I don't think that stuff had any reason to do with why they lost.

You have past women's soccer players who talked about it being a distraction. So not only did Rapino put too much energy into non-soccer stuff, but it literally took away from the club as a whole.

Some of the girls on this very team don't agree with Rapino.. and now they have to play a sport that used to have 100% of the U.S. support now down to 50% .

All of it matters.
You have past women's soccer players who talked about it being a distraction. So not only did Rapino put too much energy into non-soccer stuff, but it literally took away from the club as a whole.

Some of the girls on this very team don't agree with Rapino.. and now they have to play a sport that used to have 100% of the U.S. support now down to 50% .

All of it matters.
That's not a reason to not support the team, if anything, you should support them more if you believe that.
That's not a reason to not support the team, if anything, you should support them more if you believe that.

That's a perfectly good reason to not support the team. Good luck telling half the country to just blindly support something that goes against their values and beliefs. Last I checked, liberals still won't eat Chick-fil-a.

If you want the support of those people, then the women's team should have stopped what Rapino was doing, halted the cockiness, etc. THEN, you'd find people coming back around.
Not standing for the National Anthem when everbody else does is not the same thing as wanting your country to be better. It's always been a F You to America. That's why libs are the only ones who do it.
Exercising your constitutional rights. The horror!!!
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That's a perfectly good reason to not support the team. Good luck telling half the country to just blindly support something that goes against their values and beliefs. Last I checked, liberals still won't eat Chick-fil-a.

If you want the support of those people, then the women's team should have stopped what Rapino was doing, halted the cockiness, etc. THEN, you'd find people coming back around.
Oh well, agree to disagree.
Exercising your constitutional rights. The horror!!!
Hey moron... she can do whatever she wants. I just think it's a bullshit move. It would be like Reed Sheppard saying he hates the University of Kentucky, that we're backwards, that x,y,z at the university all needs to change, and then he sits there with a scowl on his face after the game while My Old Kentucky Home thing plays. In that case, dude, just go somewhere else. But don't expect to stay and have people rooting for you.
Hey moron... she can do whatever she wants. I just think it's a bullshit move. It would be like Reed Sheppard saying he hates the University of Kentucky, that we're backwards, that x,y,z at the university all needs to change, and then he sits there with a scowl on his face after the game while My Old Kentucky Home thing plays. In that case, dude, just go somewhere else. But don't expect to stay and have people rooting for you.
When has she ever said that she hates America? Again, wanting to bring attention to the issues of the country does not equal hating the country.

One can seek betterment and still care about that thing.
Hey - the country will be so much better if women soccer players made as much as men!! Give me a break - if she wants to make the world a better place, feed a hungry person, don’t bitch about what you ain’t got. She only gives a shit about making her world a bette place, complete narcissist like most of the nut jobs that support her.
Idk why y’all keep clamoring for these liberal soccer women - they don’t give a rat’s tail about y’all so why do you keep sticking up for them? Did y’all stick up for Brittany griner like this?
That's a perfectly good reason to not support the team. Good luck telling half the country to just blindly support something that goes against their values and beliefs. Last I checked, liberals still won't eat Chick-fil-a.

If you want the support of those people, then the women's team should have stopped what Rapino was doing, halted the cockiness, etc. THEN, you'd find people coming back around.
Last I checked, it was the right who was pissed at Chick-fil-a. And Disney, and Barbie, and Bud Light, etc. As I've stated in the past, I truly wish both sides would stfu. I'm convinced we bitch online because our significant others would tell us to shut up if we did this in real life.

Most athletes lean liberal, esp. on social issues, and in the voting booth, the right is losing on social issues so your half the country statement seems more like opinion. Did Rapino put herself out there and make herself a target if she or the team underperformed? Yes. In turn, are some now celebrating their loss and using it to bitch about the left? Yes. Some on the right always want to make these things some sort of woke issue. Last I checked, LeBron had opinions many here disagreed with and still won a title recently. Perhaps the soccer team just underperformed. It happens in sports. Turning their loss into this cultural warzone of bitching at each other is tiresome, is it not? Can't people just act normal for a gd change and say, "Know what? I disagree with them but I hope they still do their best and win and if they come up short, it's probably not because they didn't vote for my guy."

This is the shit that's crushing this country, not a few politicians. We went off the deep end and can't even enjoy a movie or a sport now because we can't handle someone having differing opinions. But hey, glad you've decided to make the team's loss into this huge cultural statement about Chick-fil-a and shit lol.
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Last I checked, it was the right who was pissed at Chick-fil-a. And Disney, and Barbie, and Bud Light, etc. As I've stated in the past, I truly wish both sides would stfu. I'm convinced we bitch online because our significant others would tell us to shut up if we did this in real life.

Most athletes lean liberal, esp. on social issues, and in the voting booth, the right is losing on social issues so your half the country statement seems more like opinion. Did Rapino put herself out there and make herself a target if she or the team underperformed? Yes. In turn, are some now celebrating their loss and using it to bitch about the left? Yes. Some on the right always want to make these things some sort of woke issue. Last I checked, LeBron had opinions many here disagreed with and still won a title recently. Perhaps the soccer team just underperformed. It happens in sports. Turning their loss into this cultural warzone of bitching at each other is tiresome, is it not? Can't people just act normal for a gd change and say, "Know what? I disagree with them but I hope they still do their best and win and if they come up short, it's probably not because they didn't vote for my guy."

This is the shit that's crushing this country, not a few politicians. We went off the deep end and can't even enjoy a movie or a sport now because we can't handle someone having differing opinions. But hey, glad you've decided to make the team's loss into this huge cultural statement about Chick-fil-a and shit lol.

The right isn't pissed at CFA lol.. certainly not to any level that the left is pissed at them. You also hate bakeries that don't put dicks on cakes. You hated a country star for a song he made that you weren't going to listen to anyways. You hate a movie that came out which exposed child sex trafficking. see, I can do the same thing.

There's a laundry list of things that both parties don't like, and won't support. It is what it is. You can't expect one party to just "get over" their gripes, while your party doesn't offer to do the same.
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Fwiw, I don't boycott shit if it's good. You can go time stamp my Barbie post in which I was agreeing with your side: that movie looks legitimately good. I'd never NOT drink Bud Light if I liked it (more of Miller guy if I'm drinking that type of beer). I'm still going to watch Lebron and actually still kind of root for him, despite his politics. And I didn't need to boycott women's soccer because I've never much liked watching soccer. I rooted for them 12 years ago, but no, I was not rooting for them now and that actually isn't just political, as I outlined in my first post. But that's not boycotting anyways..

If its a good product, its a good product. Life is too short to miss out on things just because of some slight differences. Maybe more people *should* be like me, I guess.
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The right isn't pissed at CFA lol.. certainly not to any level that the left is pissed at them. You also hate bakeries that don't put dicks on cakes. You hated a country star for a song he made that you weren't going to listen to anyways. You hate a movie that came out which exposed child slavery.. see, I can do the same thing.

There's a laundry list of things that both parties don't like, and won't support. It is what it is. You can't expect one party to just "get over" their gripes, while your party doesn't offer to do the same.
Using me as a totem for the far left is odd. I don't know what you're talking about with dicks and cake, I don't have a problem with any film, I don't really care about country music, and I love Chick-fil-a. It's both sides, my man, both sides. This is a site of mostly conservatives. I get that, but the goofiness of the right is always downplayed. Both sides act hysterical over nothing. Some just don't like that I call out what I see here, which is usually absurd takes from conservative-minded posters. As I've said in the past, the far left and far right are so similar but both sides have so much hate for each other, they can't see it.

But you're right in a sense, we could do this all day because the nuts on either side are the loudest. I'm sure the Aldean song is fine, but some on the left flipped about it. The Tyler Childers video is fine, but some on the right flipped about it. I saw where Garth Brooks was selling Bud Light at his bar in TN and then I saw hundreds of tweets calling him a pedophile. I saw Kid Rock support Trump and then the left pretended he's white trash satan. Just silliness. Similar to you turning this soccer loss into a grand statement about forcing half the country to blindly support something that goes against their values and beliefs. It's a gd soccer game. A game.
Those of us on the right are just doing a victory lap today. I don't think we're actively thinking about women's soccer on this Monday.. just debating with others about the outcome.. which I might add, you're certainly spending a lot of time here defending your "side" of this same "game" you think is so trivial.

Otherwise, I generally agree. I always thought guys who boycotted the NFL, after loving it for 40 years, were silly to throw something away just because of a few kneeling incidents. I've often said, right in this place several years ago, that the best way to go about these political, is to just ignore it. I think the greatest come back statement is to just pretend the other side doesn't exist. In a way, angry white men boycotting the NFL, is exactly the type of response that helps Kap.
True story.

Played golf the other day with part of our regular crew, pretty much right wingers in the foursome, plus me. So . . . at one point, they start going on and on about Bud Light, and then Disney, and then the NFL, and so on. I just kept quiet, pretty much had my mind on golf (tbh had a really nice round going, and did not want to interfere with the vibe)

But . . . on the 16th hole or so, one guy says "and then Disney picks a black girl to be the new Little Mermaid" to which the other guy agrees. So I whipped abound and just asked "What is wrong with a black little mermaid"

Both guys got this look on their face, like, oh shit, busted. One mumbles, "there is nothing wrong with it".

So I replied, "So, why did you bring it up?" Finally one guy lamely says something like the original Little Mermaid was white (of course leaving out the fact that for about 100 years, EVERY character of any consequence on TV or in movies was white, but I guess that was OK in their mind)

I told them, look, it is a Freaking MERMAID, for God's sake, an imaginary creature, they are most likely green, if they really existed. Get a life and worry about something a little more substantial. That pretty much ended the political conversation (and shot 79 to boot!)

Some of this cultural stuff is just way the hell over the top, hard to believe we are in this shape.
True story.

Played golf the other day with part of our regular crew, pretty much right wingers in the foursome, plus me. So . . . at one point, they start going on and on about Bud Light, and then Disney, and then the NFL, and so on. I just kept quiet, pretty much had my mind on golf (tbh had a really nice round going, and did not want to interfere with the vibe)

But . . . on the 16th hole or so, one guy says "and then Disney picks a black girl to be the new Little Mermaid" to which the other guy agrees. So I whipped abound and just asked "What is wrong with a black little mermaid"

Both guys got this look on their face, like, oh shit, busted. One mumbles, "there is nothing wrong with it".

So I replied, "So, why did you bring it up?" Finally one guy lamely says something like the original Little Mermaid was white (of course leaving out the fact that for about 100 years, EVERY character of any consequence on TV or in movies was white, but I guess that was OK in their mind)

I told them, look, it is a Freaking MERMAID, for God's sake, an imaginary creature, they are most likely green, if they really existed. Get a life and worry about something a little more substantial. That pretty much ended the political conversation (and shot 79 to boot!)

Some of this cultural stuff is just way the hell over the top, hard to believe we are in this shape.
I couldn't imagine going golfing and talking about politics. How miserable is that. Don't you play golf to get away from everyday life and enjoy yourself. Some people just can't help themselves.

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