Top 3 Coaching jobs in America according to coaches

Right now I would have to say Kentucky, Duke, Kansas.

In a couple of years it will be Kentucky, Kansas, Duke

After that, who knows? We are coming for you Kentucky.

Our fan bases are equally rabid and our total wins aren't far apart (and I think less far apart after this year).

I acknowledge the discrepency in historic national championships, but our current coaches have one apiece.

You won't be gaining on us this year at all, the gap will continue to widen.

And let's not forget about that pesky 23-6 head to head record we good over you guys...[winking][winking]
Odd you used Gene Banks as an example of academic lassitude. His runner- up during recruitment was Penn - an Ivy League school, of course. The only reason he didn't go to Penn was Penn didn't let freshmen play. He was hardly the poster child for Prop 48. Surprised you didn't know that.

I'm glad he did go to Duke. Otherwise the 1978 finals would have been a total snooze.

According to Feinsteins account he was not a great HS student by any means. And UNC shill Art Chansky who has written countless scribes on the rivalry has echoed the same sentiment. (Particularly in regards to SAT scores)
First off thats B.S. Duke gets more coverage than Kentucky. ESPN rarely shows UK vs cupcakes but ESPN always shows Duke feasting on sweets.

2nd of all, Most of the people working at ESPN are anti UK. Including the main man running the ship. Unless you think a UNC alum likes UK.

If you can't tell a difference in the way ESPN covers UK and every other top 25 team then you just haven't paid attention. ESPN isn't some grand computer, its ran by people... people who have bias towards and against teams.

While I will grant that ESPN may love Duke and probably UNC more I don't think anyone tops us for just total play and coverage. Cal had basically the coaches show on there for a whole even. They might not be on their knees in worship but we get crazy play and it would be more except we have local deals, we now have commitments to the SEC channel, and of course the Networks I guess still get some games.

I'm thinking we might be a little more contractually tied up and are still on a lot.
If you were a fan of some top 10 or 25 team that isn't us, Duke, or UNCheats the statement would cause strain from the rolling of the eyes induced.

The syrup sweet fawning for Duke and to a slightly less degree Carolina should not cause a complete loss of perspective, we are the show so we must go one whether they like it or not. Within that context you have a point. I can only imagine if Duke was as the spectacle we are in this stretch but in reality it still works out to be that we are on there in steady supply or failing that on SEC (during basketball the defacto UK channel) almost all the time. We don't have untelevised games and now most are national.

I think they play us as much as they can or pretty close, we are capable of driving ratings in this era of divided share without a lot of extra help other than love, hate, and the show for the sport all year long too.
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Probably the three most scrutinized as well, especially UK and Duke. Everything about both programs is completely polarizing.
by the way those 30 national broadcasts weren't all by ESPN so don't cherry pick that stat. How many games was UK on ESPN , ESPN U or ESPN 2 last year... then tell me how many Duke games were on those channels. Also , SEC network isn't national. If you are out of the SEC you have to buy the sports packages.

Also tell me what media outlet wouldnt cover pursuit of perfect ? You take the one year we did something incredibly great to make a point about ESPN and UK? Try the other 30 years.

Now I counted quickly, but Duke was on ESPN (or one of its networks) 20 times.

UK was on 19.

Now, you might think "OMG that one game is the difference!" I tend to think both teams are on ESPN a CRAPTON because they get good ratings and people care about them. When you said UK gets bad coverage compared to other top 25 teams, and they only show Duke vs cupcakes, you are just wrong. You guys are on TV as much as anyone, you've had a multi-part advertisement with the All-Access show, you've had plenty of of Gamedays... I just don't get why you are so upset at how UK is treated compared to the rest of the top 25.

You say Duke gets on TV way more than UK, but that isn't true. You say we don't see UK vs cupcakes but we always see Duke vs cupcakes, but that isn't true. Then you take some bizarre turn and start talking about how the UNC head of ESPN hating UK (though he apparently loves Duke, despite the fact that the two schools despise each other... state vs private, rich vs common, etc) and that ESPN treats UK so badly compared to the rest of the top teams, but that isn't true either. I just don't get what you are so upset about. There is a certain element of every fan base that is really paranoid and sure the whole world is out to get them, even when facts point the other way. You seem to be part of that.
You say Duke gets on TV way more than UK, but that isn't true.

So says the Duke fan.

"Hey, people say that payday loans are a rip-off. That's just not true"- CEO of Payday loans.
So says the Duke fan.

"Hey, people say that payday loans are a rip-off. That's just not true"- CEO of Payday loans.

Huh? I don't get it. As I posted, Duke does not really get on TV more than UK in any way that implies meaning. I included the numbers above.
Hmm, so games is your only variable? What about mentions, vid clips, duke vitale dukegasms? If I didn't know any better I'd think duke owns espn
Right now I would have to say Kentucky, Duke, Kansas.
We are coming for you Kentucky.

Our fan bases are equally rabid and our total wins aren't far apart (and I think less far apart after this year).

I've seen you mention this in a couple threads.

Now compare winning % (big difference in UK 's favor), # of all-time losses (big difference in UK's favor), ncaa championships (UK more than double KU) and head to head record (it's got to be embarrassing by now)

Why you KU fans continue to tout your # of all-time wins when you have so little hardware to show for it is beyond me. Seems like it would just remind you of all the KU teams in the past that have beat up on a crap big 8/ big 12 schedule, only to fall on their face in the dance.
Duke gets a lot of love. More than most, BUT this thread is going black helicopters really fast.

Oh, definitely more than most; agree one hundred percent.

But vastly more than UK, while UK is treated like some bustard stepchild everyone hates? As you say, very black helicopter.
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According to Feinsteins account he was not a great HS student by any means. And UNC shill Art Chansky who has written countless scribes on the rivalry has echoed the same sentiment. (Particularly in regards to SAT scores)

I have to say that I am enjoying the banter back and forth. Neue will always be one of my favorite rival posters. He does a very good job of sticking up for his school without putting down ours. Too bad the UNC fans are clueless how to do that.
"Duke gets a lot of love. More than most, BUT this thread is going black helicopters really fast."

for good reason our last two coaches have acted a little schizo at times.
I don't think anything Parish cited was too big of a "shocker".

UK, Duke, UNC, and Kansas are the bluebloods of college basketball. Thus, many coaches likely aspire to have that job-- IF, they can handle the pressure and attention that comes with it.

Essentially, college basketball outside of the bluebloods' fanbase (and a few, select others) doesn't have a large, significant following until March Madness. So, it makes sense why ESPN, CBS, etc., would give a lot of attention to these programs during the regular season.
Trying to say UK gets treated badly on ESPN. [eyeroll] Put the tin foil hats down. Might as well be Alabama in football complaining you don't get enough coverage. And the SEC network is very much national, no clue what in the world that poster is talking about. I live in Columbus, middle of big ten country, and literally watched every single UK game except for like 2 last year on TV. My wife, who doesn't care too much for sports, gets all annoyed during basketball season "Geez, they are playing again, do they televise every single game??". Yup hunnie, they sure do. Not to mention literally every single college gameday last year devolved into a 30 minute discussion about UK, and Jay Bilas would basically do a 5 minute recruiting speech about our program every time college bball was discussed.

Have absolutely no idea what you guys are talking about, especially after all the ridiculous attention we got last year.
First off thats B.S. Duke gets more coverage than Kentucky. ESPN rarely shows UK vs cupcakes but ESPN always shows Duke feasting on sweets.

2nd of all, Most of the people working at ESPN are anti UK. Including the main man running the ship. Unless you think a UNC alum likes UK.

If you can't tell a difference in the way ESPN covers UK and every other top 25 team then you just haven't paid attention. ESPN isn't some grand computer, its ran by people... people who have bias towards and against teams.

False. All of it. YOU.ARE.PARANOID.
I'll let him know. He's in the philosophy department, and they tend not to be the biggest athletic supporters. He claims there is long-standing faculty discontent over the "2.5 year Sociology Degrees" Duke basketball players can receive. To paraphrase: "No real Duke student can get an adequate degree in that time frame."
As a Duke alumnus, I think your philosophy professor friend has an ax to grind with the athletic department. I had multiple classes with Duke basketball players during my 4 years, and those classes certainly required work.
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Bottom line: Whether it was 2.5 years or 3 years, there are members of the Duke faculty who feel that the accelerated degrees given basketball players are problematic, and erode the value of a Duke degree.
It's not that hard to shave off an academic year if you take a full course load each summer session. When I was an undergrad there 2002-06, you needed 34 credits to graduate. 1 class was 1 credit. So if you had any AP credits, you only had to take 4 classes a semester to graduate on time. If you took 2 courses each summer session, you could knock out an entire semester in one summer. Considering the fact that most of these kids come in for the summer session before their Freshman season and generally stay on campus each summer training and taking classes until they leave, I don't get why people question someone who graduated early. Hell, my parents would have probably loved it if I tried to graduate in 3 years. Would have saved them a lot of money.
False. All of it. YOU.ARE.PARANOID.

Far from false. Kentucky has more haters in the media than any other team. Hell, it was even released that the NCAA targets certain schools. Wonder who? And even if they don't, and I have been alive for a few seasons, I damn well know that the media targets UK more than any school. And no, not in a good way.

Tell you what, ask Adolph Rupp, Joe Hall, Eddie Sutton, Rick Pitino, or John Calipari if both the NCAA and the media doesn't target Kentucky. The only time they don't is when our program is down (which has only been twice). And you know what they were doing then? They were laughing.

You are a GREAT poster, but come on now. It's one thing to be paranoid (and UK fans have every right to be), and another thing to be realistic.
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Far from false. Kentucky has more haters in the media than any other team. Hell, it was even released that the NCAA targets certain schools. Wonder who? And even if they don't, and I have been alive for a few seasons, I damn well know that the media targets UK more than any school. And no, not in a good way.

Tell you what, ask Adolph Rupp, Joe Hall, Eddie Sutton, Rick Pitino, or John Calipari if both the NCAA and the media doesn't target Kentucky. The only time they don't is when our program is down (which has only been twice). And you know what they are doing then? They are laughing.

You are a GREAT poster, but come on now. It's one thing to be paranoid (and UK fans have every right to be), and another thing to be realistic.

I won't argue that people like Forde, Thamel, etc. have an axe to grind with UK, especially Cal (Forde being above and beyond obvious), but to argue that UK as a whole doesn't get enough attention or tv time, or that ESPN hates us is going a bit far.
That's rich, because I see the garbage those same faculty are brainswashing our young adults to be far, far more damaging than any sport will ever be.

oh how I long for hip hip literature and anarchy!

While I agree with your sentiment on it, the Duke fan is correct. I promise you there are faculty at every school who believe sports are evil and damaging to academics. I used to work at an NAIA school that didn't even have athletic scholarships and even there they had faculty that thought athletes were pampered and sports had no place being associate with school.
Well, these all powerful academians you refer to didn't prevent Gene Banks from enrolling in 1977. Unlike Football, you simply don't need that many players to field a successful Basketball team so you're not making as many exceptions.

I really hate to bust any bubbles; however, I know for a fact that some of those fantastic school are an easy 'A'. I went to several. (Hint: I am dumb but got "A's".)

Plus the schools I attended knew not to use words like "academians".

If you get a degree from Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Vanderbilt, South Carolina, Missouri, LSU, Florida, Texas A&M, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Auburn or Arkansas in a real degree program you will do okay. In fact you will enter the work force with a far better attitude than if you went to Duke.
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The fact the MJ went to UNC is starting to lose it's influence. The current group of college freshmen were about six years old the last time Jordan was in the NBA and only one year old the last time he was in a Bulls uniform and holding a championship trophy.

Very soon, from their perspective, Jordan will just be that old guy that was really good at basketball a long time ago.
The fact the MJ went to UNC is starting to lose it's influence. The current group of college freshmen were about six years old the last time Jordan was in the NBA and only one year old the last time he was in a Bulls uniform and holding a championship trophy.

Very soon, from their perspective, Jordan will just be that old guy that was really good at basketball a long time ago.
I honestly think most of the kids today only affiliate Jordan with shoes. Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, etc. likely resonate much more with the kids today.
I really hate to bust any bubbles; however, I know for a fact that some of those fantastic school are an easy 'A'. I went to several. (Hint: I am dumb but got "A's".)

Plus the schools I attended knew not to use words like "academians".

If you get a degree from Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Vanderbilt, South Carolina, Missouri, LSU, Florida, Texas A&M, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Auburn or Arkansas in a real degree program you will do okay. In fact you will enter the work force with a far better attitude than if you went to Duke.

Sureeeeee... Because, you know, all the years of work and sacrifice it takes to get into a place like Duke, and all the work and sacrifice it takes to succeed there, are NOTHING compared to Mississippi State and UK.
Sureeeeee... Because, you know, all the years of work and sacrifice it takes to get into a place like Duke, and all the work and sacrifice it takes to succeed there, are NOTHING compared to Mississippi State and UK.
Sorry TUL, you do not know your ass from first base.

I was 18 when I went to college so how many years of "work and sacrifice" did it really take?
Sorry TUL, you do not know your ass from first base.

I was 18 when I went to college so how many years of "work and sacrifice" did it really take?

Hey, I have no idea who you are, faceless Internet posters, so I have don't know what it took you... For me, it was endless hours of school, and activities, and then four hours of practice five days a week. Had my girlfriend, but that was about all the socializing I had time for from freshman year on, especially when school ramped up. Lots of travel for sports, and lots of work done in airports. Had a part time job too. In the end it paid off with three degrees from Duke. Then ended up working and going to grad school at the same time, so was leaving the house at 6:30 am and getting back at 7 pm, eating a quick dinner, and then doing school work for a few hours... And that paid off with a masters from Columbia.

Soooo... Yeah. In my experiences, and the experiences of the friends of mine who have gone to schools like Princeton and Harvard and Duke and the like, it has taken a LOT of time and sacrifice and work to get to places like that... Often an order of magnitude more when compared to my friends who ended up at far less rigorous schools. But people are like that. In the same way that some people are smarter than others, some people are just far more willing to work than others. Just the way things are.

Anyway, totally off topic, sorry.
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I can't see how in the world Duke is even on the list? Before K they were pretty decent, but not great. After K, they'll be the same (see UConn's programs history for a comparison).

If it were up to me, my 3 "best jobs" in America are:
1. Kentucky - Pressure filled and you're under a microscope at all times, but the tradition is undeniable and the fanbase is the best in the country.
2. UNC - The only program that can even come close to matching UK's pedigree in my opinion.
3. Kansas - Not as decorated as the other two programs, but Kansas certainly is a premiere job. The only problem is that whole having to live in Lawrence, Kansas thing.
I can no longer include UNC on this list. Most everyone knows that Duke will fall off the map
once Coach K retires. UK is an easy choice for #1. I would consider Indiana and St. John's
as top 5 coaching destinations. They just haven't found the right guy for those jobs.
I can't see how in the world Duke is even on the list? Before K they were pretty decent, but not great. After K, they'll be the same (see UConn's programs history for a comparison).

If it were up to me, my 3 "best jobs" in America are:
1. Kentucky - Pressure filled and you're under a microscope at all times, but the tradition is undeniable and the fanbase is the best in the country.
2. UNC - The only program that can even come close to matching UK's pedigree in my opinion.
3. Kansas - Not as decorated as the other two programs, but Kansas certainly is a premiere job. The only problem is that whole having to live in Lawrence, Kansas thing.

Uh, a few things.

UNC's pedigree? What pedigree? They've won, what... Two legit titles? Maybe? They can't even get five stars to visit there, much less commit.

And as has been mentioned a number of times... Duke is a private school that has some of the best facilities in college basketball (there is a reason SO many NBA guys come to Duke to train in the off season), as much money as needed, a massively supportive and rich alumni base of fans, and all on top of a top-flight degree and a drop dead gorgeous campus... All on top of being the most recognized program in the last few decades... IE the lifespan of players currently being recruited.

We can argue if we want, but college coaches said this. Doubt any of us random message board posters know more. At this point, a job opening at Duke would be one of the most coveted in college ball (although, as was pointed out, being the first after K is going to be a thankless, thankless job!)
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Hey, I have no idea who you are, faceless Internet posters, so I have don't know what it took you... For me, it was endless hours of school, and activities, and then four hours of practice five days a week. Had my girlfriend, but that was about all the socializing I had time for from freshman year on, especially when school ramped up. Lots of travel for sports, and lots of work done in airports. Had a part time job too. In the end it paid off with three degrees from Duke. Then ended up working and going to grad school at the same time, so was leaving the house at 6:30 am and getting back at 7 pm, eating a quick dinner, and then doing school work for a few hours... And that paid off with a masters from Columbia.

Soooo... Yeah. In my experiences, and the experiences of the friends of mine who have gone to schools like Princeton and Harvard and Duke and the like, it has taken a LOT of time and sacrifice and work to get to places like that... Often an order of magnitude more when compared to my friends who ended up at far less rigorous schools. But people are like that. In the same way that some people are smarter than others, some people are just far more willing to work than others. Just the way things are.

Anyway, totally off topic, sorry.

That is my real name and you know where I live if you look at ever post. So I am not a faceless poster, like you.

So I suppose you went to Harvard and played basketball.