USA vs Serbia

Watching Team USA vs Serbia. Plavsic from UT is playing for Serbia and he is still the big fouling oaf he was in Knoxville. Davis playing well. On 3 straight possessions, AD blocked Plavsic, Jokic, and Jokic again (I think). He then got a loose ball that lead to an Ant dunk.
Lol play by play no pun intended
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I’m just surprised to hear that Plavsic made their Olympic team, given how much top tier big man talent Serbia traditionally produces. Seems they should’ve had WAY better backup center options than that guy.
Watching Team USA vs Serbia. Plavsic from UT is playing for Serbia and he is still the big fouling oaf he was in Knoxville. Davis playing well. On 3 straight possessions, AD blocked Plavsic, Jokic, and Jokic again (I think). He then got a loose ball that lead to an Ant dunk.
AD has been the USA’s best player IMO.