He paraded every negative stereotype of Kentucky imaginable across his webpage for years.
Jones is an ambassador for himself. UK is just the tool he uses to get where he wants. Nothing more nothing less. Some of you have drunk way to much of the kool-aid that he serves.
I'm discussing my love for Matt Jones.
I'm discussing my hate for Matt Jones.
She's the worst. Can't stand it when she's on radio or podcasts.
And exactly why should this matter to anyone who wants UK info on the team or recruiting ? Why should we need to accurately gauge Jones fandom ? Please be very specific on this so we can fully understand where you are coming from and exactly why we should feel the same way .Jones is an ambassador for himself. UK is just the tool he uses to get where he wants. Nothing more nothing less. Some of you have drunk way to much of the kool-aid that he serves.
And exactly why should this matter to anyone who wants UK info on the team or recruiting ? Why should we need to accurately gauge Jones fandom ? Please be very specific on this so we can fully understand where you are coming from and exactly why we should feel the same way .
We want info and Jones provides it in a one stop shopping platform , why is that a bad thing ? It sounds like you've drank too much derp-aid , was he mean to you when you called ? Did he not let you ramble on about tattoos and headbands ? I also don't care if he bludgeoned someone and took their secret info and told me about it .
So he took your picture ? Nobody cares , file another lawsuit and see how many care . I'm going to visit KSR and view all your stolen pics and it will not even register to me , it's entirely irrelevant. If it's info then nobody cares , nobody cares if your info gets violated . I don't know where it comes from and don't care , if I knew it was stolen I might like it more .I will just wait for the next lawsuit that shows their way for them passing along your much needed info as their own.
This all day long ! The thought that information about a college team or a high school recruit belongs to someone is laughableThe very notion that information can be copyrighted is absurd. It's info not, artist design schematics for the damn Death Star.
Matt Jones is capitalizing on his love for UK and making a living doing something he loves. Every single person on this board would trade places with him in that capacity in a heartbeat.
I don't agree with everything he says but, no one does. Don't like him? Turn off his broadcast.
If I read one more "Matt is so smart" "Matt does what he loves" "we would all trade places" "did you know he went to Duke law"
Good god give it a rest with the same old talking points. It's every damn time people.
Jones doesn't have real info. He doesn't have that many connections. If you believe he does, you haven't seen what I've personally seen. He's an entertainer that pretends to be an "insider". Let it be what it is, and enough with the "omg HES SO SMART YOU ARE JEALOUS WED ALL TRADE PLACES Har Har har!!!!!"
So many things about this post scream blind hatred. If you think he is not connected than there's nothing anyone can say to help you.
Sniff sniff, you poor little titty baby.Try someone else. I personally whitnessed the guy steal others work, post it as his own, and get busted the hell out. You like him, fine. But you won't make him into something he's not.
And again with the jealous shit. Good god some of you are ridiculous On this topic.
So you're saying he doesn't follow YOUR line of politics, so invariably you don't like him. Myopic........Guess its me but I'm basically done listening to him. I may visit the site for recruiting info etc, but his reluctance to not throw his political beliefs out there in some way gets pretty tiring. If I wanna hear politics I'd tune in to a person who had a clue what they are talking bout
You can get the replay podcast at itunes.I wish I had a way of listening so I could get in on the debate. I'm out of state and iheartradio is blocked at my office. Is there another way to get it? I've never heard a KSR broadcast, but I do enjoy the website.
Sounds like someone is still a little salty that they didn't get a refund on their lifetime membership at TBK.For the record, he's got "info". But he doesn't have much "insider info" and some call it. The guy made a living stealing TBK work for years. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Plenty of us saw it nearly daily.
Like I said, if you like him, fine. I don't blame you. But enough with the "HE LOVES HIS JOB" "YOURE JUST JEALOUS" crap. It's got nothing to do with it
For the record, he's got "info". But he doesn't have much "insider info" and some call it. The guy made a living stealing TBK work for years. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Plenty of us saw it nearly daily.
Like I said, if you like him, fine. I don't blame you. But enough with the "HE LOVES HIS JOB" "YOURE JUST JEALOUS" crap. It's got nothing to do with it
This. He got busted by the 104.5 the zone a few months ago for using their broadcast without consent or giving credit. He was totally oblivious to it when they called him out on it. He is not the great ambassador of UK sports as many say. I don't think that any one is jealous or wants to trade places with him. He is more like UK's version of Clay Travis.
Jones had major info on Gillispie's issues. We got his standard off handed comments about what was going but I think he was too frightened to actually release the real story. Of course, Jerry "UK hater" Tipton didn't go after the story either.
See this is the kind of stuff that's nonsense, no offense intended.
Frosty had all the info regarding G. "respect your team" nonsense maggard ran with protecting that trash system that was going on. You obviously aren't aware of that history.
But rafters is rarely in the know due to running off anyone actually half way connected. Then They embrace a guy like jones, who knows very little about recruiting, and isn't really connected in the AAU/high school scene at all.
But hell this wouldn't be rafters without this kind of nonsense.
This! why are they so obsessed with someone they claim has no sources or good info? Their jealousy is so obvious it is ridiculous.Those that hate him sure do like to talk a lot about him in his threads. They same the same thing over and over. Some one says something else and they repeat it again. I never understood those that feel the need to repeat the same stuff over and over.
Also it's funny how worked up some get.
Seriously, I couldn't care less about Matt jones and whatever he does,