names:

Don Rutledge
Paul Galvan

Some of you old codgers will no doubt recognize those names.
Don't leave out John Clougherty, maybe the alltime worst. Of those now working

TV Ted
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Higgins is number 1 without a doubt. Shows call on Wallace was about as bad a call I have ever seen. I swear I think Cal is off all their Xmas lists!!
John Higgins
Jamie Luckie
Keith Kimble
Brian Dorsey
Joe Lindsay

Agree with the statement that when I see Shows, Sirmons, Daily or Ayers set to officiate a UK game, I know it will not be fair.

*and back in the day, from 1983-2009, Tim Higgins (no relation) officiated the heartbreakers against Duke (‘92), UNC (‘95), and Arizona (‘97).
John Higgins
Jamie Luckie
Keith Kimble
Brian Dorsey
Joe Lindsay

Agree with the statement that when I see Shows, Sirmons, Daily or Ayers set to officiate a UK game, I know it will not be fair.

*and back in the day, from 1983-2009, Tim Higgins (no relation) officiated the heartbreakers against Duke (‘92), UNC (‘95), and Arizona (‘97).
I thought about Kimble. Dorsey I remember being bad but not specifics.

Also haven't seen him for a while but DeRoza always got me worried.
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…Dorsey I remember being bad but not specifics….
I put Dorsey on there because, while only officiating 3 UK games, we are 0-3 with him. He was on the whistle in 2019 for our Elite Eight OT loss to Auburn. Though in foul trouble, Auburn pulled of a “miracle of miracles” by not getting called for a single foul in the final 9:16 or so of play! In a game that went to overtime. Where the winner went to the Final Four.

This season, he’s been on the whistle for our Double OT loss to Michigan State and the UCLA game.