Kansas is selling Vick the "Ben McClemore" plan where he will either RS or ride the bench for a year while learning the system and growing fully into his body for plenty of minutes next year.
Cal has offered Vick a scholarship for 2015 but not 2016. That is where the confusion lies at this point concerning who has offered, IMO.
Cal does not expect Vick to be a contributor and Vick is 100% OK with that. He was about to go to prep school. Remember? At UK, he will have the luxury of maturing against the best players in the nation day in and day out. That seems like a MUCH better option than prep school to this fine, well-spoken, hard working man.
He is a great athlete with a knack for the intangibles, but is still a bit "clumsy" with his game. He would be an EXCELLENT signee for UK at this juncture, but pumping him up to be a player that will be competing with Matthews and Mulder for minutes is premature at this point in time.
Between his height and skill set, nearly EVERY team in the nation would love to take a flyer on Vick this late in the period.
Vick's recruitment has absolutely ZERO correlation to the recruitment of Murray.
Murray would be in the rotation from day 1, Vick is not at that point yet in his game.
Not a "put down" on Vick AT ALL. He could become a GREAT player for UK, but it will not be this year, in my worthless opinion.
As always, I am completely full of crap and everything I say is told to me by small fairies at night LOL
UK is still looking to sign 2 more players, as I have stated. They are not necessarily looking for "instant big impact" players. The talent in Lexington is already at an insane level that is capable of cutting down the nets.
That is not a put down to any other future signees UK gets, either. Every team needs a rosterfull of players. Not all are recruited to be instant contributors.