UK women’s coach on sideline today

Well it may be. I’m sorry you didn’t like it. 🤦🏻‍♂️ They have a different dynamic going on over there though now. It’s actually closer to the truth than a lot of ppl would care to admit, accept or know about but hell I understand that it wasn’t all politically correct but I don’t even care bout women’s basketball but I am familiar with a few problems they’ve had this season. So terrible post as it was.. let me just say I’m glad the men team is winning and hope they ain’t up in the Lodge carrying on like the women are. 🤷‍♂️
First it’s their life. It’s no one’s business who they date. And if you think the mens team is not running through coeds then I don’t know what to say. You are entitled to your opinion and I’m not trying to change it.
First it’s their life. It’s no one’s business who they date. And if you think the mens team is not running through coeds then I don’t know what to say. You are entitled to your opinion and I’m not trying to change it.
Right. It’s not public record. And the men’s team probably are doing just that as I would expecting them to be, but the difference is they ain’t sword ⚔️ fighting with teammates all night long. Yeahhh see that’s the difference here and first off I didn’t say I had a problem with who the females dated either to begin with. Somebody wanted to know why Mitchell done well and Elzy hadn’t with the talent she has and I gave my 2 cents and you didn’t like it, and I didn’t give a damn but if teammates date teammates then that’s never gonna end well and have chemistry issues. I don’t know that any of em date for a fact.. however they will play with each other’s slip N slides at times. 😂
First it’s their life. It’s no one’s business who they date. And if you think the mens team is not running through coeds then I don’t know what to say. You are entitled to your opinion and I’m not trying to change it.
Right. It’s not public record. And the men’s team probably are doing just that as I would expecting them to be, but the difference is they ain’t sword ⚔️ fighting with teammates all night long. Yeahhh see that’s the difference here and first off I didn’t say I had a problem with who the females dated either to begin with. Somebody wanted to know why Mitchell done well and Elzy hadn’t with the talent she has and I gave my 2 cents and you didn’t like it, and I didn’t give a damn but if teammates date teammates then that’s never gonna end well and have chemistry issues. I don’t know that any of em date for a fact.. however they will play with each other’s slip N slides at times. 😂
Right. It’s not public record. And the men’s team probably are doing just that as I would expecting them to be, but the difference is they ain’t sword ⚔️ fighting with teammates all night long. Yeahhh see that’s the difference here and first off I didn’t say I had a problem with who the females dated either to begin with. Somebody wanted to know why Mitchell done well and Elzy hadn’t with the talent she has and I gave my 2 cents and you didn’t like it, and I didn’t give a damn but if teammates date teammates then that’s never gonna end well and have chemistry issues. I don’t know that any of em date for a fact.. however they will play with each other’s slip N slides at times. 😂
How do you know what the mens team does? You don’t. Maybe Mitchell was just a better coach. I just think it’s funny when people assume all women athletes are lesbians.
How do you know what the mens team does? You don’t. Maybe Mitchell was just a better coach. I just think it’s funny when people assume all women athletes are lesbians.
Yeah Mitchell was a better coach! That was my whole point smart guy. I’m not assuming shit. Go back and read it before you pop off. Mitchell did great things and had more control with what was going on. Ya might be surprised with wat I actually do know behind the scenes. Anddd actually Elzy knows the game too and she could be good but she has a different approach or mentality that is more of a friend to players than teacher/coach. So you think you slick Ed, but don’t assume that I’m just assuming lol because you don’t never know who ya talking too.
Mitchell leaving was the death of this program. In women's hoops he did about everything he could except make a Final Four...and that is tough due to no parity.
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I just don’t believe UL should have superior programs in Women’s Basketball or Baseball. There’s no reason for it . But they do .
Solution 💡 Kyra just needs to find a few males and start giving them estrogen.
NCAA is okay with it.