Guys I am as shocked as anyone.The kid had a perfect opportunity and a place to showcase everything he has to offer but he chose to play elsewhere.Wish him the best and move on.At around 9:20 two posts came through saying that Brown was a Cat.I never responded to any post tonight but the initial highs from posters on here and what happened after it became known that both posts were incorrect will live in infamy.I have never laughed so hard in my life at some of the statements that were made.It was hilarious as hell.I laughed so hard it hurt and then I just shook my head in disbelief when the official announcement came through.Yes,this has been a screwed up class indeed.The one I have a hard time figuring out is Diallo.I mean why Kansas?Perry Ellis and Carlton Bragg have the 4 spot already.The kids that "waited" to see who were leaving before they made an announcement sure didn't take into account the available playing time they could get but it is what it is.We go with what we have and make the best of it.Maybe Cal can find a couple more.There isn't anything left in high school.Not sure why he hasn't contacted Tevin Mack but go get a couple of 5th year seniors to help out.No risk at all.They will be here for next season and then gone.Guess we will see what happens.