Watch kentucky practice against la familia

I saw a scrimmage video with Sesitna mic’d up and Robinson looked very good. He was slashing to the basket quite a bit … looked like a bucket-getter !!
I enjoy seeing the former UK players returning, too ... but I wish someone would give that group a new name - something other than "La Familia". That just reminds me way too much of CCC. Sorry.
But, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !
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Butler and Brea didn’t play. I heard that Pope is gonna have a hard time with the rotation because he has 10 older guys that all want to and deserve to play. Harlan boy didn’t get a shot off. Perry didn’t play much but made a three, the older guys were going after him on defense. Bledsoe is a tank. New Freshman from BYU is rusty but had like 8-10 points and was first off the bench. Young cats jumped out 14-2 but apparently the older cats are bad out out shape except for Sestina and Andrew Harrison. The guy that watched it told me he was amazed at the action they were already running, lots of NBA sets with heavy action to one side with back door cuts on the other. Just a whole different feel because we have grown men.