UK was a fun team to watch this past season

Dec 1, 2009
As a fan base, are you guys interested in playing IU in the regular season again? I try to be a realistic fan about expectations and such. Hopefully the series can get started again soon. UK has dominated cbball last 20 years.
I consider UK to be IUs biggest rival and have nothing but respect for UK and the consistent winning your team has demonstrated. Hope to have some good discussions in the future.
IU fan
This is going to come across as weird, and I don't mean it to be rude, but my first instinct is that you're somehow a troll just because I don't recall ever reading something that pleasant from an IU fan here. It's like everything is backwards in the universe.

But to answer your question, no. I hate to respond to your civility with such a harsh answer, but after the shenanigans IU pulled regarding the series, and seeing that they need us more than we need them on the OOC schedule, I don't like the idea of essentially helping them.

From a pure fan perspective, I think it would be great to have two border state rivals with the history of the two programs play every year, but IU burned that bridge and we are a proud and vengeful fanbase.
This is going to come across as weird, and I don't mean it to be rude, but my first instinct is that you're somehow a troll just because I don't recall ever reading something that pleasant from an IU fan here. It's like everything is backwards in the universe.

But to answer your question, no. I hate to respond to your civility with such a harsh answer, but after the shenanigans IU pulled regarding the series, and seeing that they need us more than we need them on the OOC schedule, I don't like the idea of essentially helping them.

From a pure fan perspective, I think it would be great to have two border state rivals with the history of the two programs play every year, but IU burned that bridge and we are a proud and vengeful fanbase.
I don't really care about IU to be honest.

We live in a society that is about NOW. When you overly focus on history, you sink.

I want to play schools that are hot right now.
It could happen, down the road, maybe. Probably neutral sites instead of a home/home series after Darius Miller was nearly trampled to death.

I wouldn't mind it, but it doesn't really matter to me either way.
Personally, the game doesn't interest me like it once did in the 80/90's. Unlike IU, UK has nothing to gain or prove by winning it and to be honest, that fanbase (not saying you necessarily) doesn't deserve it at this point.
Not a troll at all, I enjoy talking to UK fans. I hate duke and unc just as much as UK fans. It's hard to have a conversation on Peegs message boards, been that way for a while. I don't post much for that reason.
I was blacklisted a cpl years back on the board, so it's kind of nice to be able to discuss things.
I know all about the way IU fans acted and behaved in assembly hall a few years back. I have been treated pretty bad before while at a UK vs IU game before, but I took it in stride and that it's just the way it is.
Had many conversations with UK fans during FF this past season. All the fans I encountered were very pleasant and passionate about UK bball, as I expected.
UK def has separated themselves in the rivalry these last few years. Hopefully IU can rebuild the standard on IUs end and the rivalry can get back to what it was.
Not a troll at all, I enjoy talking to UK fans. I hate duke and unc just as much as UK fans. It's hard to have a conversation on Peegs message boards, been that way for a while. I don't post much for that reason.
I was blacklisted a cpl years back on the board, so it's kind of nice to be able to discuss things.
I know all about the way IU fans acted and behaved in assembly hall a few years back. I have been treated pretty bad before while at a UK vs IU game before, but I took it in stride and that it's just the way it is.
Had many conversations with UK fans during FF this past season. All the fans I encountered were very pleasant and passionate about UK bball, as I expected.
UK def has separated themselves in the rivalry these last few years. Hopefully IU can rebuild the standard on IUs end and the rivalry can get back to what it was.

Oh, I don't actually think you're a troll. You're just such a rarity that it sets off red flags. Like a reverse troll or something.

And you're right that some poor treatment is to be taken in stride, and as a fanbase that travels like we do, it's expected and even encouraged. I think that 2011 matchup really crossed that line for both our fans and our players, and with the subsequent posturing done by IU, I like that UK brass walked away.

I think it ultimately comes back though. Not while Cal and Crean are both the coaches, however.
Cool, like I said, I respect UK and the standard that has been created in bball. Hopefully I can come back and have future discussions this upcoming season.
Unc has to get demolished with this academic scandal right?
I personally do not care to play IU again for the foreseeable future. You seem like a decent fan of IU but the class of the average IU fan is disgusting to me. It is nothing but constant drivel about toothless hicks and jokes about inbreeding.
When we played at your place many of our fans feared for their safety and well being with one fan getting injured during the rush. Not to mention the cups of drinks thrown on our fans and spit to the back of the head.
Just down right disgusting behavior.

I'm personally enjoying playing new teams every couple of years. I like seeing new names like Baylor, Texas, UCLA, Providence etc etc it just gets old playing the same teams every year. I'm sure other fans like to experience new venues as well.
Definitely come back. You guys could use a good representative here.

I think Carolina almost has to get something, but I have little hope that it will be what they deserve.

Is Yogi leaving or staying?
Not a big yogi fan myself, he has a lot to prove before going to the nba.

Unc is under the protection of ESPN, which blows. Both duke and unc owe most of there success to ESPN IMO.

Bleeding blue, just consider those fans that behave that way as jealous DBs.

The IU fans I talk to are envious and respectful for sure but not jealous and hateful of your UK program.
Us IU fans should be only upset with IUs admin for the bad hiring of IU coaches and letting knight continue after the 93-94 season IMO.
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Always loved the rivalry. I'd love to play Indiana neutral site- Indianapolis, Louisville, Chicago. I don't think Cal nor UK fans have any interest in going back to Bloomington.
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Have a hard time seeing it happening as long as Cal and Crean are still the coaches, honestly. Wish they could find a way to get the game going again on a neutral site. It will probably happen one day. Thanks for the kind words.
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As a fan base, are you guys interested in playing IU in the regular season again? I try to be a realistic fan about expectations and such. Hopefully the series can get started again soon. UK has dominated cbball last 20 years.
I consider UK to be IUs biggest rival and have nothing but respect for UK and the consistent winning your team has demonstrated. Hope to have some good discussions in the future.
IU fan

Not really that interested. I'm almost 30 and have rarely seen IU as being much of a rival to UK. 1994-95 is the first season I really remember (remember things about earlier teams, but don't remember watching them), so Kentucky is 14-4 against IU in my conscious memory. It wasn't a game between equals, it was one of those out of conference games I expect to win and was surprised and pissed if they lost to an inferior opponent. Louisville and UNC have always been bigger games to me, and in conference Florida always mattered more. As long as Kentucky is scheduling top opponents - Michigan State, Duke, UCLA, Kansas, etc. - then I don't care at all whether they play IU. It's an added benefit that, after the venom coming from the IU fanbase in 2012 and the hilariously adorable way that IU has celebrated a regular season win over the team that knocked them out of the tournament that year, so many people seem so butthurt that UK isn't playing them. That's reason enough for me to hope the series doesn't restart soon, even if it would be an easier win than some of the other opponents UK schedules.
I'm not the least bit interested in going backward. Getting away from having to give the Loosiers a game at their dump every other year was a good thing for OUR program. I'm not interested in helping IU rebuild their program either. They've made their bed, they can lie in it.
I've moved on...UK has moved on. It's over.
As a fan base, are you guys interested in playing IU in the regular season again? I try to be a realistic fan about expectations and such. Hopefully the series can get started again soon. UK has dominated cbball last 20 years.
I consider UK to be IUs biggest rival and have nothing but respect for UK and the consistent winning your team has demonstrated. Hope to have some good discussions in the future.
IU fan
No, never.
After the way the team and the fans were treated, we will never play in Bloomington as long as Cal is here and Creepy is at IU. And I totally agree. IU gives us nothing. We already recruit almost everyone we want in Indiana, so there is really no reason to give IU the benefit of playing UK.
I don't really care about IU to be honest.

We live in a society that is about NOW. When you overly focus on history, you sink.

I want to play schools that are hot right now.

Kind of sucks to read the majority UK fans don't want to renew the rivalry. I've been on both sides of the W and L games in person and always considered it good fun when the fan bases were giving it to the other fan base.
I can't imagine your fan base as being scared to play IU, considering who UK plays year in year out, but I also don't see where it would hurt your program to do so.
I know that game in Dec-2011 was way more meaningful for IU fans than UK and that if IU fans could do it over again would hopefully handle themselves in a better fashion.
I guess part of me always considered what UK and IU represented was a better brand of bball than the unc and duke bullsh*t that gets shoved down everyone's throat every year.
To try to cover the issues discussed in this thread:

- Yogi is likely staying
- Blackmon has a better chance of declaring (I know, I know, and I agree. But it is truly possible - I guess the NBA might not care much about defense).
- No IU/UK while Calipari and Crean are there.
- Personally would love to see it happen.
- Not sure why the UK fanbase is still hung up about the "treatment" of UK fans/players during that game. Yes, I've seen the Youtube video of drunken students chanting obscenities for a few seconds, and yes, that girl twisted her ankle in the aisle, and yes, the IU players rushed out and celebrated right where Darius Miller was down after jumping at the shot. That's about it.
- Anyway, all is well at IU and UK. Good players. Passionate fans. A great season ahead.

I would like to renew the series. Tennessee and Indiana have always been the biggest rivals to me. Then I would say North Carolina.
Calling a press conference ten days out to announce you are coming back next season when you had no good opportunity to go anywhere anyway has to be the goofiest thing I've heard of in many a year -- well, maybe second to cutting down nets in an empty gym after a deflating loss. Clappy must be contagious.

Yogi is in a very similar situation to Poythress in that he doesn't have a great draft situation and if he stays he would be working on his masters degree next year.
The press conference? Completely agree...'tis ridiculous.
To try to cover the issues discussed in this thread:

- Yogi is likely staying
- Blackmon has a better chance of declaring (I know, I know, and I agree. But it is truly possible - I guess the NBA might not care much about defense).
- No IU/UK while Calipari and Crean are there.
- Personally would love to see it happen.
- Not sure why the UK fanbase is still hung up about the "treatment" of UK fans/players during that game. Yes, I've seen the Youtube video of drunken students chanting obscenities for a few seconds, and yes, that girl twisted her ankle in the aisle, and yes, the IU players rushed out and celebrated right where Darius Miller was down after jumping at the shot. That's about it.
- Anyway, all is well at IU and UK. Good players. Passionate fans. A great season ahead.

You don't know the half of it or just don't want to admit it.
I guess I don't get the point in saying IU needs UK more than UK needing IU. IU playing UK doesn't make or break IUs season and doesn't determine whether IU has a successful season. It's just a fun game to watch and to have on the schedule.
Yes the series has been lopsided in favor of UK but that happens.
To cancel the series in large part due to unruled fans and a last second shot to beat the very favored number 1 team in the country, especially since the team (IU) went through a horrific stretch of bball, just doesn't seem right.
The hard truth is Indiana just doesn't have anything to offer.

To anyone under 40, there are at least a dozen, probably more, programs beyond the historic Elites that seem more significant in the college basketball world, from Michigan State to Florida to UConn to Wisconsin to Syracuse to Butler, etc. etc. Kentucky is already in a game that is arguably the college hoops Rivalry game of the winter with Louisville. UNC is a clash of the Blue Bloods every December. What is Indiana? A program that Kentucky owned so regularly since the early 1990s that the interest was already flagging nationally, and that hasn't mattered on the college hoops scene since the Berlin Wall was standing and it was the Soviets muddling around in Afghanistan.

I guess Kentucky could do them the favor of giving them a game. But why? Cal can be much more creative with that December Saturday.

They have the best and loudest home court in the Big Ten, good trading and fan support, and. Top 20 degree. Brad Stevens would make them a dynasty.
Look, I loved the UK-IU rivalry growing up. I still remember that game when Ford, Mashburn, Cheaney and Nover all went for 29. But I think a lot of UK fans have had enough of the vitriol spewed by IU fans toward Kentucky. You guys collectively are worse than Louisville in that regard. It's not enough fun sports hate. It's become hate hate through the years. Even up in Indy after we lost to Wisconsin- it wasn't the Badger fans getting in UK fans' faces, it was Indiana fans. I swear. I have some friends who went to the last game in Bloomington and it wasn't just like they were dealing with light-hearted smack. Indiana fans were complete a-holes from the second my buddy and his dad got to town for that game.

UK just doesn't need it.
I guess I don't get the point in saying IU needs UK more than UK needing IU. IU playing UK doesn't make or break IUs season and doesn't determine whether IU has a successful season. It's just a fun game to watch and to have on the schedule.
Yes the series has been lopsided in favor of UK but that happens.
To cancel the series in large part due to unruled fans and a last second shot to beat the very favored number 1 team in the country, especially since the team (IU) went through a horrific stretch of bball, just doesn't seem right.
The last second shot has nothing to do with it. It's your idiot fans with their vile and obscene harassment of the bench, Cal, UK fans and anyone else associated with UK. Creepy Crean encouraged days before the game.

You go where you are treated well, win or lose. We will never go back to Bloomertown until Creepy is gone.