UK - State game thread

It's all my fault.

Both of my favorite football teams (UK and Browns) always find a frigging way to shoot themselves in the effing foot.
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We will be really lucky if brown doesn’t transfer. He’s way to good for this program right now. He definitely deserves a title contender. Harsh but it’s the truth
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That pisses me off. These penalties are getting ridiculous. It just wiped a 75 yarder off the board. If Kentucky doesn't score here to make up for it, I might eat a hat. Hopefully, I can find some dumb Tennessee hat to eat or something.
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As it stands now, Stoops is going to need more than one halftime to get things “cleaned up”.

Is there an NCAA stat tracking average penalties per play?
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Way to shoot your self in the foot - Brown was already 10 yards upfield when the block in the back happened…unnecessary
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