Time to 'fess up. Classic movies you've never watched

It would be hard pressed to meet someone that does not like the Godfather, Casablanca

I am not one of those guys who will ridicule because I saw Star Wars in 4th grade at cinema and have never set foot to see another. No ET for me, no Indiana Jones that I have seen, so I can't get on anyone not watching Godfather or The Sting which was a classic great movie. I don't understand it, I am more understandable about not watching Star Wars or Star Trek or Ghostbusters which was a terrible movie originally, sorry because I love Bill Murray.

Never watched Citizen Kane.

I would say Best Years of Our Lives is on the top 25 list, Bridge over River Kwai, Shawshank Redemption has moved up the list, came out and this is one that has moved up every year in ranking.
Tried to watch these "classics" but just didn't care for them/didn't bother to finish:

Annie Hall
Clockwork Orange
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some "Classics" (if you accept that term) are just not for everyone. Pulp Fiction has received a lot of mention in this thread, and I would consider it to be one of the best movies of the past 25 years, unbelievable cast, reignited Travolta's career, etc., etc. I thought it was absolutely hysterical as a very black comedy, and amazing plot twists that you can argue about for days. Yet, it is also foul, incredibly violent, and disturbing (personally, I felt a little guilty at laughing until I nearly puked when a guy accidentally gets his brains blasted all over the interior of a moving automobile). Plus the plot obviously is intentionally convoluted and cannot be easily explained or understood. So, are you crazy if you say you just think it sucks? Not really.

I thought Slumdog Millionaire, a best picture, was brilliant. Others thought it silly and totally ridiculous.

I love to read, but probably have missed a whole lot of classic books as well, just could not get into them for whatever reason. As one example have attempted to read Ayn Rand more than once, and stopped within 50 pages, just beyond my ability to appreciate I suppose.
It would be hard pressed to meet someone that does not like the Godfather, Casablanca

I am not one of those guys who will ridicule because I saw Star Wars in 4th grade at cinema and have never set foot to see another. No ET for me, no Indiana Jones that I have seen, so I can't get on anyone not watching Godfather or The Sting which was a classic great movie. I don't understand it, I am more understandable about not watching Star Wars or Star Trek or Ghostbusters which was a terrible movie originally, sorry because I love Bill Murray.

Never watched Citizen Kane.

I would say Best Years of Our Lives is on the top 25 list, Bridge over River Kwai, Shawshank Redemption has moved up the list, came out and this is one that has moved up every year in ranking.
Moved up in which ranking? There are really only two definitive rankings the sight and sound top 250 critics poll that comes out ever ten years and the sight and sound top 100 according to directors. Shawshank isn't on either list and never will be.
Tried to watch these "classics" but just didn't care for them/didn't bother to finish:

Annie Hall
Clockwork Orange
I've watched Chinatown and A Clockwork Orange so many times I've lost count. Chinatown is arguably the greatest script ever written. Polanksi and especially Kubrick have influenced my mise en scene as much as any director. Kubrick's use of one point perspective in A Clockwork Orange is unrivaled.
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Raiders of the Lost Ark is for the nerds? WTF? Might be the worst take in the history of the Paddock. It's one of the greatest movies ever. And I've probably seen it 100 times. Just fantastic from beginning to end.
If you dislike, or can't appreciate, any of the following films: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Godfather 1 and 2, Star Wars, ET, and Jaws...I honestly question how you function in the real world, and to be honest, you frighten me.
I haven't seen any universally classic black & white movies except for 12 Angry Men (my favorite movie ever) & Judgment at Nuremburg.

Specific movies listed in this thread that I haven't seen:

Back to the Future
Big Lebowski
Citizen Kane
Godfather (1 & 2)
Gone with the Wind
Harry Potter (any)
Lord of the Rings (any)
Miracle on 34th Street
Pulp Fiction
Usual Suspects

I really want to see most of these and hopefully will one day.

I've seen Bridge on the River Kwai and Great Escape, though! And Jaws! And Star Wars! And Indiana Jones! And Heavyweights! I'm not a total freak!
To be honest, Clockwork Orange does kind of suck. I don't think a modern viewer is missing anything.

It is a period piece about dystopia. When the daily news is full of people doing worse than the film's protagonist, it loses its punch imo.
I have seen all of 2001 but had to watch 6 times to see it once. I tried with Citizen Kane. I tried Pulp Fiction. I do not like most movies. My problem with Shawshank is everyone around Red is nice. Murderer's are not nice. Cool Hand Luke is much more realistic.
I'm not really sure how Ironsides hasn't seen Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, or the Usual Suspects.

That's right up your alley, buddy.
Maybe this needs a spinoff thread, but is Shawshank Redemption the most consistently re-watchable movie ever?

It is incredible but maybe not "The Best Movie Ever!"

Yet there is never a time that I don't want to watch it.

"I guess I just miss my friend."

Gets me every time.
To be honest, Clockwork Orange does kind of suck. I don't think a modern viewer is missing anything.

It is a period piece about dystopia. When the daily news is full of people doing worse than the film's protagonist, it loses its punch imo.
Except for the brilliant camera work, mise en scene, score, etc. But you are probably right. It probably does suck for a pedestrian viewer like yourself. I mean if you're going to compare it to, say, Gaspar Noe's Irreversible then yeah the violence isn't going to stack up. But for when it came out it was quite disturbing. That's the problem with the majority of the folks in this thread. They don't know how to watch movies. You can't watch something like City Lights or Metropolis and compare it to something made in 2016. That's not the way it works. It's just dumb. And one of the reasons I have avoided this thread. When Sling Blade is considered a damn classic and Citizen Kane is boring then it's clear I'm dealing with a bunch of Neanderthals who don't know the difference between key light and keystone light. Between a Dutch tilt and a Dutch oven.
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Except for the brilliant camera work, mise en scene, score, etc. But you are probably right. It probably does suck for a pedestrian viewer like yourself. I mean if you're going to compare it to, say, Gaspar Noe's Irreversible then yeah the violence isn't going to stack up. But for when it came out it was quite disturbing. That's the problem with the majority of the folks in this thread. They don't know how to watch movies. You can't watch something like City Lights or Metropolis and compare it to something made in 2016. That's not the way it works. It's just dumb. And one of the reasons I have avoided this thread. When Sling Blade is considered a damn classic and Citizen Kane is boring then it's clear I'm dealing with a bunch of Neanderthals who don't know the difference between key light and keystone light. Between a Dutch tilt and a Dutch oven.

What is your point?

Most of us do not live in areas where avant-garde movies play. Most of us would not like a lot of those movies.

You have not avoided the thread as you apparently work in the field. Everyone does not agree with you. What a crime.
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What is your point?

Most of us do not live in areas where avant-garde movies play. Most of us would not like a lot of those movies.

You have not avoided the thread as you apparently work in the field. Everyone does not agree with you. What a crime.
All true. My apologies to Hank. Just blowing off steam. Been dealing with suits for the past two weeks. My bad.
All true. My apologies to Hank. Just blowing off steam. Been dealing with suits for the past two weeks. My bad.

Your knowledge of movies is exceptional. I am in over my head here, I went to get the favorite movies from the scientists hoping Hawking's favorite movie was Air Bud or Tyson's was Ernest Goes to Camp. I like most Kubrick films a great deal. With that said, I think R Lee Ermey made FMJ first half great without much help from anyone.
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Your knowledge of movies is exceptional. I am in over my head here, I went to get the favorite movies from the scientist hoping Hawking's favorite move was Air Bud or Tyson's was Ernest Goes to Camp. I like most Kubrick films a great deal. With that said, I think R Lee Ermey made FMJ without much help from anyone.
I was still surprised with Hawking's pick. I agree about Ermey. Definitely one of cinema's iconic characters.