Tim Couch the basketball player


May 21, 2002
Where Eagles Dare
Curious if anyone remembers Couch’s basketball days, particularly his senior year where he lead the state in scoring at 36 points per game. Based on this article from KHSAA, linked below, sounds like he had a solid outside game. Have always been curious what kind of player he was. Obviously with over 3,000 points, he could play.

Tim Couch glory days.

Anyone remember and have some insight?
Curious if anyone remembers Couch’s basketball days, particularly his senior year where he lead the state in scoring at 36 points per game. Based on this article from KHSAA, linked below, sounds like he had a solid outside game. Have always been curious what kind of player he was. Obviously with over 3,000 points, he could play.

Tim Couch glory days.

Anyone remember and have some insight?
Yeah. He was a stud. I watched him play. Fantastic rebounder, great at dunking lobs and putbacks, and a decent shooter. He was what you expect a D-1 athlete to be. Biggest thing to me was his mean streak. He was rough. Got into a few brawls on the court, one during district tournament I believe. I’ll never forget seeing a license plate on a vehicle and asking who in the world is that. License plate said “panty dropper”. It was his. lol
He was good. So was football TE Derek Smith. Both thought they might walk on to the UK basketball team but that’s just too difficult.
Jared Lorenzen was good as Smith's teammate in HS too. I believe Smith played basketball for Northern Kentucky after he left Kentucky. They played against Kentucky one year early in the season.
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Ya Couch was a great athlete in fball and bball. I graduated around the same year as him but I think he lead the state in scoring as a Junior at 36 ppg, soph 28 ppg and senior he was at 25 ppg due to ankle sprain and he was basically the best QB in HS in the nation and didn't wanna get a major injury in bball. He knew by his Senior year he had the body of a NFL QB at 6-5 225. Probably could of lead the state in scoring at around 40 ppg his Senior year if he stuck with basketball full time and went to UK and definitely played a lot for Pitino.
He was a world class athlete at 6'5" in the 14th region, he was going to put up numbers. Probably could have been on some D1 basketball teams, but he chose correctly playing football.
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Yeah. He was a stud. I watched him play. Fantastic rebounder, great at dunking lobs and putbacks, and a decent shooter. He was what you expect a D-1 athlete to be. Biggest thing to me was his mean streak. He was rough. Got into a few brawls on the court, one during district tournament I believe. I’ll never forget seeing a license plate on a vehicle and asking who in the world is that. License plate said “panty dropper”. It was his. lol
He married a nice lady who was kind enough to drop them for the whole world in playboy.
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Played against him in the 14th, so strong and could shoot from anywhere. We beat them his jr year, my sr year & he had 30+ but I held my own lol. He liked to jab at guys but could take it as well, only would get mad when others took it too far. They were fouling at end of the game to put us on the ft line and I was shooting 2 when he and his buddies started talking about my hair & mustache (rem this was 1995, & my stache was nice btw) but I made the first ft……stepped in the lane cause it was only Leslie players on the line and said “you boys don’t get laid often do you”. He got a chuckle and then I sank the 2nd ft & we won by 10 or so. But he was a great ball player and could have played power 5 D1 for sure.
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