"What about the millions he's raised for cancer?"

So if Boeheim shot someone Vitale would say the only thing he was guilty of was pulling the trigger on a gun. It wasn't his fault another person got in the way.
Vitale has been a caricature for a few years. During that rant, I'm sure his producer was holding his breath that Vitale wouldn't say anything that embarrassed the entire network.

Vitale will go to bat for his pals; and that's fine. But he should not be allowed to use his employers forum to do so.

Vitale's apologiest, he should really quit clamoring about how great people are.

K-rapist enabler, substance abuser
Roy - cheater
Boehiem - cheater, molester enabler
Pitino - adulterer, abortionist

There is a nice hall of fame collection for you but not for any good reasons.