What ANGERS you the most about Cal?

Great post.
I made this statement about 3 years ago.
Cal has managed to accomplish something that I did not believe was possible.

He has divided Big Blue Nation, the greatest basketball fanbase in history, and he found a way to turn UK fans against each other.

Haha, first trip to the rodeo son? From Rupp to now our best coaches divided BBN and half BBN had pitchforks and torches while the other half sang praises and worked the bucket brigade.

Coaches that divided BBN:

Coaches that unified BBN:
Drunk Eddie Sutton
Even Drunker BCG

2 of the 3 unifiers did so by unifying all of us against them. Pitino left while still on top or he would have been on the other list eventually. Cal was right early in his tenure when he said its really about a 10 year job.

Rupp and Hall were fortunate they were pre-internet. Rupp was gruff and thin skinned as they come. He was also bitter that the retirement rule wasn't waived for him and he was forced out. And reporters that weren't in his inner circle were terrified of the man.
Haha, first trip to the rodeo son? From Rupp to now our best coaches divided BBN and half BBN had pitchforks and torches while the other half sang praises and worked the bucket brigade.

Coaches that divided BBN:

Coaches that unified BBN:
Drunk Eddie Sutton
Even Drunker BCG

2 of the 3 unifiers did so by unifying all of us against them. Pitino left while still on top or he would have been on the other list eventually. Cal was right early in his tenure when he said its really about a 10 year job.

Rupp and Hall were fortunate they were pre-internet. Rupp was gruff and thin skinned as they come. He was also bitter that the retirement rule wasn't waived for him and he was forced out. And reporters that weren't in his inner circle were terrified of the man.
Not my first rodeo, and I'm not your son.
Probably old enought to be your Dad.
I have been following UK basketball and football since the early Sixties.

And yes, there has always been a love/hate relationship between UK coaches and BBN.
But here is the difference between what is happening now vs. the division over coaches in the past.

BBN issues with coaches has always been about WINNING games and sometimes even about style of play, especially if we are LOSING games that we should be winning.

But with NONE of the coaches you listed was there ever a question about THEIR loyalty to the UK program or their desire to win games for UK.

Rupp was revered by the fans.....because he won a lot of games and made UK the premier basketball program in the country. Old age and health problems caught up with Rupp, and everyone knew it was time for him to retire....other than Rupp himself.

Pitino is still revered by the majority of BBN, because he brought our program back from almost the death sentence and put us back on top while WINNING a lot of games. Pitino knew his ten year run was over, so he left on his terms.

I could go on about the others but I won't.

Cal has separated BBN not just for losing games he should win and his style of play, but with his attitude toward WINNING, not putting the UK program first above his personal agenda, introducing politics into sports ( what kind of idiot would EVER think that is a good idea), his condescending attitude toward fans, media, and anyone who doesn't agree with him.

You can read an entire thread of all the things that Cal does that pi$$es BBN off on a regular basis.

That was NEVER the situation with the other coaches. BBN is pretty savvy concerning coaching issues. When ES and BCG had a drinking problem, it was BBN that called them out for it. That is very different than the issues the fans have with Cal today.

And just like Rupp and Pitino, it is Cal's time to go, and everyone knows it but him......

Have a nice day. Son.
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The only thing this thread has taught me is that there's a lot of angry people out there in this world lol.
The fact that he could have been UK modern day goat (Rupp is all time goat but talking modern day) and he pissed it away and doesn't even care.
Of course he doesn't care ... Cal's attitude is that if you don't praise him then he hates you. This isn't normal behavior and should be very concerning to anyone who cares about the program. This will only get worse and honestly cannot be ignored by the fans. He likes to claim that it's about the "kids" and that's a lie b/c for Cal, it's only about him ... always has been.
Not my first rodeo, and I'm not your son.
Probably old enought to be your Dad.
I have been following UK basketball and football since the early Sixties.

And yes, there has always been a love/hate relationship between UK coaches and BBN.
But here is the difference between what is happening now vs. the division over coaches in the past.

BBN issues with coaches has always been about WINNING games and sometimes even about style of play, especially if we are LOSING games.

But with NONE of the coaches you listed was there ever a question about THEIR loyalty to the UK program or their desire to win games for UK.

Rupp was revered by the fans.....because he won a lot of games and made UK the premier basketball program in the country. Old age and health problems caught up with Rupp, and everyone knew it was time for him to retire....other than Rupp himself.

Pitino is still revered by the majority of BBN, because he brought our program back from almost the death sentence and put us back on top while WINNING a lot of games. Pitino knew his ten year run was over, so he left on his terms.

I could go on about the others but I won't.

Cal has separated BBN not just for losing games he should win and his style of play, but with his attitude toward WINNING, not putting the UK program first above his personal agenda, introducing politics into sports ( what kind of idiot would EVER think that is a good idea), his condescending attitude toward fans, media, and anyone who doesn't agree with him.

You can read an entire thread of all the things that Cal does that pi$$es BBN off on a regular basis.

That was NEVER the situation with the other coaches. BBN is pretty savvy concerning coaching issues. When ES and BCG had a drinking problem, it was BBN that called them out for it. That is very different than the issues the fans have with Cal today.

And just like Rupp and Pitino, it is Cal's time to go, and everyone knows it but him......

Have a nice day. Son.

End of thread.
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Reactions: KFuqua and cathouse
Not my first rodeo, and I'm not your son.
Probably old enought to be your Dad.
I have been following UK basketball and football since the early Sixties.

And yes, there has always been a love/hate relationship between UK coaches and BBN.
But here is the difference between what is happening now vs. the division over coaches in the past.

BBN issues with coaches has always been about WINNING games and sometimes even about style of play, especially if we are LOSING games that we should be winning.

But with NONE of the coaches you listed was there ever a question about THEIR loyalty to the UK program or their desire to win games for UK.

Rupp was revered by the fans.....because he won a lot of games and made UK the premier basketball program in the country. Old age and health problems caught up with Rupp, and everyone knew it was time for him to retire....other than Rupp himself.

Pitino is still revered by the majority of BBN, because he brought our program back from almost the death sentence and put us back on top while WINNING a lot of games. Pitino knew his ten year run was over, so he left on his terms.

I could go on about the others but I won't.

Cal has separated BBN not just for losing games he should win and his style of play, but with his attitude toward WINNING, not putting the UK program first above his personal agenda, introducing politics into sports ( what kind of idiot would EVER think that is a good idea), his condescending attitude toward fans, media, and anyone who doesn't agree with him.

You can read an entire thread of all the things that Cal does that pi$$es BBN off on a regular basis.

That was NEVER the situation with the other coaches. BBN is pretty savvy concerning coaching issues. When ES and BCG had a drinking problem, it was BBN that called them out for it. That is very different than the issues the fans have with Cal today.

And just like Rupp and Pitino, it is Cal's time to go, and everyone knows it but him......

Have a nice day. Son.
Cathouse, first let me apologize. The "son" was just part of the expression. I did not mean it as dig on you. I am sorry about that. I generally don't participate in the name calling or splitting of BBN against each personally. I know we all want the same thing here.

As for the topic, I actually I was addressing your original point ..... coaches dividing the fan base. Your second point, that Cal has alienated part of BBN for reasons other than winning/losing is more nuanced. But honestly, if he was winning I have to wonder if the issue would be front and center. As an example, I'll use Pitino's hyperbole. I was sick of it, but as long as the Cats were winning it was fine with me. Had the winning tide turned, with his ego, he might have become Cal (who knows?).

As a product of the 50s, I hope you're not old enough to be my Dad. But if you are, good on you!
I actually think that the skin is thin on both sides. Everyone is offended all the time. Comedians offend folks, politicians offend folks. Actors, musicians, people on social media, everyone. Now we get to add basketball coaches to the list of people we are offended by.

I’m not easily offended by people on my tv. I’ll tell you what does offend me, losing. That’s about it.

Cal is stubborn and petty and yes he’s taking shots at the fanbase. He stirs up so much shit that he’d be perfect for this message board. But shame on anyone who lets it get under your skin. He’s here to coach ball and that’s all you should expect from him.

To cal, win more damn games
To the fans, stop getting your feelings hurt
For nine million dollars a year, I will submit to daily beatings. What a child Calipari is.

Here, I cued it up for you:

Cathouse, first let me apologize. The "son" was just part of the expression. I did not mean it as dig on you. I am sorry about that. I generally don't participate in the name calling or splitting of BBN against each personally. I know we all want the same thing here.

As for the topic, I actually I was addressing your original point ..... coaches dividing the fan base. Your second point, that Cal has alienated part of BBN for reasons other than winning/losing is more nuanced. But honestly, if he was winning I have to wonder if the issue would be front and center. As an example, I'll use Pitino's hyperbole. I was sick of it, but as long as the Cats were winning it was fine with me. Had the winning tide turned, with his ego, he might have become Cal (who knows?).

As a product of the 50s, I hope you're not old enough to be my Dad. But if you are, good on you!
No problem. We all want the same thing for UK basketball. A coach who cares about his responsibilities to the program as much as he cares about his personal agenda.

You are absolutely correct, winning cures a lot of problems and the majority of the fanbase will accept the coaches egos, moral failures, arrogance, etc., as long as that coach is winning games or at least giving the appearance of working to get the program back on track.

But, given the downward trend of our program and Cal's projected attitude of "IDGAF about what BBN thinks, I'll do it my way.", that is unacceptable to a lot of fans who have supported the program through thick and thin.

If you don't love UK and you don't care about the success of the program, for whatever gallant notion you have as a coach, you should move on from UK , IMO.

We didn't hire the next Mother Theresa. We hired a basketball coach.

And Cal needs to be reminded of his job responsibilities toward the program.

P.S. I totally agree with you on Pitino. I could not stomach his ego and his arrogance toward the fans, but when his teams took the floor and you watched them play the game, you knew Pitino had given his very best effort in preparing his team to win the game, and the rest didn't matter to UK fans who love seeing their team play an exciting brand of basketball and be prepared to win every time out. You always knew, regardless of the opponent, we were going to give them our best shot, win or lose.

We go into games against mid majors now expecting to lose the game, or at least fearful of losing the game. That alone tells you it is time for a change at UK.
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I get frustrated by his insistence on jamming up the paint on offense and his preference for long “athletes” over basketball players.

That said, it doesn’t make me angry because I can’t control anything about the situation.

Getting pissed off over things beyond one’s control is a losing battle.
That he has turned the fanbase against each other. I loved those days prior to the nearly-undefeated loss to Wisconsin (when Cal really started showing his poor coaching). Fans loved each other, we had fun, it was great times.

Now, everyone thinks everyone else in our fanbase are idiots if they don't either suck Cal's balls or hate his guts. That's all on the coach, and that's what I hate most.

Honestly. I’ve gotten to a point where I dislike his defenders more than i dislike him. I mostly don’t have a problem with Cal the person.

The single thing hes done that bothers me the most is holding the UCLA job opening a few years back as leverage for that ridiculous contract and buyout. That proved to me that Cal has little to no actual loyalty to Kentucky basketball and is hard to forgive. Hell, he’s said himself if guys hadn’t come back in 2014 that he would have taken that Cleveland job.

So you have “UK fans” that have this undying loyalty to Cal because they think to be loyal to the program they have to be loyal to and support the coach at all costs. It’s such a short sighted and narrow minded way of thinking when the coach is overpaid, underperforming badly, and has proven on more than one occasion the feeling is far from mutual.

We have so many sheep in this fanbase it’s maddening.
His sleazy used car salesman vibe. He’s everything but honest and transparent and authentic, and anyone who has an ounce of discernment can see right through him.

The vast majority of UK fans, including the ones on this board who adore him - could not stand the guy when he coached at Memphis. He arrived here - and they jumped on board the Cal train. I suppose that’s what sleazy used car salesmen coerce you do.

Bet you loved Rick Pitino and they’re basically the same person.