Travis Perry


Aug 16, 2018
After reading article after article on the #1 all time Ky HS scorer Im starting to believe he will be starting at the 2.
I think Pope will play three guards; so my starters are:


Laugh if you want but this is how I see it playing out my big blue brothers.

And remember, new Coach, new Style and all those guys can shoot it.

Its not as far fetched as some on here would have you believe.
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Pope will have lost his mind if he starts that lineup.

Butler and Carr will start for sure. The other 3 are at least somewhat debatable. I doubt Perry starts and can guarantee Noah won't be starting.

IMO, the starters are:


I go between Brea and Oweh...I think either of those could start. I feel like the other 4 are about as close to a sure bet to start as possible.
I probably like Perry as much or more than most but there’s a 0% chance of this happening. I like your optimism most of the time but I think that you even know this is pretty far fetched.
After reading article after article on the #1 all time Ky HS scorer Im starting to believe he will be starting at the 2.
I think Pope will play three guards; so my starters are:


Laugh if you want but this is how I see it playing out my big blue brothers.

And remember, new Coach, new Style and all those guys can shoot it.

Its not as far fetched as some on here would have you believe.
Pope will be like Pitino. He will start qnd play the 5 that wins. Only complainers give a sh@t who starts in this offense. Just go to the trzck sprint 30 yards wait 5 seconds, and do it ahain over and over for 20 min. That is offensive and defensive movement. If anyone thinks starters matter they wont.
Pope will be like Pitino. He will start qnd play the 5 that wins. Only complainers give a sh@t who starts in this offense. Just go to the trzck sprint 30 yards wait 5 seconds, and do it ahain over and over for 20 min. That is offensive and defensive movement. If anyone thinks starters matter they wont.
Dillingham and Shep say hi.
As does early exits in the SEC and NCAATs.
Starters matter!
Cal is shoveling Hog dung because he couldnt see that.
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After reading article after article on the #1 all time Ky HS scorer Im starting to believe he will be starting at the 2.
I think Pope will play three guards; so my starters are:


Laugh if you want but this is how I see it playing out my big blue brothers.

And remember, new Coach, new Style and all those guys can shoot it.

Its not as far fetched as some on here would have you believe.
There's practically no high-level defense there whatsoever, so it is highly-doubtful this would ever be a winning line-up.
Hopefully, they will all get minutes and be integrated into a balanced group of five on the floor during the year, for sure.
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One of my big issues with Cal (and I know there are so many) was we often would have one of the deepest benches which was a great advantage over most teams yet they would hardly be used or in wrong combinations or order. There was no reason not to be all out defense, pressing, and wearing other teams down by use of the superior bench. It is what I hope and expect Pope will be doing. So, all that deserve playing time should be getting it and if someone has the hot hand staying with them.
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After reading article after article on the #1 all time Ky HS scorer Im starting to believe he will be starting at the 2.
I think Pope will play three guards; so my starters are:


Laugh if you want but this is how I see it playing out my big blue brothers.

And remember, new Coach, new Style and all those guys can shoot it.

Its not as far fetched as some on here would have you believe.

Holy 1966. That’s a lineup you would set in a video game if you based your lineup on 3pt rating and nothing else.

That group would be athletically limited and likely poor defensively.
Pope will have lost his mind if he starts that lineup.

Butler and Carr will start for sure. The other 3 are at least somewhat debatable. I doubt Perry starts and can guarantee Noah won't be starting.

IMO, the starters are:


I go between Brea and Oweh...I think either of those could start. I feel like the other 4 are about as close to a sure bet to start as possible.
This is my thoughts exactly. Although I can also see a scenario where Brea and Oweh start and Robinson is the 6th man. I think Robinson will start unless he’s more comfortable coming off the bench like I think I remember reading he did at BYU last year. We are comfortably at least 2 deep at every position with everyone being able to play multiple positions if necessary. I like this roster a lot. I think some ppl are underestimating some of our guys.
Williams, Carr and Robinson will start for sure(if no injuries) the other two spots will be either one of Butler or Oweh with one surprise guy