UK Is 7-4 At Allen Fieldhouse; Is That Best Record By Opponent There

We're 3-3 vs. KU this century and 7-5 since the tournament expansion.

There have been precious few upsets in the series, too. When we won there in 84, since they were better and it was in Lawrence...when they won here in 2005, maybe?...wasn't a massive upset, but it was here.

The size of some of the margins of victory has been crazy in a few of these games, but for the most part the better team has just taken care of business in the series.
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Geeze guys. If you want to know why we hate Kentucky so much, stroll through this thread. Not a lot of respect for KU in evidence.

Most of us at least respect Kentucky and their accomplishments.

Also, and I have mentioned this before, the UK fan base constantly whines about officiating, often before the game is played. Horrible SEC officiating. Won't win at Allen because of officiating. Etc etc.

Folks. You don't get any more bad calls than the opposing team! Ya just don't.

(With the obvious caveat of Duke. Everyone gets screwed when they play Duke, not just you).

Make no mistake. We hate you. Most of us try to do so respectfully. And don't go out of our way to point out your blemishes as you have ours.

Trouthound, think of UK fans like Yankee fans or Cowboy fans. There are the legit fans who have been fans of those teams all their lives, through good and bad, and are easy to talk to about the sport because they remember the good and the bad. Then there are the people who need something to brag about, so they pick the winningest team and constantly shove that team's accomplishments down your throat. Soon as UK goes through another downturn, they'll all be gone. We like to think, and rightfully so in my opinion, that we have the best fans in college basketball as well as the worst.