Wally Szczerbiak


May 15, 2002
Just literally called out Cal.

said we are loaded and it’s all on him if we don’t get to final 4!

love it Cal knows he’s now exposed that is why he is so combative and extremely defensive. Basically also said if your a HOF coach get it done zero excuses
We ARE loaded and got a great draw. No excuses.
said forever literally worst bench coach we’ve had including Gillespie.
why in the heck would you not drop into a 1-3-1 when A&M was running a lay up drill on your ass and the zebras were doing there thing as usual because they hate squid. I’ll answer my own question, man to man is what the league scouts want to see you play, simple imo
Well just saw that Wally picked Duke to beat us in elite 8 so not sure what to make of statement in OP's post. Wouldn't be like him to say something that negative regarding any coach in advance.
He is EXACTLY right!!!

SO put Wally in the group Cal was WHINING about yesterday in his post selection PC. This just proves that the "fans" aren't the ONLY ONES with an EXPECTATION of a deep run for this team. For Cal's early teams HE HIMSELF placed the highest standard on their results.

What happened to that coach????!!!!! Sure wish he would return!!! That's the one that was worth a lifetime contract!!! The dude we have now is NO WHERE NEAR the coach we had 10 years ago!!
Well just saw that Wally picked Duke to beat us in elite 8 so not sure what to make of statement in OP's post. Wouldn't be like him to say something that negative regarding any coach in advance.
Go back and look big man that’s exactly what he said and he also has us in final four
Put Wally on the list of people whose college hoops careers were ended by Kentucky. 1999, the game right after Kentucky beat Kansas in OT after Padgett tied it with a 3. Crazy to think that is a quarter of a century ago.

Probably doesn’t influence his commentary but I doubt he’s rooting for the Cats.
So what about his statement was untrue?

Do any of the other teams in our region have two top ten picks, the SEC 6th man of the year, the NCAA freshman of the year, or an All-American on their roster?

How many other schools in our region have that type of firepower?

Just once, it would be wonderful if you stopped deflecting for Calipari and admitted he needs to do his job.

If Bill Self had squandered this many opportunities with so many future All-Stars and All-SEC performers over the years, you would have crucified him for it. But with Cal, he gets a pass, right?
Everyone knows it but they don’t want to be the ones to say it. A lot of the media and former coaches in the media don’t like to be “that guy” that calls out a coach, especially a guy in the HOF. But it’s to the point of craziness when he’s underachieving with such a talented team. Combine that with the past 6-7 years of tournament failures, two of the best players on the team not starting behind less talented players, and then the SEC tournament debacle and people are starting to speak out.
Wally is such an idiot. Real hot take there, chief. Wally really going out on a Redwood limb for some low hanging fruit. Sure, I'm glad the media is FINALLY talking about it, but I just can't stand that d-bag.
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I thought this thread was going to be how bad he looks with his Botox or whatever he’s done to his face. He looks like a Disney animatronic
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If UK makes the Final Four, I think it would only be logical to credit Calipari.

But that's likely not happening. Cal was castrated in 2017 and has never been the same since.

I would credit him with getting there but he still
Needs to retire. The guy is washed up and done. It happens to guys with his insane ego all the time. They don’t notice the train coming until it’s too late.

He doesn’t win to the standard of the men before him, and definitely won’t continue (if he won the elite 8) that as a trend with this methods. The fans that won’t accept this just cannot understand he’s not the guy from 2010.

He’s got to go regardless or we move closer to, at best Syracuse, at worst Indiana, standing in college basketball.
I would credit him with getting there but he still
Needs to retire. The guy is washed up and done. It happens to guys with his insane ego all the time. They don’t notice the train coming until it’s too late.

He doesn’t win to the standard of the men before him, and definitely won’t continue (if he won the elite 8) that as a trend with this methods. The fans that won’t accept this just cannot understand he’s not the guy from 2010.

He’s got to go regardless or we move closer to, at best Syracuse, at worst Indiana, standing in college basketball.
When is the last time Syracuse was in the top 25?
What's Cal's winning percentage vs. The programs winning percentage all time?
Same with tourney wins vs the program as a whole.
Look up Cal's winning percentage the last 5 seasons, along with SEC and NCAA tournament success. Then get back with the rest of us.
All depends if you want to take out the covid year or not.
The players got a free year.
Stoops had a losing record that year.
Duke didn't make the tourney.
Point being the year was an anomaly.
I was say most all coaches football and basketball get a pass on that season from their AD.
Fans have their own opinions.
All depends if you want to take out the covid year or not.
The players got a free year.
Stoops had a losing record that year.
Duke didn't make the tourney.
Point being the year was an anomaly.
I was say most all coaches football and basketball get a pass on that season from their AD.
Fans have their own opinions.
Stoops is a mid coach. He had a losing record because he couldn't pad his win total with 3 cupcakes. He had to play all SEC teams and got creamed. 1st round loss to a 15 seed. No SECT title since 2018. No SEC regular season in 4 years. 1 NCAA tournament win since the elite 8 in 2019. This isn't hard.
Just literally called out Cal.

said we are loaded and it’s all on him if we don’t get to final 4!

love it Cal knows he’s now exposed that is why he is so combative and extremely defensive. Basically also said if your a HOF coach get it done zero excuses
He could give 9million squats🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Damn, I just played back Wally’s comments from yesterday. He did not mince words.
I’m sure someone made Cal aware of what he said.
Wally is right, but for this team to make a run cal needs to be loose on the sideline and play the top 8 that best helps this team win.

If he puckers up and plays line ups that aren’t good the we are doomed.

Cmon Cats! Let get shit right.
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