This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked.

This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked.[/URL]wildcatdonf posted on 1/10/2015...
This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked. We won this game in spite of them. Who were those guys?
//////. ///////

maybe so. there's so much contact in college bball nowadays that the refs can--or not--call a foul any time if they want to. it's become way too easy for refs to control w/l margins in games. i suspect a number of refs are making big bucks in vegas. jmo
This is my 49th season of watching UK basketball. Officiating in the SEC for UK never changes. You must play good enough to over come the officiating. Coach Rupp nailed it when he said that UK gets the same officiating in the SEC home and away...Road officiating.

Biggest mistake that we ever made was not going to the ACC in 1979 when we could of.

16 more games of Road officiating then we get to play for #9
Originally posted by capnmonkey:
Lots of anticipation calls and late whistles against UK indicates to me that the refs are thinking about the call they want to make rather than the one they see.
True. They already have the call made instead of actually looking at what happened.
Originally posted by BigBlueManSouthCentralKY:
The bald headed ref got exposed on two out of bound replays he missed pretty bad. Wasn't that close that could have gone either way. Good refs against them they would have a few foul out also. They let several fouls go that almost always get called. They did let one go that we committed late that was pretty obvious but we seemed to get a lot of ticky tac fouls. Some of our drives we were fouled pretty good but they were not called.

Our guys are playing way too soft as a whole. Getting killed on the boards too many times. We are settling too often for the three. Would like to see us make a point to get people in foul trouble early. Put ourselves in positions to take the spineless refs out of the equation on the road.
Does anyone know the name of the bald headed ref that was under the UK basket in the second half? Go Cats!!
Game is getting too rough in the trenches again. That's why you are seeing 7 foot guys missing so many two foot shots. It negates our size advantage when you let 6'8 kids play that physical. It basically pretty much evens out the size difference. Last year they cleaned up the post play and didn't let the defenders lay all other people. They actually had to defend within the rules of the game.

The KT double foul is a prime example on how rough it has become. The guy was laying on top of him on the backside when the shot was in the air. The officials are not supposed to be ball watching in that situation. One of them is supposed to be watching the blockouts underneath and if he does the foul is called before it ever got to the point it did. Clean it up and make the teams adjust.

This post was edited on 1/10 7:32 PM by nodef14
I think there were a lot of no calls and/or bad calls for both teams. Always has been, was today and always will be. But the 2 calls were very questionable. The call were Harrisons foot was on the baseline was a horrible call. Got a good look at that on replay and his foot was a good 2 inches inbounds. The rebound ball off of Booker they said hit the baseline was also very questionable, but I didn't get good look on replay (on vacation, no rewind on TV). Both calls by the same ref ???
The foul they called on Towns looked like he did a 'little' push off, so that happens. The wrestle match that Towns had looked like they just got tangled up, so a double foul, well ok?? But those 2 on the baseline ????
Originally posted by UKCatnNC:

Originally posted by BigBlueManSouthCentralKY:
The bald headed ref got exposed on two out of bound replays he missed pretty bad. Wasn't that close that could have gone either way. Good refs against them they would have a few foul out also. They let several fouls go that almost always get called. They did let one go that we committed late that was pretty obvious but we seemed to get a lot of ticky tac fouls. Some of our drives we were fouled pretty good but they were not called.

Our guys are playing way too soft as a whole. Getting killed on the boards too many times. We are settling too often for the three. Would like to see us make a point to get people in foul trouble early. Put ourselves in positions to take the spineless refs out of the equation on the road.
Does anyone know the name of the bald headed ref that was under the UK basket in the second half? Go Cats!!
Think it's Brian Shey from Gainsville but not 100% for sure.
there were bad calls on both sides but IIRC, more against us. many more.
UK played uninspired early on, and reffing is always "iffy", but there were some incredibly questionable calls in this one, especially the bogus out of bounds calls which were obvious to ANYONE and EVERYONE(yes...even CK)....also two UK players had position on the last "blocking" call in regulation which allowed them to tie. yes...the calls seemed anticipated. almost as if the refs were making calls based on crowd reaction.
I'll say this. Vegas is going to get in somebody's ear, if they haven't already. They aren't going to take a several million dollar bath if they can help it.
The bald one (Brian Shey?) had the most incompetent game I've ever seen and that's no exaggeration. I'm sure there have been worse, but I can't recall it. He blew three significant calls in a span of just a few minutes, when all . . . he . . . had . . . to . . . do . . . was . . . NOTHING. Towns didn't foul and no one stepped out. Just control yourself, idiot, and try to keep up. I'm a pretty calm person, but my head nearly exploded on the second out-of-bounds.
Beyond obvious how bad they were.

At least 10 shooting fouls not called
At least two obvious out of bounds calls
Several walks and at least one carry
One out of bounds where the player didnt even throw the ball in from out of bounds (or i'm pretty sure that's what I saw)
At least 5 rebound fouls not called
Several moving picks or hedge-outs
Several pushes out of bounds and other

We got very very lucky they didn't hit their free throws!
You all are funny. You sound like the parents from the 3rd-4th grade games I was at today.

Grab a whistle and call some youth games and see what you got. Half of you couldn't do that much less HS and definately not college
Originally posted by *Bleedingblue*:
AM was hammering us and the refs would stare at em until we responded back and it was whistle time.
I loved at the end of the game where they fouled Dakari after he grabbed a missed rebound and dude was just smacking him. That should have been an intentional foul because dude was clearly just smacking and not going for the ball.
AM was very very aggressive in their D, hacking, grabbing, reaching in, over the back, pushing etc and they did not get a whistle but we got the whistle. Granted a lot of the stuff we were called for were fouls but AM was doing the same and worse.
All I want is the game to be fairly called on both ends.
I liked that towards the end of the game they called an over the back on AM when the whole game they had their saddle and spurs out on us and that over the back I wouldn't have even called. What that foul did was stop the clock and put us back on the line since at that time the clock was the enemy of AM./
Yeah, he was punching Dakari in the ribs.....piss poor refs.
You know, the more I see this since the UL game, although this has been the way other SEC teams and officials have reffed the games against UK for 40 years that I've been watching, I keep thinking this :

Since the Louisville game, and they established they could play ultra physical with the hacking and grabbing, etc. other teams saw they kept the game close and had their chance in the game. Now, everyone is going to copy what Louisville has done (this year especially so) and that is to play as physical as possible, because they know the officials won't call everything that should be called.

It's painfully apparent to me that THIS YEAR, even moreso than in years past, other teams have taken this part out of lil brother's gameplan and will be using it to the fullest. Look what it got Ole Miss and TAMU. It's going to get worse before the SEC slate is over, folks.

Every single one of those teams guards were slapping down and hacking and grabbing whenever our bigs go for or get a rebound. Same things when our guards get the ball on drives. It's an epidemic. Look at how they literally grab an arm in the crowded paint area when everyone is trying to get a rebound. Our guys are trying their best to get two hands on the ball and immediately goto a rip move to get some separation before the slapping and hacking starts. It's sad.

I wonder if Coach Cal and the coaching staff can call the officials attention to this trend BEFORE tip off (I assume they are trying / have tried repeatedly, to no avail) but they really should be putting that out there for the officials to let them know we recognize the BS that's going on. Even if it doesn't stop or reduce it, we should let them know we're seeing what's going on and are pissed off that it continues to happen. Hell, somehow get a tape to the league with a video compilation or something.

This is absolutely ruining these games. It's not basketball, it's literally wrestling and mixed martial arts out there, with a basketball and a goal as a prop.
Originally posted by bigbluemist:
You all are funny. You sound like the parents from the 3rd-4th grade games I was at today.

Grab a whistle and call some youth games and see what you got. Half of you couldn't do that much less HS and definately not college
I don't have to be a chef to know a bad meal and I don't have to be a tailor to know a bad suit and I don't have to be a ref to know those refs sucked
Caruso had come down out-of-bounds before he threw the ball off a Kentucky player also. Mostly the out-of-bounds stuff got me as really, really awful. The replays showed every one of them wrong. Three possesions are huge in close games.
Here's my two cents worth. On the phantom out of bounds calls.
They were NOT out of bounds soooo why would you call it unless.... you have some type of agenda to do so?
I mean if your not sure if he went out you dont call it period. And the one wasnt even close.I mean he was at least a foot inbounds.
That tells me you have pre determined to call anything close or marginal against us. I've never once thought the refs were crooked until today. Now even I have my doubts.
Looks like from reading this thread that we have many qualified people on here to become officials. We would no doubt go 40-0 if we could get them certified .
I agree, but if we get out and stay in the lead by the point spread these crap calls seem insignificant. A&M fans knew a couple were bad calls for sure. You could see their reaction when the whistle went against us. And those 'out of bounds' plays were replayed over and over for everyone to see.
They should spend some of that SEC TV money to hire some competent officials. Vegas stands to lose a lot of money if we go undefeated. Some of these calls makes me wonder if some of these refs are getting paid to try and see it doesn't happen.
Originally posted by tdjohnsky:
Looks like from reading this thread that we have many qualified people on here to become officials. We would no doubt go 40-0 if we could get them certified .
NO, that's you putting up your opinion about this thread. It's about getting the DAMN CALLS RIGHT, which these officials blew in ABUNDANCE today. What do you expect on a message board after a horribly officiated game like this that had terrible no calls and horrid calls made on BOTH SIDES all day long ? It's utterly laughable you obviously can't agree with much of what's been said here, and that the vast majority of us on the board recognize as piss poor officiating that's ruining games.

If you don't like reading what's being talked about here in this thread about a great many of the calls, and the debate that's going back and forth, then don't read it - and certainly don't post your crass and cynical opinion in it, we simply don't need it. Simply resist the urge to post here if you've nothing useful to add.

What this thread is about is that there are a good deal many posters here that can rewind the DVR and rewatch it to spot & confirm what was already seen (and remembered) as the obvious BS calls made by those officials. Just get the calls right and make the game as fairly called as possible. They didn't do that.
The out of bounds calls made twice by same ref should be reviewed by league...this guy should lose a few assignments over this. This team doesn't need any help looking bad.
Officiating basketball has to be the most difficult of all the sports.

Honestly, I blame coaches for a lot of it. Not the missed out of bounds calls of course, but the ridiculous physical play that has taken over the sport. Holding. Bumping dribblers off their path to the basket. Endless hand checking and pushing. Hell, some coaches have their guards hand checking and playing physical basketball as soon as the ball crosses the time line. I don't even know how officials decide on how to make calls in the low post. Their seem to be fouls on every possession.

As far as today goes, it definitely felt like one of those days where the calls weren't going our way. I'm sure UK opponents feel that way all the time though
. And it isn't like officials are always out to get Kentucky or something. So far this season, UK has MADE (247) almost as many free throws as our opponents have attempted (249).

One call I didnt see mentioned. I cant remember if it was just a warning or a foul but the bs when Andrew had fallen underneath the basket after a UK score and is trying to get up when the A&M player is going to inbound and he gives a shoulder shove to Andrew and the ref is all over Andrew on delaying the game.

Just a complete joke of officiating.
This post was edited on 1/10 10:49 PM by m080470
Some of the most obvious out of bounds calls were made. Clearly in bounds but called out. WTF?

That's just a small sample.

Blind refs or bribed refs. Take your pick.
Originally posted by wildcatdonf:
This refereeing crew was incompetent or crooked. We won this game in spite of them. Who were those guys?
Good Grief, wildcatdonf, one of them, and the one that seemed to always
be making the bad call was the infamous Tony Green. I guess you have to expect some bad calls at an away game, but it is astounding how often that situation is accompanied by the presence of Tony Green.
I don't like to complain about officiating going one way and that's not what this is....This is about the overall inconsistency in the sport overall. Why is a simple body check by Aaron Harrison a foul but when trey lyles absolutely destroys a guy after blocking a shot there is no foul? How was towns called for his double foul and his fifth foul? He barely nudged the guy and he was leaning that way anyway. A&M took the ball out twice without actually stepping over the line. 2 other times a guy's foot was on the line and one time the ref saw it blew the whistle and made them inbound it again. How was Caruso not out when he saved the ball but Andrew was out and then booker was out? What about booker's and 1 where the guy took a swipe at his face? Any other game that's reviewed. What about the end of the game when Roberson was filling dakari and clearly punched him twice in the ribs? What about when Caruso was fouled by booker and no call but ulis brushed by they ole miss player and there was a foul? These inconsistencies are getting worse and worse and they usually come in road conference games in hostile environments and makes them impossible to enjoy. Notice when unc plays Ohio state in Chicago not so bad officiating but when Virginia plays nc state the officiating will cater to the crowd and be inconsistent and chippy. The nba doesn't have these problems and neither do women's college basketball....Why does men's college basketball? To keep parody? Vegas lines? Tv suspense and ratings? All of the above?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by UKcatfan92:

Definitely incompetent. My good friend swears up & down that the Ole Miss crew was making some extra change.

It appears that fouls are only called when........well, I'm really not sure why they decide to call a particular foul when the 5 previous similar incidents weren't called.
You honestly cant be serious. The officials won us that game in the end
Originally posted by ukfan79:

Originally posted by CATS1945:
Did you see the call when Harrison was going out of bounds and they ruled his foot on the line - which it clearly wasn't.

Another bad call by refs.
What happened to reviewing the plays the last 2 minutes of regulation and in overtime?
Welp here come the ref apologists that have never ever objectively critiqued the officials because they think they are above reproach. These bend over and take it people are the reason refs suck today and are ruining the game.
Brian Shey missed all the blatant calls. The Towns play was just inexcusable. Officiating as a whole just keeps getting worse as the years go on.
Originally posted by WildMoon:
how about flagrant foul? Booker got PUNCHED in the face going up for lay up....

two out of bounds, push shove on andrew that end up being out of bound.
Don't know if it was flagrant or not, but not to even go to the monitor was ridiculous. They went to the monitor on Dakari's "elbow" and this was real contact.
Originally posted by bigbluemist:
You all are funny. You sound like the parents from the 3rd-4th grade games I was at today.

Grab a whistle and call some youth games and see what you got. Half of you couldn't do that much less HS and definately not college
I took that challenge over 20 years ago and still referee high school and middle school 5-6 nights a week!
after I watch a college game like yesterday, I lose sense of what a foul is.
there is so much missed or made-up in the college game, it's controlled by officials too much!
i do know that each official and crew are graded by the assigner after each game, they watch film of the game and "supposedly" comment as a crew about the game. I do know also, that some of them can still justify making the calls they do even though the replay shows different.
There is a limited number of officials that are willing to do what it takes to be a high D-1 college official, so we get what we get.
The only way an official can lose his position is to perform a "Karl Hess" and somehow disrespect the association you are in.
Assigners have that roster and even though they are looking for new talent to bring in, they are not willing to put that new talent on a Kentucky-tAm game.
i watch officials anymore, because I want to see where the calls are made and why that official made that call. Yeah they seem to miss a lot yesterday! And I do hope they reviewed the film before they left Texas yesterday.
i will say that if I were 20 years younger, I'd give the college thing another go....
Originally posted by BigBlueManSouthCentralKY:
Originally posted by UKCatnNC:

Originally posted by BigBlueManSouthCentralKY:
The bald headed ref got exposed on two out of bound replays he missed pretty bad. Wasn't that close that could have gone either way. Good refs against them they would have a few foul out also. They let several fouls go that almost always get called. They did let one go that we committed late that was pretty obvious but we seemed to get a lot of ticky tac fouls. Some of our drives we were fouled pretty good but they were not called.

Our guys are playing way too soft as a whole. Getting killed on the boards too many times. We are settling too often for the three. Would like to see us make a point to get people in foul trouble early. Put ourselves in positions to take the spineless refs out of the equation on the road.
Does anyone know the name of the bald headed ref that was under the UK basket in the second half? Go Cats!!
Think it's Brian Shey from Gainsville but not 100% for sure.
Thanks BigBlueManSouthCentralKy. That official is a joke and should be run out of officiating. Go Cats!!
Originally posted by bigbluemist:
You all are funny. You sound like the parents from the 3rd-4th grade games I was at today.

Grab a whistle and call some youth games and see what you got. Half of you couldn't do that much less HS and definately not college
You are probably correct; however, I say that most of us could do a better job than Brian Shey did. Go Cats!!
I hardly ever complain about the officiating perhaps because at one time I played the game and you learn to control your emotions and expect the bad calls along with the good. But one thing that bugs me, and it is always overlooked, is how many players either aren't out of bounds, or are standing on the line when they inbound the ball after a made basket. If the refs were watching for it, they could call it multiple times a game. But they never do.
To ask a "non zebra" to grab a whistle and give it a go----total nonsense. But, a PROFESSIONAL zebra shoud make cals that are obvious, ignore calling out of bounds when it does not occur, and NEVER make a call based on "ANTICIPATION"!!

Just call what occurs and stop demonstrating bias, cheating and thievery.

If a zebra is not capable of calling a game as it happens, without intervening to HELP a team or CHEAT another team, then said zebra is not qualified and should be FIRED--from all basketball.

Yes, zebras are humans--and that includes the biases, cheating and support for some and disdain for others. What we watched in the TAM game was blatant CHEATING---bogus calls that did not exist, and ridiculous calls like the horse back ride of Towns.

to defend such blatant pathetic zebra "work" is to accept cheating by those charged with the responsibility to "REFEREE" the game. I don't want to be a zebra, nor do I want to be a garbage collector--but I know a poor job when I see it. When garbage is strew around the garbage man route--he does not care AND SHOULD BE FIRE--I don't want his job.

Same with a pathetic incompetent or cheating zebra--FIRE him--and I don't want his job either.

To defend what transpired in the TAM game is to accept mediocrity, or more likely to accept CHEATING.

I have a question for the referees on here. Do you agree with the fans who say you should expect bad calls on the road? To me a foul is a foul and a turnover is a turnover is a turnover no matter where the game is being played. I think some fans have accepted the fact that bad calls on the road are just part of the game and that's not the way it should be.