Tonight was priceless.


Apr 13, 2012
Guys I am as shocked as anyone.The kid had a perfect opportunity and a place to showcase everything he has to offer but he chose to play elsewhere.Wish him the best and move on.At around 9:20 two posts came through saying that Brown was a Cat.I never responded to any post tonight but the initial highs from posters on here and what happened after it became known that both posts were incorrect will live in infamy.I have never laughed so hard in my life at some of the statements that were made.It was hilarious as hell.I laughed so hard it hurt and then I just shook my head in disbelief when the official announcement came through.Yes,this has been a screwed up class indeed.The one I have a hard time figuring out is Diallo.I mean why Kansas?Perry Ellis and Carlton Bragg have the 4 spot already.The kids that "waited" to see who were leaving before they made an announcement sure didn't take into account the available playing time they could get but it is what it is.We go with what we have and make the best of it.Maybe Cal can find a couple more.There isn't anything left in high school.Not sure why he hasn't contacted Tevin Mack but go get a couple of 5th year seniors to help out.No risk at all.They will be here for next season and then gone.Guess we will see what happens.
I won't read the OP, but I will say this. I'm not mad about the decision at all. It was such a surprise, I'm not even disappointed. Not too sure what he's trying to prove, but he can try to prove it far, far away from UK, so I don't really care.
I never really thought he was coming here so I'm not really down on it. It sucks because you can never have enough talent, but he was a long shot it seemed and now has been confirmed.
At least you'll never have to hear from him again.
Diallo isn't avoiding Kansas because of Perry Ellis. They'd play at the same time. You just had like four 5* bigs on your team last year and you really can't understand that? Okay.
Diallo isn't avoiding Kansas because of Perry Ellis. They'd play at the same time. You just had like four 5* bigs on your team last year and you really can't understand that? Okay.
That was last year.Wonder if Bragg had wished he had waited before he committed to Kansass
Diallo isn't avoiding Kansas because of Perry Ellis. They'd play at the same time. You just had like four 5* bigs on your team last year and you really can't understand that? Okay.

And here you are as well.

UKUjr. fans........GOTTA LOVE'EM
I will freely admit that I am not very smart. What is going on?
.The kids that "waited" to see who were leaving before they made an announcement sure didn't take into account the available playing time they could get but it is what it is.QUOTE]


This is what gets me. The consensus seemed to be that many were all waiting for a reason--- who and how many UK guys were going to the Draft. Then... bupkis!

And to think, we started this thing off early, and on the right foot... getting Skal and Briscoe on the same night last fall! Just can't get my head around it that nobody else jumped at the chance.
I don't understand how any UK fan could be laughing. OP, I question your logic.
I never thought Brown was coming to UK. But the drama over the last 48 hours can only make me chuckle.
What a bizarre recruiting ride.
However, the fact he dragged us into the final few moments does piss me off. I hope Calipari doesn't allow that indignity to the UK fans again. You might see my thought on this again in another thread.
I don't understand how any UK fan could be laughing. OP, I question your logic.
I was laughing over the fact that 2 posts that were put on Rafters at around 9:20 said that Brown was coming to UK.This board lit up with fans all in good vibes and feeling good.When it became known that both posts were false,it set the stage for some hilarious posts by the same fans who were feeling those good vibes.The mods eventually deleted the posts after things went way south.I laughed my ass off at the way people on here react when things go their way and then how they react when things don't.I hope this helps you understand why I was laughing...Good enough for ya Spock?
I think it kind of became trendy to NOT pick UK with this class. Like, I turned down the behemoth that is Kentucky to play for Popcorn State. I'm awesome.

We will be fine next year. I'm glad all these kids didn't all group up elsewhere to create a contender. Brown going to Kansas would have made them the clear number one. Now there is a group of about 10 to 15 teams on about the same talent level. No team out there scares me really.
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He almost chose UK but high academics won out in the end...:rolleyes:

Diallo isn't avoiding Kansas because of Perry Ellis. They'd play at the same time. You just had like four 5* bigs on your team last year and you really can't understand that? Okay.

Don't you guys have 7 front court players?
I think it kind of became trendy to NOT pick UK with this class. Like, I turned down the behemoth that is Kentucky to play for Popcorn State. I'm awesome.

We will be fine next year. I'm glad all these kids didn't all group up elsewhere to create a contender. Brown going to Kansas would have made them the clear number one. Now there is a group of about 10 to 15 teams on about the same talent level. No team out there scares me really.

That's the strangest thing... you'd think they'd want a real shot at a title during their OAD year. Especially when there were wide open spots, like at UK. It seems, at least for some of them, that wasn't really that much of a consideration.
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I was laughing over the fact that 2 posts that were put on Rafters at around 9:20 said that Brown was coming to UK.This board lit up with fans all in good vibes and feeling good.When it became known that both posts were false,it set the stage for some hilarious posts by the same fans who were feeling those good vibes.The mods eventually deleted the posts after things went way south.I laughed my ass off at the way people on here react when things go their way and then how they react when things don't.I hope this helps you understand why I was laughing...Good enough for ya Spock?
Did you like to burn ants with a magnifying glass when you were a kid ? Bet that was funny too .
Did you like to burn ants with a magnifying glass when you were a kid ? Bet that was funny too .
Like everyone else that was on here last night,I was waiting for an official announcement on Brown's choice.The 2 posts that were false got everyone excited at first and then when it became known that they were false,the reactions from fans was funny as hell.
To answer your question though smartass,no I didn't use a magnifying glass to burn ants when I was a kid.I did give a few smartass people that deserved it the bird though.Funny,I'm doing it again.
Don't forget that most of these kids are in effect being forced to go to college for 1 yr. For that reason, most don't care about tradition or winning the tournament. I think the "team first" mentality is not for a lot of these guys who are used to being "the guy". They don't want to share the minutes, instead choosing to go where they can be "the guy" and improve their draft status. I think the platoons and super team we had last year worked to our disadvantage this year in recruiting. JMO.
You guys would be less miserable if you stopped following recruiting all together. It is pretty nice. You don't feed the egos of silly kids who eat up the attention nor are you some shameful grown man on twitter begging an 18 year old to play for your favorite team.
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I think it kind of became trendy to NOT pick UK with this class. Like, I turned down the behemoth that is Kentucky to play for Popcorn State. I'm awesome.
Please explain that to Labissiere and Briscoe, 2 of the top players in the country.
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Summation of OP.

I am so superior, I have to laugh at you silly, lesser fans.

Oh, I rule.
Diallo isn't avoiding Kansas because of Perry Ellis. They'd play at the same time. You just had like four 5* bigs on your team last year and you really can't understand that? Okay.
So I guess Self promised him they would platoon.
At least you'll never have to hear from him again.

I disagree.
I for one will try to catch every game he plays and enjoy his frustration and failure. True that he will enjoy his Millions later, but until then the enjoyment will be mine.
some of the dumb things do the young and senseless.
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Summation of OP.

I am so superior, I have to laugh at you silly, lesser fans.

Oh, I rule.
Trust me,I'm a nobody other than just a simple UK basketball fan.I guess one had to be here last night at the time those 2 threads appeared and read the reactions to understand.You may assume whatever you may want but superior to anyone is something I am not.
That's the strangest thing... you'd think they'd want a real shot at a title during their OAD year. Especially when there were wide open spots, like at UK. It seems, at least for some of them, that wasn't really that much of a consideration.

Like someone said, it may have become the "hip" thing to not pick UK. Honestly, and we've all said it. UK, especially this year, is so obvious the choice for some of these guys and it makes zero sense why a Newman would go to Miss St., or Brown to Cal, etc etc. The expectation has become, Uk gets the best of the best.

I wonder if all the constant national UK "in your face" coverage had kids wanting to go a different route for the wow factor. Like "look at me, I did the unexpected!" It's like the kid in school that purposefully dresses "differently" in an effort not to conform to the cool kids all the while he's really just trying to be cool himself.
I think the op might feel this is group therapy. If he needs a pick me up he laughs at the way some act. I freely admit, I feel better after reading some of the meltdowns on this board after something doesn't go our way. From posts to, I'm not going to post anymore, to I'm done following recruiting, you gotta admit some of that is pure comedy gold.
Like someone said, it may have become the "hip" thing to not pick UK. Honestly, and we've all said it. UK, especially this year, is so obvious the choice for some of these guys and it makes zero sense why a Newman would go to Miss St., or Brown to Cal, etc etc. The expectation has become, Uk gets the best of the best.

I wonder if all the constant national UK "in your face" coverage had kids wanting to go a different route for the wow factor. Like "look at me, I did the unexpected!" It's like the kid in school that purposefully dresses "differently" in an effort not to conform to the cool kids all the while he's really just trying to be cool himself.

actually, Newman to Miss St does make at least a little sense. He IS from Mississippi; the coach at MSU (Ben Howland) has at least been to a FF or three. Besides, there is the fact that Miss St will at least be on SEC network - televised nationally a few times. Plus Newland wont have to fight much for recognition among other players.

Brown to Cal though - that still mystifies me.