Took Ball First Last Week and This Week Shows Disrespect For Opponent In My Opinion


Gold Member
Sep 21, 2002
Since when does Stoops ever choose to not defer. He has now done it two weeks in a row and then both weeks we have come out flat. To me that shows the total disrespect of your opponent and the thought that you’re going to come out and run it right down their throat. Should lead defense take the field first that way the office can get a nerves out of the way and get settled in. Think back when is the last time that Stoops has chosen to take the ball first? I can’t recall an instance.
I would be willing to bet anything that Stoops will defer the rest of the year. Choosing to take the ball first the last two weeks has resulted in horrendous starts in both instances. Put the defense on the field first and let your offense settle their nerves.
Since when does Stoops ever choose to not defer. He has now done it two weeks in a row and then both weeks we have come out flat. To me that shows the total disrespect of your opponent and the thought that you’re going to come out and run it right down their throat. Should lead defense take the field first that way the office can get a nerves out of the way and get settled in. Think back when is the last time that Stoops has chosen to take the ball first? I can’t recall an instance.
EKU won the toss and deferred.