Vandy's Facemask Kid

Welcome Sloner...was just making a general PSA since he seems to active right now. Have seen many of these guys, give it time, he show his ass more overtly soon.
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Graves51:

Vandy usually has some great shooters, a lot of times they are Kentuckians! Once they get to you by playing well they stick around for seems like 5 or 6 years!
We have another one coming in next year, Cameron Justice. He's not a 5 star or anything, but apparently is a nice player with a really good body for a two guard (Knott County central fyi).
Bigger and a better athlete. But still not a great athlete by any means. LaChance is way more crafty and its not even close. You just get the feeling that kid could get his shot off against anyone. Really knows how to move without the ball too. I enjoyed watching him play.

I love Justice as a highschool player. Sadly I think he'll struggle as a major D1 player. Hope Im wrong.

One thing I am sure of - if he sees the floor next year, it certainly wont be because hes taking LaChance's spot.
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Graves51:

Vandy usually has some great shooters, a lot of times they are Kentuckians! Once they get to you by playing well they stick around for seems like 5 or 6 years!
We have another one coming in next year, Cameron Justice. He's not a 5 star or anything, but apparently is a nice player with a really good body for a two guard (Knott County central fyi).
Bigger and a better athlete. But still not a great athlete by any means. LaChance is way more crafty and its not even close. You just get the feeling that kid could get his shot off against anyone. Really knows how to move without the ball too. I enjoyed watching him play.

I love Justice as a highschool player. Sadly I think he'll struggle as a major D1 player. Hope Im wrong.

One thing I am sure of - if he sees the floor next year, it certainly wont be because hes taking LaChance's spot. may be right. I often lose sight of the fact that I'm watching this kid (Justice) against other HS players and not necessarily AAU level. I do think he shows a lot of promise but whether he'll be at LaChance's level (or even close) is probably a long shot. You just never know. He'll probably be a 6 or 7 man off the bench fairly soon. Vandy has a pretty good core of guards already. What they need is more players like Damien Jones to fill out their roster. What year is Jones? Sophomore or Junior maybe?
Originally posted by SLONER67:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Graves51:

Vandy usually has some great shooters, a lot of times they are Kentuckians! Once they get to you by playing well they stick around for seems like 5 or 6 years!
We have another one coming in next year, Cameron Justice. He's not a 5 star or anything, but apparently is a nice player with a really good body for a two guard (Knott County central fyi).

I've seen some clips of this Justice kid and he definitely looks for real. My dad is from Knott County and told me all about him (before he committed to Vandy). I came away very impressed with the skills he displayed. I'll be shocked if he doesn't become a starter before end of next year. He could possibly be even better than LaChance if given a "chance". See what I did there?
Thanks for posting. I have just seen some highlights and as you mentioned, he looks good.

If he's a starter by the end of next year, that would mean he is really good and would welcome. He would basically have to jump LaChance and a transfer that averaged 17 ppg for Cornell (Nolan Cressler) so I would be super impressed if he is that good.

I think he'll get minutes next year as a shooter and if he produces, he'll get more.
Originally posted by wcc31:

Originally posted by JerseyCat84:
3 for 4 makes him an incredible shooter? Sure he's a good shooter, but Booker shoots at the same clip almost every game.
No, his entire freshman season makes him an incredible shooter. Going 3-4 against the best defensive team this decade in Rupp is just another example of this.

The above is the type of ish I can't stand about this place. Are we not allowed to discuss/praise opposing players without some BS disclaimer ("This praise is meant to be in no way disparaging to any UK player."). Grow up. Booker AND LaChance are great shooters. Tip your cap to the kid.
Damn, this is really good to see. Thanks for the objective post, very well said.
Originally posted by SLONER67:
Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Graves51:

Vandy usually has some great shooters, a lot of times they are Kentuckians! Once they get to you by playing well they stick around for seems like 5 or 6 years!
We have another one coming in next year, Cameron Justice. He's not a 5 star or anything, but apparently is a nice player with a really good body for a two guard (Knott County central fyi).
Bigger and a better athlete. But still not a great athlete by any means. LaChance is way more crafty and its not even close. You just get the feeling that kid could get his shot off against anyone. Really knows how to move without the ball too. I enjoyed watching him play.

I love Justice as a highschool player. Sadly I think he'll struggle as a major D1 player. Hope Im wrong.

One thing I am sure of - if he sees the floor next year, it certainly wont be because hes taking LaChance's spot. may be right. I often lose sight of the fact that I'm watching this kid (Justice) against other HS players and not necessarily AAU level. I do think he shows a lot of promise but whether he'll be at LaChance's level (or even close) is probably a long shot. You just never know. He'll probably be a 6 or 7 man off the bench fairly soon. Vandy has a pretty good core of guards already. What they need is more players like Damien Jones to fill out their roster. What year is Jones? Sophomore or Junior maybe?
While I agree that we need more Damian Jones type players, NCAA Basketball is a guard's game and you can win with guards at this level. Most bigs aren't developed enough to dominate because they all go pro early, well before they develop any sort of back to the basket game.

-Also, Jones is a soph (projected in the 1st rd next yr) and will probably stay at least one more yr.

We have a really good class for this team coming in next year with Semir Sehic and D'j Baptiste coming in. Sehic, in particular is a 6'9 monster who will be a really nice compliment to Jones at the 4. Baptiste is supposedly an amazing defensive player with limited offensive skills. He'll play if necessary, but really needs work on his offensive game.

Needless to say, I'm very excited about this team over the next few years:

PG - Wade Baldwin and Shelton Mitchell
SG - Riley LaChance, Nolan Cressler, Cam Justice
SF - Matthew Fisher Davis (beautiful stroke), Joseph Toye (super athlete, similar to Jeff Taylor), Jeff Roberson
PF - Luke Kornet (7'1 growing into his body, shot poorly at UK, but normally very good 3 pt shooter), Semir Sehic
C - Damian Jones, Josh Henderson, D'j Baptiste

After a few really bad years, I think we are back to being a top 25 team next fall. Save the Stallings will flame out in the NCAA stuff, he may or he may not make a deep run. We shall see!

This post was edited on 1/22 11:16 AM by Friedas_Boss
Seems like everybody UK plays these days can burn the nets off from 3 pt range and never misses free throws.
Originally posted by SLONER67:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:


I've seen some clips of this Justice kid and he definitely looks for real. My dad is from Knott County and told me all about him (before he committed to Vandy). I came away very impressed with the skills he displayed. I'll be shocked if he doesn't become a starter before end of next year. He could possibly be even better than LaChance if given a "chance". See what I did there?
Welcome to the board Sloner67 Pay no attention to some of the posters on here. Glad to have you.
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Very few have made Riley and non factor so far. He's crafty and knows where to go to get looks, especially in transition. The kid shoots about 80% from 3 on the fast break.
LaChance has hit 38 of 91 for the year or 41.08%
UK's Booker has hit 34 of 68 for the year or 50.0%

I will take Booker as he is 5 inches taller than LaChace and can play defense.

One more point: if a UK player had took a bunch of three early in the break Cal would have put his butt on the pine in a New York minute. On the Vandy side of things that is the only way they could get a three off because if UK got set up they throddled Vandy.
Originally posted by Bert Higginbotha:
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Very few have made Riley and non factor so far. He's crafty and knows where to go to get looks, especially in transition. The kid shoots about 80% from 3 on the fast break.
LaChance has hit 38 of 91 for the year or 41.08%
UK's Booker has hit 34 of 68 for the year or 50.0%

I will take Booker as he is 5 inches taller than LaChace and can play defense.

One more point: if a UK player had took a bunch of three early in the break Cal would have put his butt on the pine in a New York minute. On the Vandy side of things that is the only way they could get a three off because if UK got set up they throddled Vandy.
1) That's great that you would take Booker over LaChance.

2) If Booker is 5 inches taller than LaChance, how was Riley able to shut Booker down on Tuesday night? (fyi, Booker is not 5 inches taller than LaChance.

3) That's awesome about Cal benching UK players for taking wide open triples.

4) One of my favorite things UK fan does on RR is to get mad at anybody who points to a non UK player that is good or fun to watch. It's hilarious. Not sure one bad word was said about Booker, who is a fine young player.

4) One of my favorite things UK fan does on RR is to get mad at anybody who points to a non UK player that is good or fun to watch. It's hilarious. Not sure one bad word was said about Booker, who is a fine young player.


Now let's not go and make that assumption about all UK Fans on RR. You are correct there are a select few. To me the most sad thing is that the few UK fans who do what you have observed (and I've seen it too) give our fan base as a whole (a bad reputation). The same can be said for most fan bases of highly prestigious programs. I would be lying if I said I have not been guilty of the same behavior from time to time.

At the same time, I would go as far to say that many fan bases of smaller and more humble programs are notorious for making assumptions of what the intent was of a UK, Duke or other fan of a more accomplished program when said fan makes a statement. In other words, these fans can come off "overly sensitive" as much (or even more at times) than certain UK fans. You seem (from what little I have read from you) to be a really level headed and fair individual and from the context of everything, I can see where you would get the impression you did of this particular poster. I've heard that you are not what you seem but all I have to go on is what I have read so far from you. I make my opinions on the integrity of people based on what "I" observe, not by what others have told me...especially who I don't know well enough yet.

I guess all I'm saying is, "don't let the words or actions of a select few define your perception of an entire fan base". It's easier said than done and I frankly struggle with this as well.
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Bigger and a better athlete. . LaChance is way more crafty and its not even close.
6'9 monster..... Baptiste is supposedly an amazing defensive player

SF - Matthew Fisher Davis (beautiful stroke), Joseph Toye (super athlete, similar to Jeff Taylor), Jeff Roberson
How bad is Jeff Roberson that you could not come up with some over-the-top adjective for him?

Who knew such an emerging force was accumulating just down the road for us? Hopefully Cal can finish out this already #1 class to have a chance to compete next year.
Originally posted by qwesley:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Bigger and a better athlete. . LaChance is way more crafty and its not even close.
6'9 monster..... Baptiste is supposedly an amazing defensive player

SF - Matthew Fisher Davis (beautiful stroke), Joseph Toye (super athlete, similar to Jeff Taylor), Jeff Roberson
How bad is Jeff Roberson that you could not come up with some over-the-top adjective for him?

Who knew such an emerging force was accumulating just down the road for us? Hopefully Cal can finish out this already #1 class to have a chance to compete next year.
SLONER, see this post as an example.

And no it's not all RR posters, just a lot of them.

As for Roberson, is a glue guy who will be on the end of the bench unless he brings something else to the table next year. He'll probably have to become a good 3 point shooter to get on the floor.
Originally posted by SLONER67:

4) One of my favorite things UK fan does on RR is to get mad at anybody who points to a non UK player that is good or fun to watch. It's hilarious. Not sure one bad word was said about Booker, who is a fine young player.


Now let's not go and make that assumption about all UK Fans on RR. You are correct there are a select few. To me the most sad thing is that the few UK fans who do what you have observed (and I've seen it too) give our fan base as a whole (a bad reputation). The same can be said for most fan bases of highly prestigious programs. I would be lying if I said I have not been guilty of the same behavior from time to time.

At the same time, I would go as far to say that many fan bases of smaller and more humble programs are notorious for making assumptions of what the intent was of a UK, Duke or other fan of a more accomplished program when said fan makes a statement. In other words, these fans can come off "overly sensitive" as much (or even more at times) than certain UK fans. You seem (from what little I have read from you) to be a really level headed and fair individual and from the context of everything, I can see where you would get the impression you did of this particular poster. I've heard that you are not what you seem but all I have to go on is what I have read so far from you. I make my opinions on the integrity of people based on what "I" observe, not by what others have told me...especially who I don't know well enough yet.

I guess all I'm saying is, "don't let the words or actions of a select few define your perception of an entire fan base". It's easier said than done and I frankly struggle with this as well.
Don't worry, brotha, I do not think all UK fans are like that. I have family that graduated from UK (born and raised in Lexington), I have 5 really good friends who are die hard UK fans and there are several on here who are great also.
Like most seasons, vandy is irrelevant this year.

Unless we smack them again in the SEC tournament, we've had our lone meeting of the year...

This discussion is beyond stale at this point...

Vandy players/Stallings/Vandy fans have had their super bowl... time to get focused on the chess team.
Originally posted by UK till Death:
Like most seasons, vandy is irrelevant this year.

Unless we smack them again in the SEC tournament, we've had our lone meeting of the year...

This discussion is beyond stale at this point...

Vandy players/Stallings/Vandy fans have had their super bowl... time to get focused on the chess team.
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Bert Higginbotha:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Very few have made Riley and non factor so far. He's crafty and knows where to go to get looks, especially in transition. The kid shoots about 80% from 3 on the fast break.
LaChance has hit 38 of 91 for the year or 41.08%
UK's Booker has hit 34 of 68 for the year or 50.0%

I will take Booker as he is 5 inches taller than LaChace and can play defense.

One more point: if a UK player had took a bunch of three early in the break Cal would have put his butt on the pine in a New York minute. On the Vandy side of things that is the only way they could get a three off because if UK got set up they throddled Vandy.
1) That's great that you would take Booker over LaChance.

2) If Booker is 5 inches taller than LaChance, how was Riley able to shut Booker down on Tuesday night? (fyi, Booker is not 5 inches taller than LaChance.

3) That's awesome about Cal benching UK players for taking wide open triples.

4) One of my favorite things UK fan does on RR is to get mad at anybody who points to a non UK player that is good or fun to watch. It's hilarious. Not sure one bad word was said about Booker, who is a fine young player.
1) you don't know much about basketball.

2) Booker stats are better percentage wise.

3) A transition three on ever trip down the court will lead to a bunch of losses. Oops, Vandy already has a bunch of losses. Sorry.

4) I did not say a bad thing about Lachance

5) I am not mad at Vandy or you. I am laughing at Vandy and you.
Originally posted by Bert Higginbotha:
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

Originally posted by Bert Higginbotha:

Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:
Very few have made Riley and non factor so far. He's crafty and knows where to go to get looks, especially in transition. The kid shoots about 80% from 3 on the fast break.
LaChance has hit 38 of 91 for the year or 41.08%
UK's Booker has hit 34 of 68 for the year or 50.0%

I will take Booker as he is 5 inches taller than LaChace and can play defense.

One more point: if a UK player had took a bunch of three early in the break Cal would have put his butt on the pine in a New York minute. On the Vandy side of things that is the only way they could get a three off because if UK got set up they throddled Vandy.
1) That's great that you would take Booker over LaChance.

2) If Booker is 5 inches taller than LaChance, how was Riley able to shut Booker down on Tuesday night? (fyi, Booker is not 5 inches taller than LaChance.

3) That's awesome about Cal benching UK players for taking wide open triples.

4) One of my favorite things UK fan does on RR is to get mad at anybody who points to a non UK player that is good or fun to watch. It's hilarious. Not sure one bad word was said about Booker, who is a fine young player.
1) you don't know much about basketball.

2) Booker stats are better percentage wise.

3) A transition three on ever trip down the court will lead to a bunch of losses. Oops, Vandy already has a bunch of losses. Sorry.

4) I did not say a bad thing about Lachance

5) I am not mad at Vandy or you. I am laughing at Vandy and you.
1) I know a great deal about basketball, not sure why you say I don't.

2) Booker has phenomenal stats, he's an amazing shooter. The fact that LaChance shut him down doesn't change the fact that Booker is a really really good player.

3) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

4) OK.

5) OK.

Serious question though:

Would you take LaChance for 4 years over Booker for 1? I would take Booker over LaChance if I could only have one of those and only for one year, but if the choice was Booker for 1 or LaChance for 4, I would have to take the sniper from the Cheese State.
Originally posted by Friedas_Boss:

1) I know a great deal about basketball, not sure why you say I don't.

2) Booker has phenomenal stats, he's an amazing shooter. The fact that LaChance shut him down doesn't change the fact that Booker is a really really good player.

3) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

4) OK.

5) OK.

Serious question though:

Would you take LaChance for 4 years over Booker for 1? I would take Booker over LaChance if I could only have one of those and only for one year, but if the choice was Booker for 1 or LaChance for 4, I would have to take the sniper from the Cheese State.
I like LaChance. He is a good player. However, I will take Booker for a year or two instead of LaChance for four years because Calipari will bring in another top class to replace Booker. LaChance will be at Vandy for years and probably never experience an NCAA win. (I hope he does but Vandy has got to get a lot better to make the NCAA).

Calipari has taken UK to three final fours in his first five years. Vandy has never been to a final four. I think that that is the difference.
Serious question though:

Would you take LaChance for 4 years over Booker for 1? I would take Booker over LaChance if I could only have one of those and only for one year, but if the choice was Booker for 1 or LaChance for 4, I would have to take the sniper from the Cheese State.
Here at UK that answer us simple, Booker. Our goal in national championships not merely hoping to break into the top 25. I can certainly understand your preference though considering Vandy's ceiling. Hopefully he won't transfer out like many have.

UK beat a squad of cheesestate upperclassman last year w/o our best defender.