We're lucky to have Matt Jones

I don't know why anyone hates on Jones , what has he ever done that harms UK ? Some people complain that he is rude to callers but many of those callers are so touching derp , I am glad he cuts their silly crap off . If you don't cut them off the show would be consumed with incoherent calls .
I like Matt.

I feel like a lot of people who are big time sports fans don't completely understand what his show is there for. He's an articulate, arrogant, and enthusiastic fan, not a journalist, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. He feeds the hungry their favorite meal, and Kentucky fans are always hungry.

Plus, he's got decent access and some knowledgable friends. If you don't get caught up in being annoyed with the hyperbole, he's worth a listen, and his shows are always entertaining.
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I know that Jones and Company can be a little goofy at times and he tends to grate on some peoples nerves, (not mine), but I live in Louisville and his show is basically all there is to listen to in a sea of Cardinal garbage. I really appreciate that.

Thank you joining me & several more for giving Matt Jones credit that he really deserve.
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He does 2 things better than anybody else in the world.

1. 1 stop shop for UK news, particularly for people who don't live in Lexington or Kentucky.

2. Pisses off the Cards fans and administration like nobody else.

He has plenty of flaws just like anybody else - but these two factors reign supreme, imo.
I used to listen a lot. like every day for years. Even if it is exaggerated for effect, the attitude he displays towards others wore on me. On the other hand, I don't like to listen to Leach act like some of his callers don't ask ridiculously bad questions either. It might be a hard line for Jones to walk, but I don't like giving my time to people who act as he does.
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I think his attitude improved over the years though. He used to clearly believe he was better than others.
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I like the website more than the show, but I'll tune in if they are going to discuss some new basketball info or something. He's pretty good when it comes to recruiting info, too.
If there were some radio host that I really didn't like, I'd absolutely be going and listening to opponents' podcasts so I could listen to him to get more stuff to complain about. That would definitely be the best thing I had to do with my time.
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I've always wondered why people bash Matt. It's comical.

His show is the most entertaining and it's not close.

He's also the ONLY person who completely takes the the idiots to task each and every time they bash UK and exposes media with national bias towards UK and calipari. He doesn't hold back when it comes to Forde, bozich or anyone else and I'm sorry but it's completely refreshing. He tells stories other people are afraid to tell.

The media brotherhood is ridiculous and that's why he sarcastically talks about his show not being journalists. When idiots used to write stories bashing UK or someone with UK, nobody would call them out. As fans, we'd all get pissed but no one in the media would step up. Well, Matt does and he does it well. Why does that bother people?

Anyway, drew Franklin cracks me up as well and I'm glad we actually have positive comments in a post about Matt and KSR because if we didn't have KSR I wouldn't listen to a UK radio show.

It's the same with this message board. I have never and will never go to another one.
Believe it or not, it's possible to be a UK fan and have little to no opinion about Matt Jones. Some of us don't even listen to the radio anymore.

I'm somewhat fascinating at how polarizing this topic is when it's brought up once a month. I confess that I really don't get it.
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I don't know why anyone hates on Jones , what has he ever done that harms UK ? Some people complain that he is rude to callers but many of those callers are so touching derp , I am glad he cuts their silly crap off . If you don't cut them off the show would be consumed with incoherent calls .

LMAO!!!! Derps!! My 8 yr old son keeps saying this and I thought he just made it up. He says it all the time and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Man, I guess I am getting old. Lol. Good to know that he isn't so weird and that it really is a word used.
I live in a small town in the middle of Virginia and have no UK fans around me to talk to, so his radio show is pretty much a god send. I especially enjoy the post game shows after big wins, football or basketball, since I don't really have anyone to celebrate the Ws with.
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Matt found a niche and he's killing it. He's doing what many of us wish we could. I check the site daily and most of the articles are actually linked on RR.
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No real opinion on jones. Of course, if you have ask yourself why so many don't like jones the. You obviously haven't been paying attention. He's been caught stealing too much info and plastering it as his own. He's been caught up too many times for my particular liking.

But if you like UK and don't care about that sort of thing, have at it.
Matt is great for UK sports, awful for UL sports, and a great outlet for UK talk.

Not sure how any UK fan would not like that. His attitude and demeanor can be tough to take but I think he has worked on that and it has improved.

He's a HUGE UK fan like all of us....I think the people that don't like him are also the same ones who are first to tell you how they are a bigger or better fan than you are.
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Jones is an ambassador for himself. UK is just the tool he uses to get where he wants. Nothing more nothing less. Some of you have drunk way to much of the kool-aid that he serves.
I, too, like and enjoy Matt Jones. I just want everyone to know. Can everyone read this? I want people to know my opinion on the matter.

But I hate him so much. He's the worst. Can everyone read this? I just want everyone to know. I want people to know my opinion on the matter.

You'd think this were a discussion forum or something
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