What ANGERS you the most about Cal?

Are people really upset by the whole Bennie thing?

Good lord. I always thought it was just a running joke he had with members of the media more so than certain fans.
oh I think that loss meant something to him

UNC-W means he has zero margin of error now to salvage this season
I hope you're right. If the last 3 years didn't cost him his job, I don't think he is too worried about how this one goes.
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I hope you're right. If the last 3 years didn't cost him his job, I don't think he is too worried about how this one goes.
he's not worried about losing his job, he's worried about being called a horrible coach before being called a man who changed so many kids lives.

you have to know what motivates him and use it , just like a good coach would, which he is not
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he's not worried about losing his job, he's worried about being called a horrible coach before being called a man who changed so many kids lives.

you have to know what motivates him and use it , just like a good coach would, which he is not
I think you're spot on. Cal is not a motivator. Not a guy that gets a team to over achieve. He has plan A, if that plan doesn't work, he has no other plan.
Nothing. I'm not really an angry person.

Everyone in sports provides me with lots of free entertainment. I'm grateful. And, with Cal, I especially like everything I hear about him and how he relates to his players and to other coaches.
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His laziness to actually give 100% to coaching our basketball team to win every game. I put his effort at about 50% since about 2017.

I can take wins and losses if I knew he was actually doing all that he could to coach.

Related to that, all the wasted opportunities makes me mad as well. He's had all the talent in the world and has squandered it with laziness.

I don't care if he's not respectful to the fans, I don't care if he kneels, I don't care if he lies about injuries, I care about him giving complete effort to coaching. He doesn't do that.
He did the impossible, He divided a once indivisible fan base. He injected his politics into Kentucky basketball. He kneeled for our Nations Flag and Anthem. He never takes responsibility for anything. At every possible moment he leveraged the crap our of the University for his own personal gain. He plays favorites even when they arent the best option. He puts other interests before winning and making the program the best in the Nation. He lies all the time and he has disdain for the average Kentucky fan.
How can you love someone you don't know that much? That's stalker-ish.
Love? That is a word creeps would use when trying to falsify someone supporting their basketball team. I don’t know why haters have to resort to this. They often invoke his family and raise sexual innuendo. I guess it just speaks to the low character of that type of person Its disgusting.
Tons of things, but one of the main ones is that within the first 5 possessions by the opposing team, 20,000 people in Rupp and millions watching on TV can see the opponents have a guy who can penetrate and finish at the rim, or he can dish out to a an open guy who will probably hit a 3, and that strategy will still work on the last possession of the game.
Not angry at Calipari about it, but I don't like his roster construction approach. I believe the roster, rather than specific plays, screening, style in general, etc., is the main culprit for UK's offensive woes over the last 5 years or so.
Arrogance and taking shots at fan base

A thin skinned man
I actually think that the skin is thin on both sides. Everyone is offended all the time. Comedians offend folks, politicians offend folks. Actors, musicians, people on social media, everyone. Now we get to add basketball coaches to the list of people we are offended by.

I’m not easily offended by people on my tv. I’ll tell you what does offend me, losing. That’s about it.

Cal is stubborn and petty and yes he’s taking shots at the fanbase. He stirs up so much shit that he’d be perfect for this message board. But shame on anyone who lets it get under your skin. He’s here to coach ball and that’s all you should expect from him.

To cal, win more damn games
To the fans, stop getting your feelings hurt
I hate that he can’t do even one in game adjustment to give our team a chance to win. I hate that we always lose in the tournament to a lower ranked team. I hate that he won’t play zone, does not run any out of bounds plays and that he has wasted more talent than all the rest of the NCAA coaches combined. But most of all I hate that he is the coach at The University of Kentucky.
His sleazy used car salesman vibe. He’s everything but honest and transparent and authentic, and anyone who has an ounce of discernment can see right through him.

The vast majority of UK fans, including the ones on this board who adore him - could not stand the guy when he coached at Memphis. He arrived here - and they jumped on board the Cal train. I suppose that’s what sleazy used car salesmen coerce you do.