We need some pick me ups (open thread for basketball jokes, funny UK stories, attractive women, etc.)

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Two old farmers sitting in rockers on a porch. One notices an old hound dog laying on the porch licking his balls.

Farmer 1. I wish I could do that. hehehe.

Farmer 2. Careful. He might bite.
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During the Gulf War 2 US Soldiers were captured for spying. They were taken before Saddam Hussein, and he told them according to the articles of war, spies were executed. One soldier was from Tennessee and the other from Kentucky. Saddam said, "we are going to execute you, but being the benevolent dictator that I am, I am going to grant each of you one last wish".
The Tennessee guy teared up and said, "Thank you Mr. Hussein, you are so kind, my last wish would be to hear that song "Rocky Top" one more time." Saddam answered, "Your wish will be granted."
He then questioned the Kentucky guy, "what is your last wish"? Without hesitation he answered, "Shoot me now."
He sent a personal message to a friend of mine today who is sick in Florida. He has so much faith and class. He is the hardest working player I have ever seen. He is by far my favorite play since Issel.

Not for me. I need a little meat on the bones. She’s not healthy.

Agree. Nothing to hold on to

Yeah, visible hip bones are not sexy.

There's 2 kinds of landings, soft and hard. That right there's a hard landing.
I could snap her like a twig
Just saying